05-03-1915 (2)Tilver'y 9table Matter. Ord. 17 a-rid est lisbing new dist riot in g 7 t 't which th livery I stable business 1] is prohio ited. 3rd, 1015 conti zeta ed) Petition was then read from Mrs Carrie Strozier and others asking the council ,Petition, trazier& to have the Street Commissioner build a bridge across Sf,p-aggerty Branch where it crosses 1! i !others foi West ' 18th Street in the block between Pulaski and High Strp�ets- And upon motion of I !bridge a- cross Swa Alderman Harper same was referpkd to the Aldermen Third, Ward, Supt Public Works, and ff gertyBre. on Iq l8th the Zltreet Committee. Petition was read from the Western Meat & Grocery Company asking permission to Petition Western Mt erect, maintain and operate an Abattoir or slaughter thollse on West 12th Street pike about ,&(!roe Co one half mile east of the Reform School in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance 11to ,, i bld an abbattoir An upon. motion of Alderman Leiser same was referred to the Board of Health.'' No. 2126. upon. 1 ilpn il 12th ike. St Petition was read from V X Brown asking permission to operate a slaughter house I , i Petition ios of Ordinance 2126, passed August 24th, 1914 for private se for u nder the provis n u IV 1 H , to K bld a Brown himself, A 11 TTeim, and Leo Heim. And upon motion of Alderman Leiser same was ref erred slau§hteon r, hous to tlim Board of Health. R I W 12th St. Petition was read from Binz Bros. , sking permission to erect a hitohpost sign 'Petition 1 I Hinz Bros! in front of #108 Louisiana Street, and upon motion of Alderman Frank said petition was , s i for Y1 h at pos� 1 granted. fligrAnted. lOW La. Petition was read from the Congregation Agudas Achim asking for an additional Petition from Cc n_i strip of ground in Oakland Cemetery for burial purposes- and upon motion of Alderman i� gu as Adams same was referred to the Public Works and Grounds Committeet Oakland Cemetery iAohimfor i ladd'I grd Board, Supt Public Works and Mayor. in 0 akl an� iC,-,metery.] There was then taken up the SECOND PETITION for Street Improvement District No. I 238, purporting to be signed by a majority in value of the owners of real property withir j said distriot, with the certificate of the County Clerk to that effect attached, for the Second purpose of grading, draining, kuttering and paving with asphalt , macadam, bituminated Petition St Imp macadam, tarvia macadam, brick, creosoted wooden blocks, dolarway, oonorete� bituminated Dist. No. 238 re- oo.norete, or . any other pavement the commissioners may later determine, the following 0eived: City Clk, ordered iq street., advert,isa,! WEST SEVENTEENTH STREET, from the west property line of Battery Street to the � I according east property line of park Avenue. to law. Praying that such, improvement be made, and the cost thereof, in excess of any appropriations that be mad City of Little Rock, and the County or Pulaskit MAY J pola :r al property situated within said district. be as$e�ssed and charged U 0 r ther recommending: the: sppolrtmeA t! bf threo personso owners of real ptopertyr the �ein, Wh art of provement Di triotl� aAd respectfully recomm ending : at Thal be W: po Im uo h oard of. Improvementf b ointod: as s B J, a Arnold JA-0,- 4pp A followg: Resolun-, whibli, was ado ',tad the P i, Lend in tio Ala Ltn J S or ji mot ox� --P a. ------------