84571 RESOLUTION NO. 8.457 v - 91 2 3 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER 4 TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH MOTOROLA FOR THE PURCHASE OF AN 800 MEGAHERTZ TRUNKED 5 RADIO SYSTEM AND RELATED EQUIPMENT, IN 6 SUBSTANTIALLY THE SAME FORM AS ATTACHED; 7 TO SET A PUBLIC FEARING ON THE PROPOSED 8 ,9 -1 -1- PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATION CENTER PROJECT BOND ISSUE PURSUANT TO ARKANSAS 9 CODE ANNOTATED §19 -9 -601 ET SEQ.; AND 10 FOR OTHER PURPOSES. 11 12 WH MEAS, the Board of Directors authorized the City Manager 13 in Resolution No. 8,444 (February 5, 1991) to negotiate and execute a contract with Motorola, Inc. for the purchase of an 14 800 Megahertz Trunked Radio System and Related Equipment for the 15 enhancement of the City's 9 -1 -1 Emergency Communications System; 16 and 17 WHEREAS, the City Manager has negotiated such Agreement 18 which is attached as Exhibit 1 to this Resolution; and WHEREAS, such Agreement will be partially financed from the 19 Sale of Special Revenue Bonds of the City pursuant to Arkansas 20 Statutes Annotated §19 -9 -601 et seq. which require the Board of 21 Directors to hold a public hearing prior to the issuance 22 thereof. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF 23 THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: 24 SECTION 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized to 25 execute an agreement with Motorola, Inc., in substantially the 26 same form as presented herein as Exhibit 1 to this Resolution. 27 SECTION 2. The City Manager is further authorized to execute said Agreement with such modification and alteration as 28 he deems necessary in order to effect the purpose for which the 29 Agreement is approved. 30 SECTION 3. Pursuant to the Revenue Bond Act of 1987 31 codified as Ark. Code Ann. §19 -9 -601 et seq., a public hearing 32 on the Special Revenue Bond issue to partially finance the 800 Megahertz Communications System is called for April 2, 1991, at 33 6:00 p.m. at such location as may be designated by City Manager. 34 SECTION 4. This resolution is supplemental to LRR 8,444 35 which set this process in motion. 36 k4 q- S 1 SECTION S. All ordinances, resolutions or portions thereof 92 2 in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. 3 SECTION 6. This resolution shall be in full force and A effect from and after the date of its approval. ADOPTED: March 5, 1991 ATTEST: ROBBIE HANCOCW, CITY CLERK "PROVED AS �Tf TO FORM: FORM: .KGB IV %mil - eA(- XHUMAS M. CARPENTAK ACTING CITY ATTORNEY FA Uzi • R �� A -(, • ® Exhibit 1 COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM AGREEMENT 93- THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of , 1991, by and between Motorola Communications and Electronics, Inc., an Illinois corporation, hereinafter referred to as "MOTOROLA" or "Seller," and CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, hereinafter referred to as "Purchaser." WITNESSETH• WHEREAS, the PURCHASER desires to purchase a Communications System; and WHEREAS, MOTOROLA desires to sell a Communications System; and THEREFORE, the parties hereby enter into an agreement pursuant to which MOTOROLA shall perform the work and furnish the equipment and services as more fully set forth herein and in the following exhibits, which are either attached hereto or incorporated by reference and hereby made a part of this Agreement: Exhibit A, PURCHASER's Specifications including Addenda 1, 2 and 3. Exhibit B, MOTOROLA Proposal and Equipment List dated October 29, 1990. Exhibit C, MOTOROLA General Provisions dated January 1987 consisting of nine (9) pages and nineteen (19) sections. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, the parties agree as follows: SECTION 1 STATEMENT OF WORK A. MOTOROLA shall furnish all of the equipment as outlined in Exhibit B, and provide such tools, supplies, labor and supervision necessary for the installation for those items purchased to be installed as detailed in Exhibit B for a Communications System. 1 A7 94 B. PURCHASER shall in addition to responsibilities described elsewhere in this Agreement perform the following coincident with the performance of this Agreement: 1. Provide a designated Project Director. 