CBC 06-05-2008LITTLE ROCK NJ I CITY BEAUTIFUL COMMISSION The City Beautiful Commission held its regular meeting Thursday, June 5th, 2008, at 11:30 a.m. in the Sister Cities Conference Room on the second floor of City Hall. Chair Lynn Warren called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Lynn Warren Steve Homeyer Jennie Cole Kay Tatum Jessica Watts vacancy Walter Jennings Debra Redding Bill Wiedower ALSO PRESENT: Christy Marvel, Plans Development Administrator, Department of Planning & Development, City of Little Rock Beth Blevins Carpenter, Deputy City Attorney, City of Little Rock APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Minutes for the month of May 2008 will be available next month for approval. Data was lost due to virus on laptop and will be submitted at the next meeting. TREASURER'S REPORT: Per Debra Redding, Treasurer: Little Rock City Beautiful Commission Treasurer's Report 06-05-2008 Beginning Balance as of April 23rd, 2008 Credits Debits $2,603.44 Interest on Account .24 Total credits $ 0.24 Check # 1148 Oxford Graphics $688.01 Total debits $688.01 Ending Bank Balance as of May 21st, 2008 $3,389.61 $3,389.85 $2,603.44 Chair Warren noted that current status of monies and that after meeting with the Planning and `� Development Department the city requests that the CBC notify of any/all city responsible expenses prior to the incurrence. Chair Warren noted the CBC should go ahead and pay the Garden Show Annual Fee for 2009 to save the fifty dollars ($50.00) then ask the City for reimbursement for the booth fee ($200.00) in January 2009. Vice -chair Homeyer noted that the CBC logo shirts are thirty dollars ($30.00) a piece. Commissioner Weidower is the only Commissioner without a shirt presently; upon filling the other vacancy another shirt can be purchased at that time. Oxford will bill the CBC and the shirt can be purchased out of the CBC checking account; rather than the CBC city funds. COMMITTEE REPORTS: UPDATES: Landscape Awards{fennie]-Vice-chair Homeyer noted that the date on the signage needs to be changed and will check on options and prices. Chair Warren noted that she'd visit with Commissioner Watts regarding her thoughts and ideas about posters versus plaque for the awards. Commissioner Cole sent an email to the Board of Directors and the Mayor about the landscape award nominations; with little to no response. Chair Warren gave the landscape nomination award forms to the Mayor's office so they could be distributed at the next Board meeting to the Board of Directors and staff. Chair Warren will contact Scott Carter about the landscape award press release; one now to alert everyone that nominations are open and one later to announce the winners. Chair Warren noted that a date for the landscape awards needs to be solidified in the month of October. It would be greatly appreciated if all CBC members can have 3 nominations and digital photos of each for the 2008 landscape award nomination list. Chair Warren noted that Vice -Mayor Hurst normally donates 3, long-stemmed, de -thorned roses for the ceremony. Chair Warren also noted, that should the CBC decide to cater the event, it would be likely to get all the food donated. Chair Warren usually prints up a flyer listing the names of the awardees for the ceremony. Eve of the Beholder (Debra) - Commissioner Redding noted that she's had four (4) additional nominations for the month of June. Chair Warren noted that she had 3 to 4 that she's planning to send very soon. Chair Warren brought some Eye of the Beholder cards to leave at homes for the commissioners. Chair Warren will also send forms to Debra that ask the awardees to recycle their yard signs to include in the packet with the EOB Certificate. Future Pro'ects City Hall Rear Entry Garden — Chair Warren will get the name of plants recommended by the City Horticulturist, Phoebe Stephens to Vice -chair Homeyer so he will get the plants to furnish the garden. I-630 Trees -no report. PR-Website-Chair Warren noted the website was going fine and that the library exhibit will need to be worked on soon. KLRB- Commissioner Jennings noted that the KLRB is still in need of monies. The Mayor has assigned four (4) sites that are a priority (State and City spaces). Currently, the hold up is finding someone to do the design work. Also, noted was the success of the dumpster dive in the River Market Area. It was noted a lot of information was gathered from the dive and it's created a lot of interest in the community. Coming up July the 26tn is a litter index survey. The KLRB would appreciate the CBC helping out and free training can be given prior to the index compilation. Ado t-A-Street Coordinator -Commissioner Wiedower noted that Mr. Tim Heiple has a few of the orange vests and will give those to him. Commissioner Watts and Commissioner Wiedower have divided the equipment for the pickup in the event that one of them will be unable to attend. OLD BUSINESS: L.indscape Ordinance- Sent drafted changes to the Planning and Development Department on March 10"', 2008. NEW BUSINESS: Chair Warren noted that she'd like to be notified and kept up to date on any Interstate buffer removals similar to the Shackleford Crossing Mall. Upcoming is a request to remove an interstate buffer. This area in particular is a designated scenic corridor by the Arkansas Highway Department. Chair Warren noted the precedent this would set if clearing of this area is to continue. Commissioner Jennings noted that this is very serious and that the Cities overall quality of life will suffer should this trend continue. Commissioner Jennings inquired on whether or not developers were also required to provide environmental impacts of the areas they are requesting to remove. City staff stated it currently is not required. Motion: Commissioner Jennings made a motion to oppose the clearing of all Interstates landscape buffers. Second: Commissioner Wiedower seconded the motion. Motion failed, no vote Commissioner Wiedower inquired the reasoning for the clearing of this Interstate buffer. Chair Warren noted she suspected it was for visibility of the automobiles for sale. Commissioner Tatum noted she felt like there should be two (2) separate votes on this subject. First, noting the CBC is against removal or reduction of this particular sites buffer and secondly, the CBC will draft a letter to the Planning Commission and the Board of Adjustment stating their opposition. Motion: Vice -chair Homeyer made a motion to oppose removing, reducing, or altering the buffer zone along the I-430 scenic corridor(s). Second: Commissioner Tatum seconded the motion. Discussion: Chair Warren noted that this would set a precedent for any future development along that highway corridor. The CBC feels any such approvals in variances of the landscape buffer zone would significantly change the quality of life for the city with increased noise levels and decreased visual appearance of a major transportation entrance route into our city. The landscape buffer zone was established by the city to maintain the beautiful and scenic qualities of the area and it needs to be preserved and protected. The motion passed unanimously. Motion: Commissioner Jennings made a motion to draft a letter from the CBC regarding the standing of the CBC regarding the issue of the any disturbance of the Interstate buffer and send it to the following: The Planning Commission, the Board of Adjustment, the Mayor, the Board of Directors, Mr. Dana Carney, Ms. Christy Marvel, and Mr. Tony Bozynski. Second: Commissioner Tatum seconded the motion and it passes unanimously. Chair Lynn Warren agreed to compose the letter and will bring a copy to the next CBC meeting for review. City staff noted that currently there are two (2) variance requests for next month. Motion: Vice -Chair Homeyer made a motion to adjourn. Second: Commissioner Wiedower seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Adjournment: 12:30 p.m.