Z-5699 Staff AnalysisJuly 13, 1993 ITEM NO.: 14 FILE NO.: Z-5699 DAME: JOSEPH'S - SHORT -FORM PCD LOCATION: 800 North Spruce DEVELOPER: Zachary Wood ("Woody") Truemper JOSEPH'S DISTINCTIVE FLORAL SERVICE P. O. Box 250805 Little Rock, AR 72207 AREA: .075 ACRES ZONING: R-2 to PCD NUMBER OF LOTS: 1 PLANNING DISTRICT: 4 CENSUS TRACT: 15 ENGINEER: FT. NEW STREET: None PROPOSED USE: Floral design business VARIANCES RE UESTED: Relief from the requirement to make improvements to "G" Street and to construct a sidewalk along the "G" Street right-of-way STATEMENT OF PROPOSAL: The applicant proposes a short -form Planned Commercial Development for the establishment of a floral design business in a residential structure. The applicant proposes to repair the building which is in a state of disrepair, remove the dilapidated carport to provide on-site customer parking, clean up and landscape the grounds, and repair the front sidewalk; but, the applicant proposes to make no modifications to the existing open ditch "chip seal" street which runs along the side of the property. or to construct a sidewalk along this side street. At the same time, it is proposed to retain the residential character of the building and grounds. The applicant proposes to operate a floral design and wedding/special event consulting business. It is proposed that part of the building be utilized for a display area with a cooler, and other rooms be utilized as a design room, an office, a storage area, and a work room. The back "sun" porch is proposed to be used as a plant room. The activity of the business is limited to consultations, design, and delivery of floral gifts, with most business contacts and orders being handled by telephone. July 13, 1993 SUBDIVISION ITEM NO.: 10 (Continued) FILE NO.: Z-5699 A. B. C. PROPOSAL/REOUEST: Review by the Planning Commission and approval by the Board of Directors is sought to establish a short -form PCD for Joseph's Distinctive Floral Service. The applicant proposes to rehabilitate a dilapidated and unsightly residential structure and utilize it for his floral service business. It is proposed that the building be repaired and painted, the grounds be cleaned up and landscaped, and the front sidewalk be repaired. The applicant desires to make no improvements to the side street, "G" Street or construct a sidewalk, and leave the hedge of trees and open ditch "chip seal" street as it is. Approval by the Board of Directors is sought for the waiver of the requirements to make improvements to "G" Street and to build the sidewalk. A canvas canopy is proposed to be added to the front of the house. EXISTING CONDITIONS: The house, as it stands, is in a fairly bad state of disrepair. The carport is badly deteriorated. The yard is unkept and unmowed. Immediately to the north, between the subject property and Kavanaugh Blvd. is a commercial business in a C-3 zone. Immediately across Spruce Street to the east, is a commercial business, also in the C-3 zone. The view from the front of the subject property is a commercial business and its parking lot and Kavanaugh Blvd. Across "G" Street to the south and to the rear of the property are residences in an R-2 zone. "G" Street, south of Kavanaugh Blvd. Street at the south-east corner of t extends west towards University Ave. through street to University, ending eleven blocks west of Spruce Street. between Spruce Street and Van Buren open ditch "chip seal" street. ENGINEERING/UTILITY COMMENTS: begins at Spruce he subject property and It is not, however, a at Buchanan Street, In the three blocks Street, "G" Street is an The Engineering Division reports that the sidewalk along the front/Spruce Street frontage of the property needs to be repaired. It is also reported that a curb, gutter, and sidewalk need to be constructed on "G" Street. Engineering indicates that off-street parking needs to be furnished. Water Works reports that they have no objection; that the building has existing service. Wastewater Utility reports that sewer is available. 