19575I ORDINANCE NO. 19,575 2 AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE ENTRY INTO AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH PULASKI 3 COUNTY, THE CITY OF NORTH LITTLE ROCK, THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, THE CITY OF 4 SHERWOOD, AND CITY OF MAUMELLE, THE CITY OF CAMMACK VILLAGE, THE CITY OF 5 WRIGHTSVILLE, AND THE CITY OF ALEXANDER, AS TO THE DISTRIBUTION OF MONIES 6 FROM A ONE - QUARTER PERCENT (1 /4 %) GROSS RECEIPTS AND COMPENSATING USE TAX 7 TO BE LEVIED FOR THE PURPOSE OF ACQUIRING, CONSTRUCTING, EXTENDING, IMPROV- 8 ING, EQUIPPING, MAINTAINING, AND OPERATING COUNTY REQUIRED DETENTION FACILI- 9 TIES; TO EXPRESS THE UNDERSTANDING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF 10 LITTLE ROCK AS TO THE MEANING OF THIS AGREEMENT; TO DECLARE AN EMERGENCY; 11 AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. 12 13 WHEREAS, the Pulaski County Quorum Court has levied a one - quarter percent (1 /4 %) gross 14 receipts and compensating use tax to be used for the acquisition, construction, extension, 15 equipping, maintenance, and operation of County detention facilities, and 16 WHEREAS, a special election has been called for September 12, 2006, to ask the voters to 17 approve this levy so the tax proceeds may be collected and used for the stated purposes, and 18 WHEREAS, there currently exists an interlocal agreement entered into on February 15, 1990, 19 between the City of Little Rock and Pulaski County, and other cities within the County, to help 20 defray that County's expenses to meet its statutory obligation obligation to accept and house 21 persons charged with violation of a state offense, or incarcerated because of a state judicial or- 22 der, and 23 WHEREAS, City of Little Rock involvement in this agreement was authorized by Little Rock, 24 Ark., Resolution No. 8257 (February 9, 1990), and 25 WHEREAS, if the special election results in the approval of this levy it will no longer be nec- 26 essary to maintain the interlocal agreement referred to above, and 27 WHEREAS, Pulaski County has proposed a new interlocal agreement (Exhibit A) attached as 28 Exhibit A to this ordinance, and [PAGE 1 OF 71 Ordinance to approve interlocal agreement for jail operations if County sales and use tax is approved WHEREAS, Pulaski County has proposed a new interlocal agreement (Exhibit A) attached as 2 Exhibit A to this ordinance, and 3 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, agrees that the County 4 has the obligation and duty to accept and house all persons charged with state criminal of- 5 fenses, sentenced to incarceration upon conviction of such an offense, including but not limited 6 to misdemeanor offenses, and to accept persons ordered imprisoned for contempt of court as 7 by a state court judge, and appreciates the fact that with the approval of Exhibit A, upon the 8 imposition of this levy, the County will finally accept and fulfill these obligations, and 9 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, understands that with 10 the approval of Exhibit A, upon the imposition of this levy, the County will never expect the City 11 of Little Rock, Arkansas, to provide funds to maintain and operate a county detention facility, 12 nor will it request that the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, continue to make annual appropriations 13 to the County for such purpose, and 14 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, understands that with is the approval of Exhibit A, upon the imposition of this levy, the County will continue to appro- 16 priate any and all funds, in addition to the amounts collected pursuant to this levy, to fulfill its 17 statutory obligations to provide, maintain and operate detention facilities, and 18 WHEREAS, Exhibit A notes an agreement by Pulaski County to construct additional beds at 19 the Pulaski County Regional Detention Facility to bring the total number of beds to a minimum 20 of one thousand six hundred and eighteen (1618), but that this minimum will promptly be in- 21 creased as needed by law enforcement and the judicial system to house persons arrested for 22 state criminal offenses, incarcerated upon conviction for such offenses, or incarcerated as a re- 23 suit of contempt citations issued by a state court, and 24 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, understands that any 25 expenditure of monies collected pursuant to the gross receipts and compensating use tax lev- 26 ied by Pulaski County is available to be used for acquisition, construction, equipping, mainte- 27 nance and operation of the detention facilities, except for the annual seven hundred and fifty [PAGE 2 OF 71 Ordinance to approve interlocal agreement for jail operations if County sales and use tax is approved 1 thousand ($750,000) dollar appropriation to be made for prevention, intervention and treat- 2 ment programs, and 3 WHEREAS, nothing in Exhibit A requires, nor shall ever be interpreted to require, the City of 4 Little Rock, Arkansas, to make any additional agreements with Pulaski County for funds, trans- 5 portation, housing, maintenance, or operation of a detention facility for persons charged