05-23-95106 Board of Directors Room City Hall - 500 W. Markham Little Rock, Arkansas May 23, 1995 - 4:10 P.M. The Board of Directors of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, reconvened from the May 16, 1995 regular meeting with Mayor Jim Dailey presiding. In the absence of City Clerk Robbie Hancock, Assistant City Clerk Vanessa Sykes called the roll with the following Directors present: Directors Sharp, Mason, Kumpuris, Adcock, Hinton, Hodges, Keck, Joyce and Wyrick - total 9; Absent - Director Wilson - total 1. Mayor Dailey announced that a quorum was present and declared the Board of Directors in session. The first presentation was Resolution No. 9,393, which did not appear on the Agenda but was introduced by Mayor Dailey, with the title being: A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THE LITTLE ROCK BOARD OF DIRECTORS COMMITMENT TO QUALITY LAW ENFORCEMENT, THE SUCCESSFUL CITIZEN /CITY GOVERNMENT PARTNERSHIP TO FIGHT CRIME AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER AND POLICE CHIEF TO PURSUE CHANGES AND EQUITY IN REPORTING CRIME STATISTICS; (Directing City Officials to meet with the FBI and U.S. Attorney General to vigorously work for improvements to crime reporting to achieve equity in crime reporting statistics in all communities.) Mayor Dailey stated the Resolution was in response to an FBI report released Sunday which ranked Little Rock first among U.S. cities in aggravated assaults per capita for the second consecutive year and among the top 10 in three other categories of serious crime. According to Police Chief Lou Caudell, the Little Rock Police Department reports crime in the precise methods required by the Uniform Crime Report (U.C.R) guidelines and definitions, whereas other cities report crime inaccurately by not including some misdemeanors or incidents that don't result in prosecutions. Chief Caudell stated that overall crime in Little Rock decreased 12.6 percent over the 12 month period ending in April, compared to the preceding year. Following the lengthy discussion, Director Adcock moved to send a delegation (Mayor Dailey, City Manager Charles Nickerson, Police Chief Lou Caudell, and Director Hodges) to Washington to talk to Attorney General Janet Reno regarding this matter. After further discussion, City Attorney Tom Carpenter suggested revising Section 9 of the Resolution to state that staff and representatives of the Board of Directors are directed to meet with the FBI, U.S. Attorney General, and others to work for improvements to crime reporting. He also suggested that City officials work through the National League of Cities, the Conference of Mayors, and other such groups to achieve equity in crime report statistics. There was a motion by Director Keck, seconded by Director Joyce, to adopt the Resolution as revised, and the Resolution was unanimously adopted by the Board Members present. (Director Wilson enrolled at 4:55 P.M.) Before consideration was given to the two Resolutions regarding contracts with Waste Management, Inc. to provide garbage collection and recycling services, Director Sharp introduced and distributed a proposed Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO ASSURE THAT NO INCREASES IN SANITATION CHARGES ARE IMPOSED UPON THE PUBLIC FOR A PERIOD OF TWO YEARS; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES.1° Director Sharp said he wanted to assure 1 Minutes May 23, 1995 107 citizens they would not have to pay any increases occasioned by garbage or recycling services provided by Waste Management, Inc. for at least two years. Director Mason asked for comments from City Manager Charles Nickerson. Mr. Nickerson responded that the City is obligated to maintain rates sufficient to retire the bonds (referring to the $17,450,000 Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds, Series 1993) and to take care of the bond indebtedness and operating costs. He suggested dealing with this as part of the budget process, a two year budget cycle, versus doing it without fully analyzing the implications and where the funds would come from. Director Joyce questioned taking action on such short notice at a reconvened meeting and suggested discussing the Resolution in the Agenda meeting following the reconvened meeting. Director Keck asked City Manager Nickerson how long it would take for staff to prepare a summary of the impact of this Resolution; could that be ready by the regular meeting on June 6, 1995. Mr. Nickerson said he would need to look at it carefully. City Attorney Tom Carpenter noted that the contract does not start immediately. Waste Management will have up to one year and a minimum of six months to begin the service. The Resolution could be changed from a mandate of assurance to an intent to try to assure that there will not be a rate increase for two years. Director Sharp said he had talked about this a number of times, so it is no surprise, and that he could not support the Waste Management contracts without assuring the citizens there will be no fee increase. He then agreed to pull the Resolution and wait for the report from Mr. Nickerson, stating he hoped the Resolution would be considered on June 6, 1995 before the contracts with Waste Management, Inc. Mayor Dailey then called for discussion of the two Resolutions related to the contracts with Waste Management, Inc. Mrs. Chandra Russell, Director of Public Works, presented a list of questions that have been posed regarding the contracts with Waste Management to provide garbage collection and recycling services. She reviewed the list of questions and answers and then responded to questions by the Board of Directors. The two proposed Resolutions titled "A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE ENTRY INTO A CONTRACT WITH WASTE MANAGEMENT, INC. TO PROVIDE GARBAGE COLLECTION SERVICES FOR THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK AND THE PULASKI COUNTY REGIONAL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ANY DOCUMENTS NECESSARY; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES" and "A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE ENTRY INTO A CONTRACT WITH WASTE MANAGEMENT, INC. TO PROVIDE RECYCLING SERVICES FOR THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK AND THE PULASKI COUNTY REGIONAL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ANY DOCUMENTS NECESSARY; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES" were never read and were deferred until June 61 1995. Item 1 on the Agenda was a proposed Resolution titled: "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH IN AFFORDABLE HOUSING, INC. TO PROVIDE EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND COUNSELING TO LOW- INCOME, POTENTIAL HOME BUYERS." City Manager Charles Nickerson asked that the Resolution be withdrawn. He advised that the proposal would go through the formal competitive bidding process. Therefore, the Resolution was withdrawn from the Agenda. (Director Wilson was excused at 5:45 P.M.) The last matter to be considered was Resolution No. 9,394, with the title being: A RESOLUTION APPOINTING W. MORRIS PARKER AS A COMMISSIONER OF OAKLAND- FRATERNAL CEMETERY BOARD; and the Resolution was read in full. There was a motion by Director Mason, seconded by Director Sharp, to adopt the Resolution, and the Resolution was unanimously adopted by the Board Members present. 2 108 Minutes May 23, 1995 There being no further business to be presented, the reconvened meeting was adjourned at 5:50 o'clock P.M. with the Board of Directors to meet again in regular session on Tuesday, June 6, 1995, at 6:00 o'clock P.M. ATTEST: City Clerk Robbie Hancock il APPROVED: 1 01 a or Jim Dailey