8459M M M M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 RESOLUTION NO. 8,459 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT BIDS AND AWARD CONTRACTS FOR JANITORIAL SERVICES FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES; AND FUEL AND AEROSOL PRODUCTS FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES /FLEET SERVICES DIVISION. 102 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: SECTION 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized to accept bids and award contracts for the following: 1. to O. J.'s Enterprises in an amount not to exceed $48,331.69, an annual contract for janitorial services for city owned buildings for the Department of General Services. 2. to various companies as shown in the tabulation attached as Exhibit A, in an amount not to exceed $636,428, a contract for the purchase of unleaded and diesel fuel for the Department of General Services Fleet Services Division. 3. to Genuine Parts Company, in an amount not to exceed $20,727.84, a contract for the purchase of aerosol products for the Department of General Services /Fleet Services Division. ADOPTED: March 5, 1991 APPROVED AS TO FORM: ACTING CITY A. ...*i -� OR ; Q 6- PURCHASING FACT SHEET M M M 103 BID NO: C91008 DATE OPENED: Feb. 8, 1991 DEPARTMENT: General Services DESCRIPTION: Janitorial Services FUNDING: General - ACCOUNT NUMBER: 100- 214 -1410- 6081(99) APPROPRIATION OR TRANSFER REQUIRED: None ACCOUNT AVAILABILITY: $ 50,276.00 AMOUNT OF PURCHASE: $ 48,331.69 SUGGESTED AWARDEE: O. J.'s Enterprises N. Little Rock, AR RECOMMENDATION AND DISCUSSION: It is recommended that the low bid submitted by 0. J. 's Enterprises be accepted. Last years contract was for $46,189. It is also recommended that this contract if mutually acceptable be extended for two additional years with City Manager's approval. The terms of this bid would allow a maximum 2% increase for each additional year. Q4 6-1 BID #: C91008 DEPARTMENT: General Services DESCRIPTION: Janitorial Services TABUATION 0. J.'s Enterprises I.S.S. Allied Maintenance Service Professionals American Building Maint T.N.T. ($48,331.69) 64,714.60 68,651.04 79,177.24 84,430.00 127,302.00 104. R `/b /3-3 y I• PURCHASING FACT SHEET • ii � r BID NO: C91001 DATE OPENED: Jan. 29, 1990 DEPARTMENT: General Services - Fleet Services DESCRIPTION: Fuel FUNDING: Fleet Internal Service Fund ACCOUNT NUMBER: 600- 214 - 6030 - (6031) -9201 APPROPRIATION OR TRANSFER REQUIRED: None ACCOUNT AVAILABILITY: $ 666,787 AMOUNT OF PURCHASE: $ 636,428 (Estimated) SUGGESTED AWARDEE: See Tabulation RECOMMENDATION AND DISCUSSION: it is recommended that the low bid for each item be accepted. This contract contains an escalation clause which allows for flucuating prices. The rack price must always be verified with Fleet Services before an increase is allowed and the profit is fixed for the item of the contract. The most current rate paid was .81 /gallon for unleaded regular and .83 /gallon for diesel. It is also recommended that if mutually acceptable this contract be extended for an additional year if approved by the City Manager. BID #: C91001 DEPARTMENT: General Services - Fleet Services DESCRIPTION: Fuel TABULATION 1. Unleaded Regular Gasoline (460,000 gallons estimated) Petroleum Traders (.7978 gal.) Downen Oil .8445 Satterfied Oil .8590 Coulson Oil .8595 Oynx Petroleum .8630 Malvern Petroleum .8645 Fuelman .8845 Louis Dreyfus Energy .9637 106 2. Diesel Type II (320,000 Gallons Estimated) Petroleum Traders .8185 gal. Downen Oil (.8420) AwAa A 1.v vi rfnc nF ArIe. . DroFero..ro Coulson Oil .8530 Satterfield Oil .8550 Fuelman .8780 • Oynx Petroleum .8790 Malvern Petroleum .8875 Louis Dreyfus Energy 1.0043 r; 3 -7 • • 107 PURCHASING FACT SHEET BID NO: C91002 DATE OPENED: January 23, 1991 DEPARTMENT: General Services - Fleet DESCRIPTION: Aerosol Products FUNDING: Fleet Internal Service Fund ACCOUNT NUMBER: 600- 214 -6030- (6033) -9201 APPROPRIATION OR TRANSFER REQUIRED: None ACCOUNT AVAILABILITY: $666,787.00 AMOUNT OF PURCHASE: $20,727.84 SUGGESTED AWARDEE: Genuine Parts Co. Little Rock, AR RECOMMENDATION AND DISCUSSION: It is recommended that the award be given to Genuine Parts Co. as the all or none low bidder. Zep, TLC, Darragh and Bidall submitted partial bids, not bidding all or none as Fleet Services has requested. /Z 4(' 6 -8 - 108 Bid # C91002 Department: General Services Fleet Description: Aerosol Products Tabulation Genuine Parts Co. ($20,727.84) Datek 21,627.84 Crow Burlingame 31,650.84 Zep Incomplete TLC Incomplete Darragh Incomplete Bidall Incomplete 2U6 13-9