01-25-1915ID" f J� PK jai !pj line of said lot, and Co -coil Chamb,g rj Little i?o­k, Ark. Block Fifteen (15) of Roots & Coys Addition to N tbr Otty p Of [jittle Rork; -thence south J a nU t�rV 'pith, 1915* south east corner of said lot Eight (8); thence in that portion of Thayer Ave, to the',,softthT­1in-e dfr,Etkhth Street -to;'"thb Jiobth, of Twelfth 'Strdot, AsOA0 ,to-be knovfA as,!Street,!.Tm prove nteftt.-!Diotriat"Noai ;24O,,-,t,,,And said petition was read and upon motion of Alderman Hollis, same was granted. The City Council. met in regular ), -s .on Mayor Mias P y1 or, presidi g, ncl. t 1; Six -rim I following Aldermen being present, Mes,.srs. M,° in lfar prr, t3mith, 1,Yhitcomb, flollis, City C Hollis same was referred to the Finance Committee. Act No City Collector's Report for month of December,1914, and City Trea surer os Report for the same month, also the Final Report of Street Improvement District Yo. 130, and I 1jange, Younger, Frank, Black, and Powers, total 10. the bond of J R Long, Desk Sergeant, were received and referred to the Fin&.-qoe Committeqg- The Street Committee then returned the petition from Looklar & Looklar, Owners fif Lookle or a sanitary pop -corn wel,on now located at Fifth and Center asking for a more suitable 'I '�'l t POP 00 location, with the following report: We recommend petitionerR be allowed, to operate wagon of COM I,Briokhouse said report was adopted upon motion of Alderman Powers. On motion of Alderman Powers, his oolleague Alderman 11-rickhouse was excused exoused. from attending the meeting as he was called out of the city. AN ORDINANCE PRO1,111BITING STOPPING OF AUTOMOBILES AND OTHER VEHICLES IN FRO NIT Ord. No OF 114EATERS.L ITOTELSs ETC. 0 with a report that sqme do pass. And upon motion of Probi Alderman Frank said report was adopted, and thereupon said ordinance having been read An expression of thanks was then read from Alderman If 0 I,Pisor for III sympathy e i s e r stopr motion of Alderman Follist placed on oalender. in r Hotel There was then taken ap, an ordinance, presented by the Finance Committee,en- Read time. Thanks. extended him during his recent bereavement. M1­ P^1 1 —­4 4 4 4 U A 44— s«aaan 4. I— A 4 1- 1 —4 4 ak el--- .1 4, A _Jk A 1— ^1— 4 Jan. 25th, 19115 ( continued) thence we.rt, narallel, with the south line of said lot, and aoross Thayer Avenue I .i to t10 ev"3t 11no of Lot Sight (8) in Block Fifteen (15) of Roots & Coys Addition to N tbr Otty p Of [jittle Rork; -thence south to the south east corner of said lot Eight (8); thence west one hundred fifty feet; thence north parallel with Thayer Ave to a point two hun- iii dred ten feet west of the Northwest corner of Lot One (1) Block Thirteen (13) in Capital Hill Extension Addition; thence east to the point of beginning adjoininj 3 'tlie locality to be aPfe0ted, respectfully petitioning the council to lay off the same into an impvov went district for the purpose of grading for the construction of concrete side"Irqlks, i d9 concrete curbs, concrete gutters, concrete street twenty-six (26) feet in width , and a 11jj I zi concrete bridge over branch between Eighth and Ninth Streets on Thayer Avenue, and draih' in that portion of Thayer Ave, to the',,softthT­1in-e dfr,Etkhth Street -to;'"thb Jiobth, of Twelfth 'Strdot, AsOA0 ,to-be knovfA as,!Street,!.Tm prove nteftt.-!Diotriat"Noai ;24O,,-,t,,,And said petition was read and upon motion of Alderman Hollis, same was granted. In accordance with Seotion 10, Act No. 3o P lei Oliver, City Clerk, than sub itte' M Six -rim I report his report for the sixm months ending December 31st, 1914, and upon motion of Alderman;! City C Hollis same was referred to the Finance Committee. Act No City Collector's Report for month of December,1914, and City Trea surer os Report for the same month, also the Final Report of Street Improvement District Yo. 130, and I Report the bond of J R Long, Desk Sergeant, were received and referred to the Fin&.-qoe Committeqg- The Street Committee then returned the petition from Looklar & Looklar, Owners fif Lookle or a sanitary pop -corn wel,on now located at Fifth and Center asking for a more suitable 'I '�'l t POP 00 location, with the following report: We recommend petitionerR be allowed, to operate wagon of COM stand at Third and Main on South Side of Third and East Side of Main Street." And said report was adopted upon motion of Alderman Powers. The Street and Police Committees then returned an Ordinance, presented by Alder*411 man Frank, entitled*­ AN ORDINANCE PRO1,111BITING STOPPING OF AUTOMOBILES AND OTHER VEHICLES IN FRO NIT Ord. No OF 114EATERS.L ITOTELSs ETC. 0 with a report that sqme do pass. And upon motion of Probi Alderman Frank said report was adopted, and thereupon said ordinance having been read Autos from the first time on November 23rd, 1914, the same was now read the second time, and upon stopr motion of Alderman Follist placed on oalender. in r Hotel There was then taken ap, an ordinance, presented by the Finance Committee,en- Read time. R 77"T M