03-01-1915 (2)Petit ion Stifft to turn over Sewer to City, atition e inman olfort to,, opajr the'� oor of ivory table. FVWKZV"� I I ttie, Pook , Ark Maroh Int, Vlltli, ,he city council met in regular se,�::sionl Mayor Chn.s. fty the following Alderman being present, McCain, Harper, Hollis, liange, Younger, Franko i)utlingero Adrunso f3luoko and 11ri0khol!'Oo tfltA1 14� BE IT RI�,`,SOLVED that the Mayor be instructed and authorized to employ a man to ,_4 111V There bei-g a quorum present, the minutes of th,� previouS V1 were rtad and approved and the following proceedings had. Upon motion, of Alderman Brickhouse the attentioll of the" 00U.-o'll was (14110d, to to his ordinary duties. 'Which resolution was referred to the Mayor upon motion of the presence of Ai former Alderman WM Rogoskl, and upon his mc:)tion Olt,- "OU r tm SY Of th" floor was extended the ex-alderman. Alderman McCain then asked permission to rma(i a Ooinmullic.�RLIWI, AOiinl­4 ho �iad rf.411* Communication was then received from Justin Mathews, R C Butler, and Wm Parkin, caived from M A Aureback, General Seoretury '(1wiited ciiaritlos Oiftrg agaist Dr E K Hodges, District Physician, or plegleat of, (-jjjtv, &,�d aftmr r"alling, �Isitd communication Alderman. McCain orfmred the rol,10winA, Rc�"40114t Communication was also received from the Commissioners of said Street Improvemen BE IT REIVXED That the Board of Publio ffealth be-, and it is �toraby vrdore.d t� make a thorough investigation of the attached Oiarges, towmOlfir wilb 4", irWPNLiWSti42y', as to why Mr Auerback has not heretofore make oomplaint to tjim (',Jt,y iountll or 11h" URVOr Woo the Commissioners in Street Improvement District No. 220, respectfully rej�*arding the matter, with instructions to report baok to the ilty "011111'11 W101 r#,Itoom- mendations at the next meeting, thereof." Which resolution was adopted upon Aldermftn UOC141n motlon. Chancery Court within thirty days after the passage of the ordinance levying assessment Pntition of Chas S Stifft asking thm ofty to take over sower built in Vltirrt, Addition by the C S Stifft Realty Co. was read, and upon motion of' Aldorman 6140K same was referred to the Sewer Committee and Sup't.fllublio Vforkn. and necessarily resulted in inequalities in the assessments, and prayed that the former Petition was read from Mr 1,11 Quy Bragg asking, tho tiouncil, to dovlsa somm pl-n tc� do away with the nuisanoo or septic tank looated on Barber Avmnuot, and Ott tiv� t)ftam give property owners in the section of oity south, of ',.?lot 4ntl ot&st of i'lommioreft 'Itrosto., the matter set aside the former assessment and ordered a new assessment, and thereupon an outlet for sewer connections. And upo- motion of Aldmrm%,,� %eiiser siam� was roItfervod to the Mayor, Sewer Committee and Superintendent of Public Works. Petition was then read from Reinman & Wolrort:, asking, permisslur, to exteerid tht. ors be appointed to the end that an entirely new assessment might be made without in- present roof south to Ole present brick wall now standing, at the rear of their ­roportY on Third Street between 14oulsiana and Main Streets. Alderman Frank made a motion that the p,^tition be referred to the Committse, on of said assessors will be presented at this meeting. We add that theresignation of Fire Department, City Engineer,, and Aldermen of the Sixth Ward with power to act. Alderman Lange moved as a subbtituto that the petition be denied, and tho substituto motion being, put, was doolared lost by the Mayor. that harmony among the property owners will be maintained and an assessment that is more Alderman Hollis then stated that the granting of' the permit to repair this bulld.4',� ing might prejudice the cause or thi City now pending in the United State Courts satisfactory to them will be made if new assessors are appointed. We respectfully re against Reinman & Wolfort in reference to livery $tables in the restricted distriot"and asked that Mr Frank withdraw that portion of his motion giving the oommitto# powor to sot, whioh