05-10-1915 (2)council C If Baer, J,,_ttle Rook, irk,, 'I i i Ord. 2187. 1:1 AN ORDINANCE TO AM9ND ORDINANCE NO. 2149, SO AS TO Al-J) OW PUBIJC TAXTCAW',3' TO Amending STAND ON THE NORTH SIDE OF SECOND STREET IN FRONT OF THE MERC11A!-VNS 110TEf, BETWEEN 1,40UTR31- IANA AND CENTER STREETS, NOT CLOSER THAN FIFTY FEET AF)ART. Ord. #2149 -ianimou vot of All the mmmberl&!L Which ordinance was read the first time; and by ui 8 of the council present, being 14 in number, and more than two tUrds (if All the mernbers of the council elect, the rules were suspended and the ordinance read the smoond time; ff and by unanimous vote of all the members of the council present, b°ing 14 in number, aria; more than. two thirds of all the members of the council elect, the ruLrati wmrf* suspended I again and the ordinance read the third and last time; and the yea and nay vote being, then taken upon the question, " Shall the ordinance pass", and the roll 'then being calla {j the following Aldermen voted " Aye ", Harper, McCain, beiser, Daniel, Smith, Le on, Younger, Ginoochio, Duttlinger, Frank, Black, Adama, 13riokhouse, and Powers, total Ill, "Nays" None, "absent ", Pale z and Hollis, 2. And said oodinanoe was declaredP assed. it Communication was then read from the Board of Trustees of the lAttle Ruck Pub, lio Library, as follows:- At Two o'clock P.M. , April O, 1915, the Board of Trustees of the Little Rook Public 1.,ibrary and the Library Committee of the City Council held a meeting In the of- L R Pub. fioe of the mayor at the City Hall,and at this meeting unanimously adopted a resolution Library. that MR T M Mehaffj, Mr Morris M Cohn, and Mr Sam W Rayburn be recommended tea your lion- � j Tumehaf fy, orable Body for re-election as members of the Board of Trustees for a term of six years, MM Cohn, it "Under Ordinance No 1360, the Board of Trustees is required to make r000mmendat- Sri Re'yburn,l: ff releeted ions to the city oounoil to fill vacancies as they 000ur On said board, and the Cit iii as members Council is required to elect members of the board to fill said vacancies." Of the Bd. o f Tru st a a sl� it Thereupon Alderman Harper nominated 'Mr T M Mehaffy, Ur Morris U Cohn, and for six yrf I'3 Mr Sam W Reyburn to succeed themselves as members of the Board of Trustees or the Little.!�, I Rook Public Library for 4 to of six years* fu na and there being no rther nomi tions, the roll was then called upon the question Shall T M Mehafryp Morris M Cohn and Sam W Rayburn be elected as Members of the Board Of Trustees of the Little Rook Public I liluvWx P the 10110 In Aldermen voting " Aya"t Harper, M00aint Leiser,, Dan,V,4, Smith IN I i Lemon, , Younger, Ginoochjoo Duttlingeg, Frank, Black# Adams,, Briokhous-e, sad Powers, tot alLjl; 14. "N&W None. "Ab,:I,ent" Paley and 11011i&j X 2. And said T U :Meh*rrv,, Morris M 00WHi and Sam W.ReybArn were declared duly elootted as members of the Soard or TrustLeoa for Little Rook Publio Library to SuOde6d the=$0jV'a$ f 0, r year'$ �etitiox Petition was read from L S Lookil" aski' 9*,rMii6SJOn to Of, L S Locklai tr#to :A, p6rtoblo utd, pop oorn strictly sanitary pop oorn M40hiia6 On South 0140 or Welst wagon at Mail 3r,,d in. Street, and Upon motion of Ajdaftft Smith all as roLte�rra,4 0 �t 7 Communication was t ad rr om j z 6 Communioa- 44. - P, i Ot or a.i o f 7' permission for Mr, L Otkcamak,614' tOL r10=4,114 f­)J, t 'a ,&!Zler h trOt 'Oft of d W4, hotel as he had 04 of ioe� 041 po M motion of Aldermao 0 di May l0th� 1915 ( continued) lill