2 July 13, 1393 SUBDIVISION ITEM NO.: 1p Continued FILE NO.: Z-5699 Arkansas Power and Light Co., Southwestern Bell Telephone Co., ARKLA, and the Fire Department approved the submittal without comment. D. ISSUES/LEGAL/TECHNICAL/DESIGN: The site plan needs to be amended to address the proposed treatment of the perimeter of the property for screening, with a schematic landscaping plan provided. The plan/plat needs to show the proposed parking and the "footprint" of the building and improvements as anticipated. At this point, only a survey of the existing improvements has been furnished. The plan/plat needs to meet all requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance for exhibits required. E. ANALYSIS• The PCD which is proposed is a low profile business, with the building retaining its residential character. The applicant reports that, because of the proximity of commercial uses, the subject property is not a viable residential use. The property is so badly deteriorated that repairs which are needed cannot be accomplished with the anticipation of recouping the costs from rents generated from a residential use. The requested flower shop use, however, can allow the property to be repaired and act as a transition between the commercial uses on Kavanaugh Blvd. and the residential uses to the south. The existing condition of "G" Street is open ditch "chip seal" type. A tree hedge lines "G" Street along the south property line of the subject property. Improvements (i.e., constructing a curb and gutter street with sidewalks) in half of the right-of-way of the portion of the right-of-way along the subject property would appear to be a disservice to the retaining of a residential character of the neighborhood; and, would accomplish little, since it is not planned to make other improvements in the "G" Street right-of-way in the vicinity of this project. Any improvements would be a half street, a half block long. F. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends approval of the PCD, subject to the applicant completing the submission requirements. It is recommended that the front (Spruce Street) sidewalk be repaired, but not recommended that "G" Street be reconstructed or the sidewalk along "G" Street be built. 3 July 13, 19'93 SUBDIVISION ITEM -NO.: 10 (Continued) FILE NO . Z-5599 SUBDIVISION COMMITTEE COMMENT: (June 24, 1993) Mr. Woody Truemper, the applicant was present. Staff presented the item and Mr. Truemper outlined his proposal. The Committee reviewed the deficiencies and comments contained in the discussion outline. Mr. Truemper indicated that he would make the needed corrections and additions to his submittal. The Committee forwarded the item to the full Commission for the hearing. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: (JULY 13, 1993) This item was included on the Consent Agenda for approval of a recommendation to the Board of Directors of approval of the establishment of the PCD and the approval of the variances requested with a vote of 10 ayes and no nays. 4 I. Meeting Date: August 3, 1993 2. Case No.: Z-5699 3. R guest : Establishment of the Joseph's Short -form PCD. Relief from the requirement to make improvements to "G" Street and to construct a sidewalk along the "G" Street right-of-way. 4. Location: 800 North Spruce St. 5. Owner/Applicant: Zachary Wood ("Woody") Truemper 6. Exi ting Status: The applicant proposes to utilize an existing residential structure for his floral design business. The structure is presently in disrepair and dilapidated, but the applicant proposes to repair the house and landscape the yard. The property adjoins a "C-3" zone to the north along Kavanaugh Blvd., with the Kid Stuff store lying between the proposed Joseph's Distinctive Floral Service and Kavanaugh Blvd. Leo's Greek Castle restaurant and parking lot are immediately across Spruce Street to the east. To the south, south of "G" Street, and to the west are residential areas. The sidewalk along the Spruce Street frontage is in disrepair and the applicant proposes to rebuild it. "G" Street is a "chip seal" open ditch street for the three blocks from Spruce Street west to Van Buren Street. 7. Proposed Use: Floral design business 8. Staff Recommendation: Approval of both the establishment of the PCD and of the waiver of the requirement to make improvements to "G" Street and to construct a sidewalk along "G" Street 9. PlanninT Commission. Recommendation: Approval 10. Conditions or Issues Remainin to be Resolved: None 11.Richt-of-wav Issues: None 12. Recommendation Forwarded with: A vote of 10 ayes, no nays, and one absent 13. Objectors: None 14. Neigh}aorhood Plan: Heights Hillcrest (4)