04-05-1915 (2)0 C,01incil Chamber, I i t 'kjl f� IN,, �k , Ark . , Apr I 1 1)01, 1 way for someone to violate the state Law. The Chair stated that it being a question among, some of the Alderman i/hother ur not the resolution was in order, and that all oarties might be heard on tho, matter than declared the Resolution in order. Alderman Powers then raised the point of order that the Revolution souvht to amend an ordinance which had given the L R Baseball Ass'ncertain rights, oxoluding the right to play baseball in the park on Sunday unless the begial.ature saw fit to pass a law permitting the same, and a resolution oould 'amend an ordinance. Alderman Hollis raised a point of order that the City Attorney was instructed at,,, its last meeting to bring in an ordinance, and instead a r�isulution had been brought i Alderman McCain then stated that the records of the previous meeting, in refer- en,oe to the motion made by him on the matter was incorrect, and moved that same be cor- reoted to read as:follows:_ That the City Attorney be instruoted to prepare an ordinance and present to the next meeting of the oounoil, amending the Ordinanoe granting to the Southern Base- ball League the use of West End Park, so that the City may do with it Us it sees flit when not in use by the Southern League for baseball games," Which motion was carried and the City Clerk instructed to make said oorreotion. Alderman Powers then, seoonded by Alderman Briakhouse, renewed his point of ord- er that the entire porposItion was out of order. The Chair then read seotions of Kirby's Digest which makes it unlawful to play baseball in Arkansas on Sunday- also quoted seotions of the oontraot with the Little Rook Baseball Ass#n., wherein it expressly forbids the use of the Park for playing base ball on Sunday unless the Legislature passed a law Permitting the Playing of bas*1*11 h0l; in the State on Sunday , 'whi . ob the Legislature had not done:; and for tho:re",o'110` given by Alderman Harper, Powers 9 Br1okhouse and HollAs the Chair than ruled th t the- 4 ftr oonsiderotion or the Resolution Was out of Ardor. Communioation Was then read from the Ministerial Al �IL I, OL ltook pro- testing against &M*LBase ball in: Little, �Ro ok wid upoll, *6*io of�: Aldej said oommunio4tign, w44:,r0O6IVedL 4nd filed,. Alderman Adams was, than oil ad to iJ4 I Oh air t o ' There was then taken up an ord#Ahoile�* presoz :�Od by t, t pf