2. Provide ingress and egress to PURCHASER's facilities and /or sites as requested by MOTOROLA and have such facilities available for installation of the equipment to be installed. 3. Provide adequate telephone lines for the installation and operation of the equipment. 4. Provide adequate AC Power at 117 VAC ± 10 %, 60 Hz for the installation and operation of the equipment. SECTION 2 SITES A. This agreement is predicated on the utilization of sites and site configurations, which have been selected either by the PURCHASER or by Motorola as contained in the MOTOROLA proposal. In either situation, should it be determined by either MOTOROLA or PURCHASER during the course of performance on this Agreement that the sites or configuration selected are no longer available or desired, new or replacement sites or configuration will be selected and approved by both MOTOROLA and the PURCHASER. B. If any price adjustments are necessary as a result of these new or replacement sites, such price adjustments will be added to this Agreement by change order in accordance with Section 4 of the General Provisions. SECTION 3 PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE A. MOTOROLA shall complete the work within 540 calendar days after notice to proceed has been given by the City of Little Rock in accordance with the schedule of installation provided as part of their bid proposal. Provided that, notwithstanding any provision of the Agreement or bid package, the City has the absolute unilateral right to terminate the Agreement for any reason at any time prior to having given notice to proceed. 2 ��6 B. Whenever MOTOROLA knows or reasonably should know that any actual or potential condition due to circumstances beyond its control is delaying or threatens to delay the timely performance of the work, MOTOROLA shall within thirty (30) days give PURCHASER notice thereof and may request an extension of time to perform the work. C. In order to successfully integrate and implement this project, shipments will be made F.O.B. Destination local MOTOROLA staging facilities, warehousing facilities, or any combination thereof. D. It is also agreed that equipment shipping dates reflected in this agreement or in MOTOROLA proposals are estimates only, and that shipment may be made at any time prior to, or subsequent to these estimated shipping dates. SECTION 4 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA A. MOTOROLA will submit an Acceptance Test Plan (ATP), which demonstrates system performance in accordance with the specifications contained herein, thirty (30) days prior to the commencement of the system test. The PURCHASER will then have fifteen (15) days within which to approve, conditionally approve or disapprove the proposed ATP. Approval of the ATP will be assumed by MOTOROLA in the absence of notifications otherwise. The successful completion of the ATP to the satisfaction of purchaser will be the sole criterion for system acceptance. B. Should the Purchaser commence use of the system or any sub - system thereof for their intended purposes, other than for the express purposes of training or testing, prior to system acceptance, final payment for said system or sub - system shall be due net thirty (30) days. The warranty or maintenance periods for such equipment put into use, unless warranty or maintenance has already begun, shall be deemed to have commenced concurrently with the use of the equipment for its intended purpose. The use of the equipment for its intended purpose shall be deemed to have occurred when the PURCHASER commences to use and rely primarily on the equipment for its communications. Exception to the above is if the Purchaser determines that Purchaser's use of equipment is at the request of and of benefit tc Motorola, Inc. BI 95 P-4<o A -q 96 C. Upon notification by MOTOROLA that the system is available for acceptance testing, it is agreed that should the acceptance testing of the system or any sub - system thereof be delayed for reasons beyond MOTOROLA's control, that final payment for the sub- system or system shall become due net thirty (30) days and warranty or maintenance shall commence upon notice to PURCHASER by MOTOROLA. SECTION 5 PAYMENT SCHEDULE A. MOTOROLA agrees to sell all of the equipment and perform the services as outlined in the Statement of Work and in Exhibit B, and PURCHASER agrees to buy the aforementioned equipment and services for a sum of four million nine hundred thirty two thousand four hundred eighty nine dollars ($4,932,489) plus applicable state and local taxes. B. The PURCHASER shall make payments to MOTOROLA as follows: 1. 