with 6 violation of state offenses, incarcerated upon conviction of a state criminal offense, or sen- 7 tenced to incarceration by state judicial officers for contempt, 8 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE 9 ROCK, ARKANSAS: 10 Section 1 The Mayor is authorized to execute the interlocal agreement attached as Exhibit 11 A to this ordinance, and upon voter approval at a special election to be held on September 12, 12 2006, of the levy by the Pulaski County Quorum Court of a one quarter percent (1 /4 %) gross 13 receipts and compensating use tax for the acquisition, construction, extension, improvement, 14 equipping, maintenance and operation of county detention facilities, the City of Little Rock, Ar- t 5 kansas, shall be authorized to formally enter into this interlocal agreement, in substantially the 16 form set forth as Exhibit A to this ordinance, subject to the understanding of the terms and 17 conditions of Exhibit A as set forth in the recitals of this ordinance. 18 Section 2. Upon voter approval at a special election to be held on September 12, 2006, of 19 the levy by the Pulaski County Quorum Court of a one quarter percent (1 /4 %) gross receipts 20 and compensating use tax for the acquisition, construction, extension, improvement, equip - 21 ping, maintenance and operation of county detention facilities, the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, 22 shall consider the interlocal agreement, as amended, dated February 15, 1990, to be null and 23 void except to the extent that 2006 appropriations are needed to complete the operation and 24 maintenance of the Pulaski County Regional Detention Facility, or other county facilities, during 25 fiscal year 2006. 26 Section 3. Severabi/ity. In the event any title, section, paragraph, item, sentence, clause, 27 phrase, or word of this ordinance is declared or adjudged to be invalid or unconstitutional, such 28 declaration or adjudication shall not affect the remaining portions of the resolution which shall [PACE 3 Or 7] Ordinance to approve interlocal agreement forjail operations if County sales and use tax is approved 1 remain in full force and effect as if the portion so declared or adjudged invalid or unconstitu- 2 tional was not originally a part of the ordinance. 3 Section 4. Repealer. All laws and parts of laws inconsistent with the provisions of this ordi- 4 nance, including but not limited to, Little Rock, Ark., Resolution No. 8257 (February 9, 1990), as 5 amended, are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency. 6 Section 5. Emergency Clause. There has been a considerable amount of public concern 7 over the fact that persons arrested for serious criminal offenses, both felonies and misdemean- 8 ors, convicted of such offenses, or imprisoned by state judges for offenses such as contempt, 9 are not being housed by the Pulaski County Regional Detention Facility because of its conclu- 1 0 Sion that the jail cannot accept more than 880 prisoners; such a situation is intolerable, and the 11 levy of a quarter percent gross receipts and compensating use tax is a reasoned way, if ap- 12 proved by the voters, to provide capital and operating funds for countyjail services that are es- 13 sential to the public health, safety and welfare; to assure that the County follows through with 14 its efforts, an emergency is declared to exist and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect 15 from and after the date of its passage so the Mayor can execute the attached interlocal agree- 16 ment and demonstrate the City of Little Rock's continued extraordinary efforts to assure that 17 persons who should be incarcerated are, in fact, placed in jail. 18 PASSED: August 8, 2006 19 ATTEST: 20 21 22 Na cy Wood, ity Clerk 23 APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: 24 t _ 25 26 Thomas M. Carpenter, City Attorney 27 28 29 [PAGE 4 OF 71 Ordinance to approve interlocal agreement forjail operations if County sales and use tax is approved APPROVED: V. � G EXHIBIT A: INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT 2 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT 3 This agreement is entered into by Pulaski County, Arkansas (County) and the cities of Little Rock, 4 North Little Rock, ,Jacksonville, Maumelle, Sherwood, Wrightsville, Cammack Village and Alexander (Cities) 5 pursuant to the authority of Ark. Code Ann. §§ 25 -20 -101, et seq., and Ark. Code Ann. §§ 26 -74 -301, et 6 seq., and will become binding upon all parties following ratification by the Quorum Court of Pulaski 7 County and the various City Councils or Boards of Directors of the cities. 