CBC_03 28 2024LITTLE ROCK CITY BEAUTIFUL COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES The City Beautiful Commission held a planned meeting at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 28, 2024, at Willie L. Hinton Neighborhood Resource Center, 3805 West 12th Street. Simultaneously the meeting was virtually held online using the WebEx format. Chairman Steven Homeyer called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT: Steven Homeyer Dax Chance Robert Walker Troy Laha Kia Wilson Bob Winchester Roudy Neree (late) Adam Wierciak WEBEX: MEMBERS ABSENT: Kristen Dane ALSO PRESENT: Beth Carpenter, Little Rock City Attorney’s Office Brad Jordan, Little Rock Department of Planning and Development Rick Reynolds, Little Rock Department of Planning and Development APPROVAL OF THE DECEMBER MEETING MINUTES: Roll call showed seven (7) commissioners present. Having a quorum, Chairman Homeyer called the meeting to order, and asked for approval of the previous meeting minutes. Motion: A motion was made that the February 22, 2024, minutes be approved. Second: The motion was seconded, and it passed unanimously. (Neree arrived just after the votes at 4:09) VARIANCE REQUEST: None requested. TREASURER’S REPORT: Expense Report: Tree Fund balance is $31,650.09 after the deduction for the Girl Scout trees. The Commission bank accounts has been located; Roudy Neree and Brad Jordan must sign bank documents as designated signees. LITTLE ROCK CITY BEAUTIFUL COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT - 723 WEST MARKHAM - LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 72201 PHONE: 501 371-4864, E-MAIL: BJORDAN@LITTLEROCK.GOV COMMITTEE REPORTS, UPDATES: Public Relations: No report. KLRB: No report. Adopt-A-Street: No CBC cleanup was scheduled. Discussion was had to eliminate the cleanup and come up with other ways to serve the community. Motion: A motion was made to eliminate the Adopt-A-Street area on Bowman Road by Winchester. Second: The motion was seconded by Walker, and it passed unanimously. Eye of the Beholder: No report. Need additional award cards for commissioners. NEW BUSINESS: • Add to the Agenda the Landscape Awards update and the Tree Fund balance. • Discussion about reaching out to Master Gardeners, KLRB, and Housing and Neighborhood Programs for information on native and habitat front yards by Winchester. • How does the CBC liaison with others and the PC and BOD? • Staff should review the landscape at 7-Brew on Rodney Parham Road and Shackleford Road. OLD BUSINESS: • None. ANNOUNCEMENTS: No announcements. ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Homeyer entertained a motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion: A motion was made for the meeting to adjourn by Winchester. Second: The motion was seconded by Walker, and it passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 4:36 pm. LITTLE ROCK CITY BEAUTIFUL COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT - 723 WEST MARKHAM - LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 72201 PHONE: 501 371-4864, E-MAIL: BJORDAN@LITTLEROCK.GOV