Z-5570-B Staff AnalysisOctober 28, 2002 ITEM NO.: 2 File No. Owner: Address: Description: Zoned: Variance Requested: Justification: Present Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: STAFF REPORT A. Public Works Issues: Z -5570-B John E. Moore 12418 Cantrell Road North side of Cantrell Road, approximately 800 feet east of Sam Peck Road Variances are requested from the sign provisions of Sections 36-543 and 36-553. The applicant's justification is presented in an attached letter. Office Office 1. The applicant shall obtain approval from the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department, District (569-2260) for approval of sign placement prior to construction. 2. If AHTD approval is obtained, furnish approval documentation to Public Works and obtain franchise agreement from Public Works prior to construction. B. Staff Analysis: The PD -0 zoned property at 12,418 Cantrell Road is occupied by a one- story brick and frame office building which houses Moore Mortgage. There is a paved access drive at the southwest corner of the property. There is also an existing 8 foot high (8 feet by 4 feet) ground -mounted sign located between the office building and the front property line. The sign is set back approximately 20 feet from the front property line. V, October 28, 2002 Item No.: 2 (Cont. The applicant proposes to remove the existing sign and construct a new ground -mounted sign within the sloped right-of-way area between the front property line and Cantrell Road. The proposed sign will be 6 feet high (including masonry base), with 32 square feet of sign area. The applicant is requesting the new sign location for improved sign visibility. Section 36-543(4) of the City's Zoning Ordinance states that signs placed on public property or public right-of-way are prohibited. Additionally, Section 36-553(b) requires that ground -mounted signs in office zoning be set back at least five (5) feet from property lines. Therefore, the applicant is requesting variances from these requirements for the new sign location. Staff does not support the requested variances. Staff does not feel that the request is reasonable. Section 36-346(f)(2) of the Zoning Ordinance allows a ground mounted sign with a maximum height of six (6) feet and a maximum area of 72 square feet for this property, which is located within the Highway 10 Overlay District. Staff feels that a sign larger than the existing sign (more sign area) could be constructed five (5) feet back from the front property line and provide the additional visibility as needed by the applicant. C. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends denial of the requested sign variances. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT: (OCTOBER 28, 2002) John Moore was present, representing the application. There were no objectors present. Staff briefly described the variances associated with the proposed ground -mounted sign, with a recommendation of denial. John Moore addressed the Board in support of the application. He explained the reasons for requesting the sign in the right-of-way. He noted that other signs in this area along Cantrell Road were set back approximately the same distance from the street as the sign he is requesting. He provided photos of these signs. Chairman Ruck noted that these other properties may have reduced right-of-way or a permit from the State. Vice -Chairman Gray asked if other variances for signs in the right-of-way had been approved along Cantrell Road., Staff noted that there had been none that they knew of. October 28, 2002 Item No.: 2 (Cont.) Vice -Chairman Gray stated that he did not support the sign being in the right-of- way. He stated that the applicant could install a new sign which met ordinance requirements and improve the sign visibility. Mr. Moore noted that other businesses have installed the signs he referred to earlier, in the past two (2) years. Cindy Dawson, City Attorney, stated that no case sets a precedent for other cases. Andrew Francis stated that he thought the existing sign location was visible and briefly explained. The issue of sign visibility was briefly discussed by the Board and the applicant. Dana Carney, of the Planning Staff, noted that staff enforced the sign regulations equally. He noted that there appeared to be more right-of-way on the north side of Cantrell Road in this area. Mike Hood, of Public Works, noted that the Highway Department obtained the right-of-way in front of this property. He stated that it appeared the Highway Department obtained more right-of-way than the City would have, based on the slope of the property. The issue of the sign location was further discussed by the Board. Vice - Chairman Gray briefly discussed the Highway Department's right-of-way and noted that he did not want to penalize the applicant because he is on the wrong side of the road. The Board briefly discussed this issue. Mr. Carney briefly reviewed the issues to be considered by the Board. There was a discussion of amending the application to move the sign back on the property with a zero setback from the front property line. Mr. Moore amended the application accordingly. Staff noted support of the amended application subject to a sign permit being obtained for the new sign. There was a motion to approve the amended application (sign to be located on the applicant's property with a zero setback from the front property line) subject to a sign permit being obtained. The motion passed with a vote of 4 ayes, 0 nays and 1 absent. The amended application was approved. 3