05-30-1918777 Yr bittlt Rnck, Ark. M av 30, 191s. 1%4 (N)"Anctl 00"vortad In rtgul4r VOxA'fM 90YOr t" rho F, Twor t ti Edson, Hgrper, Leiner, Pil,holmer, F F U'ay* Y"wrg#14. Kirtom, tt 11 ng h#virA 4 quorum prostnt the Miputoos of tit* provioutt j j:. Caqnoll prosy at# Ool,9e, flit soA to numh*r mio more 'thom two-th.'Irds Or 411 ths raotbors of' *Ad #40vt#d upon hie 1"tigh. I IF bittlt Rnck, Ark. M av 30, 191s. 1%4 (N)"Anctl 00"vortad In rtgul4r VOxA'fM 90YOr t" rho F, Twor t ti Edson, Hgrper, Leiner, Pil,holmer, F F U'ay* Y"wrg#14. Kirtom, tt 11 ng h#virA 4 quorum prostnt the Miputoos of tit* provioutt j j:. wort rtftO ftn4 apprvvod wvi t o rol.lowillp,, proc'madinjoe, had. 4^rp, that tho MI'lot b# 9,111pendod Rnd thm, first amtnd- MOW" or tho vois frannh1vo bo Otinoldorel'. W30h sxOmrds%ont *%m roO for thot !'Irst, tivi nra by ull4nimous 0 noing 101ftoon In num-bor nnd vore than two 'r v,*fOti#rx or the, vounoil oleo was reaO the s000n(l timl *dot #4 UPOA motion of' Aldorm,#t Harper. 1%44r, ",Ohdment provides "ThAt ths fo'rfolturo of the aftid bond Shall not verve an it rorfol-,ur* of t IK rronam one g,000pt tn h6 nald, r'noh r* is o to r - **Ift 10 M111 fart'* *dd WAOt for, tho tor* of fjv# y0ars ^nd undor tho aanditiops VIV,0- vinot's horfln abovs, UPOO motion of' Alclormxn H*14por ths stoond ondotnt, wf,4ich PrOvIdod for t ht OvA I t I nf, f'r Oft I h t # t-sation olght the words, of loss t hkn' t y (PO) O'O'he#11 1 ho Irtrat tliso runeg by unanimous voto of all ths raomhers of th# prosy at# Ool,9e, flit soA to numh*r mio more 'thom two-th.'Irds Or 411 ths raotbors of' *Ad #40vt#d upon hie 1"tigh. I IF