8458RESOLUTION NO. 8,458 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE OFFERING OF UP TO $4,000,000 CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 9 -1 -1 EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1991 (THE "BONDS"); APPROVING THE FORM OF OFFICIAL NOTICE OF SALE, OFFICIAL BID FORM, AND PRELIMINARY OFFICIAL STATEMENT; AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER MATTERS IN CONNECTION WITH THE ISSUANCE OF THE BONDS. WHEREAS, on February 5, 1991, the Board of Directors of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas (the "City ") approved Resolution No. 8,444 authorizing the preparation of the documents for the offering and sale of the City's Special Revenue Bonds (9 -1 -1 Public Safety Communications Center Project), Series 1991, pursuant to the provisions of Act No. 683 of 1985, as amended (Arkansas Code Annotated Section 12 -10 -301, et sue.); and WHEREAS, the City has approved a contract by and between the City and Motorola, Inc. for the acquisition and installation of equipment and technical advice to enhance the City's 9 -1 -1 Emergency Communications System; and WHEREAS, upon the advice of the City Manager and City Treasurer, the Board of Directors is now prepared to authorize the offering of the Bonds for sale, and to approve the sale documentation, as described hereinafter. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Bonds shall be designated the "City Of Little Rock, Arkansas Emergency Communications System Revenue Bonds, Series 1991" (the "Bonds "). Up to $4,000,000 of the Bonds shall be offered for sale on sealed bids, and at such time as may be approved by the City Treasurer and Director of Finance (the "Treasurer "), at the offices of the City, City Hall, 500 W. Markham, Little Rock, Arkansas 72201, or at such other location as iZ�l6 • 101 Treasurer. At such time and place, the Mayor and the Treasurer shall meet to receive the bids, and are hereby authorized to accept the bid in the name of the City if, in their discretion, they shall determine so to do. SECTION 2. The forms of the Official Notice of Sale and the Official Bid Form, substantially in the forms exhibited to and before the Board of Directors at the meeting at which this Resolution is adopted, are hereby approved. SECTION 3. The form of Preliminary Official Statement, substantially in the form exhibited to and before the Board of Directors at the meeting at which this Resolution is adopted, is hereby approved. SECTION 4. The Treasurer shall cause to be published in newspapers in the City of New York, New York, and in Little Rock, Arkansas, within the time provided by law, a Notice of Sale of the Bonds, substantially in the form exhibited to the meeting at which this Resolution is adopted. SECTION 5. The Treasurer, after consultation with Bond Counsel, is hereby authorized to distribute the Official Notice of Sale, Official Bid Form, and Preliminary Official Statement to prospective bidders for the Bonds, in substantially the form submitted to this meeting, with such changes and modifications as the Treasurer shall deem appropriate. SECTION 6. The Treasurer is authorized to take such other action, and to approve such other documents as is, in his judgement, necessary or appropriate in order to provide for the sale of the Bonds, on the date specified, and accomplish the intent of this Resolution. ADOPTED: March 5, 1991 ATTEST: kI /r Q a4A_& ROBBIE HANCOCK, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: TOM CARPENTER, ACTING UCJLTX ATTORNEY SA� &-� `SHARON PRIEST, MAYOR 06