8 WHEREAS, the County recognizes that it has the responsibility to maintain and operate a Regional De- 9 tention Facility Sail); and 10 WHEREAS, the Cities acknowledge the shortage of operational revenues of Pulaski County because of 1 1 a decreasing County tax base; and 12 WHEREAS, the County and the Cities acknowledge the need for a strong and economically viable jail in 13 the area; and 14 WHEREAS, the County has committed its maximum tax resources available to the operation of the jail; 15 and 16 WHEREAS, the levy of a one - quarter percent (1 /4 %) sales and use tax to fund the acquisition, con - 17 struction, equipping, maintenance and operation of the detention facilities in Pulaski County is being 18 placed before the voters of Pulaski County pursuant to Ark. Code Ann. § §26 -74 -301, et seq.; and 19 WHEREAS, the County and the Cities desire to enter into a contractual agreement whereby all proceeds 20 of the aforementioned tax, if levied, are made available to the County to fund the operation of a new re- 21 gional jail. 22 IT IS THEREFORE hereby agreed: 23 SECTION 1. That all funds received by the Treasurer of State from the one - quarter percent (.25 %) sales 24 and use tax levied by Pulaski County for the acquisition, construction, equipping, maintenance and opera - 25 tions of the detention facilities in Pulaski County, after deducting the three percent (3 %) for the Constitu- 26 tional and Fiscal Agencies Fund shall be monthly transmitted to the Pulaski County Treasurer. It is the ex- 27 press understanding of all parties that these funds will not be distributed on a per capita basis, but will all 28 be transmitted to the Pulaski County Treasurer. 29 SECTION 2. Pulaski County agrees to continue contributing to the maintenance and operation of the 30 jail at the level of its 2006 appropriation of county general funds. The County will not maintain any level 31 of funding that was based on contributions from other entities should those contributions cease. [PAGE 5 OF 71 Ordinance to approve interlocal agreement for jail operations if County sales and use tax is approved 1 SECTION 3. Pulaski County agrees that at least $750,000.00 per year of the county funds provided for 2 the current jail budget, as referred to in Section 2 of the Agreement, will be devoted to prevention, inter - 3 vention, and treatment programs. Said funding to escalate at a rate of four - percent (4 %) per year, at a 4 minimum. 5 SECTION 4. The ballot title will designate the that the uses of the revenues derived from the safes and 6 use tax are the acquisition, construction, equipping, maintenance and operations of the detention facili- 7 ties, and the proceeds shall only be used for the designated purposes and distributed in the manner set 8 forth in the ballot as required by Ark. Code Ann. §26 -74 -308 and Ark. Const., Art. 16, §1 1. Accordingly, 9 all interest reserves and carry over from the levy of a one quarter percent (.25 %) sales and use tax will be 10 allocated to the Jail and will not be used for any other purpose by the County. 11 SECTION 5. Pulaski County agrees to acquire, construct, renovate, and equip sufficient additional fa- 12 cilities to bring the total number of beds at the Jail to a minimum of 1,618. 13 SECTION 6. Pulaski County agrees to construct the additional beds at the jail as soon as possible and 14 agrees to utilize short -term financing, if necessary and feasible, in order to accomplish this in a prompt 15 manner. 16 SECTION 7. All parties agree that if there is levied a one - quarter percent (.25 %) sales and use tax, then 17 Pulaski County will be solely responsible for operating the Jail and the Cities will be relieved of their con - 18 tractual obligation to contribute to the funding of the operations of the Jail pursuant to the Interlocal 19 Agreement entered on February] 5, 1990 ( "Current Interlocal Agreement "). If the sales and use tax is lev- 20 ied, this Agreement will supersede the funding provisions contained in the Current Interlocal Agreement. 21 All remaining provisions of the Current Interlocal Agreement not in conflict with this Agreement will re- 22 main in full force and effect. 23 SECTION 8. This contract shall become effective January 1, 2007 and shall remain in effect for as long 24 as the one - quarter percent (1 /4 %) sales and use tax is collected. 25 SECTION 9. This instrument constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties and there are no 26 agreements, understandings, warranties or representations except as set forth herein. This Agreement has 27 been signed and delivered in, and the rights of the parties hereunder shall be governed by and construed 28 in accordance with the laws of, the State of Arkansas. 29 Executed this --- - - - - -- day of ---------- - - - - -, 2006. 30 31 [PAGE 6 OF 71 Ordinance to approve interlocal agreement for jail operations if County sales and use tax is approved I Pulaski County City of Little Rock 2 3 by: ------------------------ - - - - -- by: ------------------- 4 Floyd G. Villines, III Jim Dailey 5 County Judge /Chief Executive Officer Mayor 6 7 City of North Little Rock City of lacksonville 8 9 by: ------------------------ - - - - -- by: ------------------- 10 Patrick Henry Hays Tommy Swaim 11 Mayor Mayor 12 13 City of Sherwood City of Maumelle 14 15 by: ------------------------ - - - - -- by: -------------------- 16 Bill Harmon Burch Johnson 17 Mayor Mayor 18 19 City of Wrightsville City of Alexander 20 21 by: ------------------------ - - - - -- by: -------------------- 22 Lorraine Smith Shirley Johnson 23 Mayor Mayor 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 [PAGE 7 OF 71 Ordinance to approve interlocal agreement for jail operations if County sales and use tax is approved