03-22-1915 (2)ing Sig being left on vacant # mw_ 01 • continued) Which ordinance was read the first time; and by un till bers of the council present, being, 11 in number, and morr, bers of the council elect, the rule8 were sunpended and the, ordinnne rmud th nmoond time and by unanimous vote- of all the Memlimrs Of tile coune.11 boin�,r 11 In rumhmr and more than two thirds of all the members of:' the council 1mot, the ru ar"(1fri suspended and the ordinance read the third-and last time; ant the Yl-ft t"c' t. mg I&y vot b in then taken upon the qUeStlon Shall the ordina-noe 0!$.ss% ard thm roll bmlTw oft,-Iled, the following Alderman voted Aye" McCain, Farper, !,miser, 7n T.,Ango, Your mr, ank Diatlinger, Adams, Powers, and Brickhouse) total 11. V Ely s on Abs rnt J?1 jj I m r Pale z, Whitcomb, Holli�s, Black, total 5. Arid said o rdinariom q4tlH dMI-Ift!'td j,-)f1r.-MMd. There was then taken up an ordination, prest-nted by Al,t1mrmen Ad Kxnfi rat.. I t 1 0 AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING LRAVIN(If A'VY ;)NTTT(TTNTG OR —A rtflt'Vlr ot, , ANY VACANT BUILDING AND PRSCRTBING PENALTY FOR VTOLATION it Which ordinance was read the first time; arid by unanimou, vote (A' 11 m ,mbmiq;: of the council present, being 11 in number and more thun two 0itrds, cat' all the iu^tnhors or the council elect, the rules were suspmnded and 'the ordinancn read the s#kvo.nd time; and i 7777R .......... �I&T�cb 22. 1915 Continued)