05-15-1918Po 13, 191S, hn SAITRAL, IS THR CITY 0111 LITZE ROCK An im INNARTUNTS THERROP, ANn PlYTOn TIR 74304 Way 15. 141fl. CONDITIONS, RATES, FITS; ., 01 IMU PRA nRAXIM 01ph ordinance was read for the first time anp upon motion or Alderman Harper rererred �V to the Public' Utilities Committee and City AtOrney. Wan Txgrig asked that the Ohlef of Polloo be Ingtruoted to investigato Alderman Smith then presented an ardlannon entitled., AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE A RECORD OF DISEASES AWNG ANIMMS TO PPMANT THP: UAW) OPF tj Ordtannosq; nISMASES AMONG AMALS AM) ROR OTTINR PVI?POSR "33. POT 0:04 IV! Sna PsurttOntht also tho nouLhWent clarner or Firtmenth and Spring Streets, ataling that WhLob ordInanan was read for the first time and upon aim motion re form Lo thp Board or health. All N00 Aldorman Smith then presented an ordlasnon entiLlydi IXP IVA AN ORMANCE l�'XTIEN111116 JIM STOCK 14 TO THF PIESENT CITY LIMITS AVID Vk*? O 1 R PUR- Ordlua asup )0treet. lob ordinance Was read for the r1rat time and by unanimous rate or all the members or botumen Hint% and Tenth, Wrtmenth and Pourteenth, were not only unaQhtly but were I the Council prosont, being tirteen to number and more than two,tilrds or oil tho wamborn inhabi-tod by undosirthie tonant, ao it thome b inga o0uld be removed it would -jr th 0 Counall also%. the rules wvre suspended and tho urdinance read the *snood time oarvo tx* purposoa, dry $$ tho uhtor of Polio* was so justruoted to investigate# 100 Rp and upon motlen or AldormvAn Uttespay was rorarred to tho Board or mosith Aldorman Wod that tho attontion of tho Chi& of Polio o he dirootod to an the slahth Ward* old butldlng at 101P Gaines, which he stated was In an unsafe and unsanitary condition Alderana &Asy asked that the Police Committee investigate one report be*% kand noitionct .1 4 - , at the next meeting what sutan might be put into arran with t6gard to tho impound- gmen maji at ins or saimais in the Esitt ond or town, SWINJ Mt be had had wwrouv 6",Pwnts a- fi f, Out 00we and harees running at Jorge, camp nks to too arroot that the Talophone Company was over-ahargIng for servine rrom ALderman 8trespay then proulaild gn 1polgA SAO* entitledt 10 08015ANCK PLACINQ A MCRY88 UPON W0440yosm t�x XMIONS "SROOP* AXO POO, �ftjta Po Way 15. 141fl. oonors repair the hulldlngn or havo thom torn down. Wan Txgrig asked that the Ohlef of Polloo be Ingtruoted to investigato the conditions an Spring Street between pit%% and Sixth, Ninth and Tenth, Thirteenth 401d Bldg POT 0:04 IV! Sna PsurttOntht also tho nouLhWent clarner or Firtmenth and Spring Streets, ataling that On sprin, All N00 IXP IVA those building* *or* utsafo, unsightly And 1h a did apidated. and that the buildings )0treet. botumen Hint% and Tenth, Wrtmenth and Pourteenth, were not only unaQhtly but were inhabi-tod by undosirthie tonant, ao it thome b inga o0uld be removed it would oarvo tx* purposoa, dry $$ tho uhtor of Polio* was so justruoted to investigate# Aldorman Wod that tho attontion of tho Chi& of Polio o he dirootod to an "Old BLdR old butldlng at 101P Gaines, which he stated was In an unsafe and unsanitary condition K, 1012 kand requested at Lho owner be required to repair or tear down nami, Gaines F3, Alderman Tuaboy ntatod that he had Mw some oomptaints rrom the soldiers at Complain camp nks to too arroot that the Talophone Company was over-ahargIng for servine rrom >y set- 7ndlerp on Commit Pike to bittle Rook. on If then* eamplaints were true. that the COUn011 Ought t0 it ever-abg for We go an reaerd and Le Investigate ony and all sets or prontsering where the soldiers of tho Salted States Army or* asneerned. and Psked LhSt the P0110 11011tIGN committee In as Alaproto Herpor, ChajrMan of the P0110 0WILISS COMMILtSO, xtated that he WM.01 call %he publia ottISSIOX Committal %*gwther at any tims Le consider this props- whonot wit Nk War Sm W ine x1ftes, and that they would like to most In conjumetten With, the War Service Board t* Board, 66noldor ' s tat4d t%pt bo was a mombar or the war Service ada A! 0~4. moo to She absynes or bis ChairmAn. Mr. PUY ThO14P66110 he WOUld 10MI W P0110 utilition COM011101 to most wii,% %ho *&to 50srd Adninday week at twelve o'clock. mayor laptop asked t4st the Pity Attorney InjoutIgSto and man ir the city 0 11 V AM 40 to moo I Po 00 :V5 POT 0:04 IV! ar All N00 IXP IVA br rt how a latery r;j to in the rosplatlyp of pay and All priasn't and te.ropert book it ohm Anto Aw 1AN 010040anaUs bholft,41:141m presented* spot votioN or Al.,dor*"`� Tue)%*y 'ths NOW,, STAY vow" A'v Mn T ­t WRA I- Wall Owl M ... .. .... . d Kati 4i NAN _ 0 is! Now "Zo Min 1 VMF Ndll 3, 6 I lea 16*1 Am As Not 11 on I A too W VNIZAMR110=0 Ann 4R, ... I MM- 5