10% upon notice to proceed. 2. 60% upon delivery of equipment. 3. 20% upon installation of fixed equipment. 4. 10% upon acceptance by the City of Little Rock. C. In the event of failure or delay by the PURCHASER in providing sites, space, approvals, licenses, or any other PURCHASER obligations required preceding delivery of MOTOROLA equipment, it is agreed that MOTOROLA, at its sole discretion, may ship equipment as planned and that the PURCHASER will accept the equipment and make payment in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Any additional costs incurred by MOTOROLA for storage of equipment will be invoiced and paid by PURCHASER. SECTION 6 PROJECT MANAGEMENT A. MOTOROLA will assign a Project Manager, who is authorized to exercise technical direction of this project with concurrence of the City's representative. MOTOROLA, at any time, may designate a new or alternate Project Manager in accordance with the provisions of the bid specification. 4 k/,16 -10 B. All matters affecting the terms of this Agreement or the administration thereof shall be referred to MOTOROLA'S cognizant Contract Administrator who shall have authority to negotiate changes in or amendments to this Agreement on behalf of MOTOROLA, Inc. SECTION 7 NOTICE OF ADDRESSES A. MOTOROLA COMMUNICATIONS AND ELECTRONICS, INC. 1301 EAST ALGONQUIN ROAD SH -4 SCHAUMBURG, ILLINOIS 60196 ATTN: CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT B. PURCHASER CITY OF LITTLE ROCK 500 WEST MARKHAM LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201 ATTN: MR. NATHANIEL W. HILL SECTION 8 ORDER OF PRECEDENCE In the event of an inconsistency in this Agreement, the inconsistency shall be resolved by reference to the following documents in the following order: 1. This Agreement. 2. Exhibit A, PURCHASER's Specifications including Addenda 1, 2 and 3. 3. Exhibit B, MOTOROLA Proposal and Equipment List dated October 29, 1990. 4. Exhibit C, MOTOROLA General Provisions, dated January 1987 consisting of nine (9) pages and nineteen (19) sections. SECTION 9 SEVERABILITY If any portion of this Agreement or any exhibits hereto is held to be invalid, such provision shall be considered severable, and the remainder of this Agreement or any provision hereof shall not be affected. 5 97 RV� A- I( SECTION 10 HEADINGS AND SECTION REFERENCES The headings given to the paragraphs herein are inserted only for convenience and are in no way to be construed as part of this Agreement or as a limitation of the scope of the particular paragraph to which the heading refers. SECTION 11 FULL AGREEMENT A. This Agreement and Exhibits hereto constitute the final expression of the agreement of the parties and supersedes all previous agreements and understandings, whether written or oral, relating to the work. B. This Agreement may not be altered, amended, or modified except by written instrument signed by the duly authorized representatives of both parties. SECTION 12 CONDITION OF AGREEMENT A. MOTOROLA acknowledges and accepts that the parties' performance of this Agreement is absolutely conditioned upon the Purchaser's successful sale of Special Revenue Bonds and compliance with statutory and constitutional provisions of the State of Arkansas. Purchaser reserves the right to cancel this Agreement without penalty if the proposed Bond financing fails to materialize for whatever reason, or if any other statutory or constitutional provision prohibits Purchaser from performing under this Agreement. B. Should Purchaser terminate the Agreement pursuant to this section, the maximum extent of its liability shall be the cost of.any equipment accepted by the City and utilized pursuant to this AGREEMENT. SECTION 13 JURISDICTION This Agreement shall be.governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Arkansas. 9 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives as of this last day and year written below. City of Little Rock By: Nathaniel W. Hill Director of General Services Date Signed Earl Paul Deputy City Manager Date Signed 1FA Motorola Communications & Electronics, Inc. By: Name T Date Signed ss P- g6