was accepted. Alderman Brickhouse then moved that the City Attorney be adds E J Bodman, and R W Polk be appointed assessors in their stead." to the committee and that the committee report at the next ateistIng of tho oicuncils And upon motion of Alderman Harper said communication was received and filed; which was also 40oepted* Thereupon Alderm*n Frank renewed bis motion to retor tho V*t- ji"'� ter to the Committee on Fire Department, City, $ngin**r,, City Attornoy arhd Al*ormon of the Sixth Ward to report at the next merottng �of the City Counall, *hlia:h� 01.0tion *40 District No. 220., to take the place of Justin Mathewso' R C Butler, and Wm. Parkin,, re ad,optsd� upon motion or Aloorman M*C4it* Petition of U10410ton oWnOr asking permission to build: a, priv 41 Riegler, Leiser, Palezo Smith, Whitcomb, Hollis, bangoo Younger, Frank, Dutlinger, Adams her own �expolnse, Andt oh4rge ree'. for t� 0 An*o 10 tl imbu 44!!:, t rood'the P ou, tio Or�� A e 401440 , M E J Bodman and R W Polk were declared duly elected Assessors for Street Improve ent Dis- t 1h te Sewer Commit t , Pett�t,AOA tr 4* %wo 1 1, - a Yr ah 94 t h Stioet: brolk 40 %t doft'four f6to't:.: *411k,� wlhsw;� 6 to��,:Ordd' 7; 7,77 '&11�* t it _0 WOO V ]1WC :�� �it 0 Vt 40"', "0" March lst, 1915 ( continued) The following resolution was then presented by Alderman McCain:- BE IT RI�,`,SOLVED that the Mayor be instructed and authorized to employ a man to superintend the Employment Bureau and that the Sidewalk Insp,,�ctor be instructed to atten 1 to his ordinary duties. 'Which resolution was referred to the Mayor upon motion of Alderman Harper. Communication was then received from Justin Mathews, R C Butler, and Wm Parkin, Assessors for Street Improvement District No. 220, tendering their resignations. Communication was also received from the Commissioners of said Street Improvemen District No. 220, reading as follows:- Woo the Commissioners in Street Improvement District No. 220, respectfully represent that some of the owners of property in said district filed suit in the Pulaski Chancery Court within thirty days after the passage of the ordinance levying assessment in said district, oomplaining that the plan of assessment in said district was erroneous and necessarily resulted in inequalities in the assessments, and prayed that the former assessment be set aside and a new assessment ordered, and the Court after considering the matter set aside the former assessment and ordered a new assessment, and thereupon the assessors in said district deemed it advisable that they resign and that new assess ors be appointed to the end that an entirely new assessment might be made without in- fluenoe of former impressions formed of the value of the benefits, and the resignations of said assessors will be presented at this meeting. We add that theresignation of the assessors is made with the utmost good feeling toards the district, and with the id that harmony among the property owners will be maintained and an assessment that is more satisfactory to them will be made if new assessors are appointed. We respectfully re commend that the resignation of the assessors be accepted and that Messrs Emmet Morris, E J Bodman, and R W Polk be appointed assessors in their stead." And upon motion of Alderman Harper said communication was received and filed; and resignation of said assessors accepted. Thereupon Alderman Harper nominated Emmet Morris, E J Bodman and R W Polk as a Board of Assessors for Street Improvement District No. 220., to take the place of Justin Mathewso' R C Butler, and Wm. Parkin,, re signed, and the roll then being called tho following Aldermen voted "Aye"'MoCain,ffarpor Riegler, Leiser, Palezo Smith, Whitcomb, Hollis, bangoo Younger, Frank, Dutlinger, Adams Black, and Brickhouse, total 15. "Nays" None. Absent Powers, 1. And said Emmet Morri M E J Bodman and R W Polk were declared duly elected Assessors for Street Improve ent Dis- triot 11io. 220 to fill vacancy caused by the resignation of Justin Mathews$ R C Butler, an d Wm Parkin