CBC 01-03-2008MEETING NOTICE JANUARY 2008 THE CITY BEAUTIFUL COMMISSION WILL HOLD IT'S REGULAR MEETING AT 11:30 A.M. ON THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 2008, IN THE SISTER CITIES CONFERENCE ROOM ON THE SECOND FLOOR OF CITY HALL AGENDA CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: INTRODUCTION OF NEW MEMBERS: OPEN PUBLIC HEARING: TREASURER'S REPORT: COMMITEE REPORTS: UPDATES • EYE OF THE BEHOLDER • FUTURE BEAUTIFICATION PROJECTS o CITY HALL 0 1-630 • PR-WEBSITE • KLRB o COMPARISON PAPER • 2008 GARDEN SHOW BOOTH OLD BUSINESS: STEVE CHRISTY DECEMBER 13,2007 NO HEARING DEBRA DEBRA STEVE JESSICA/CHRISTY STEVE/JOHN DEBRA STATUS: BOOTH FEE DUE: 1 ST-$200 • AUDUBON PRESENTATION: RECOMMENDATION/LETTER OF SUPPORT o STORM DRAIN MARKING PROJECT REQUEST • LANDSCAPE ORINANCE: COMPILED COMMENTS JOHN • "ADOPT -A -MEDIAN" PROJECT -INITIATED BY THE MAYOR( METTING:12/5/07) • APPROVED 2008 CALENDAR WITH LITTER PICK UP DATES NEW BUSINESS: • RETREAT DATE / FACILITATOR • EOB CERTIFICATES TO OUTGOING COMMISSIONERS(LYNN,JIM,JAN,AND MARYJANE , p[�jfv, DATE TO BE DETERMINED. • NATIONAL TRAILS SYMPOSIUM: NOVEMBER 15-18,2008,LITTLE ROCK ANNOUNCEMENTS: NEXT MEETING- THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7T" LITTER PICK UP- SATURDAY, JANUARY 5T" ADJOURNMENT LITTLE ROCiG CITY BEAUTIFUL COM M ISSION The City Beautiful Commission held its regular meeting Thursday, December 13'', 2007, at 11:30 a.m. in the Sister Cities Conference Room on the second floor of City Hall. Chair Lynn Warren called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT: Lynn Warren (vacancy) John Beneke Steve Homeyer Debra Redding Jennie Cole Jessica Watts Kay Tatum MEMBERS ABSENT: Walter Jennings Mary Jane Rebick (vacancy) ALSO PRESENT: Christy Marvel, Plans Development Administrator, Department of Planning & Development, City of Little Rock Beth Blevins Carpenter, Deputy City Attorney, City of Little Rock INTRODUCTION OF NEW CBC MEMBER, KAY TATUM Mrs. Tatum described the Master Gardeners Program briefly. Commissioner Beneke noted that the Keep Little Rock Beautiful (KLRB) had decided to get their own booth at the LR 2008 Garden Show. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Motion: Commissioner Beneke made a motion to approve the minutes with minor changes as submitted by city attorney. Second: Commissioner Redding seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. OPENING OF PUBLIC MEETING: TREASURER'S REPORT: Per Debra Redding, Treasurer: Little Rock City Beautiful Commission Treasurer's Report 12-13-2007 Beginning Balance as of November 01 , 2007 $3,754.53 Credits Interest oii Account •Z5= Total credits $ 0.85 53,755.38 Debits Done $3 7755,5.38 Total debits Ending Bank Balance as of December 13, 2007 $3,755.38 $0 Chair Warren inquired staff about the 2008 CBC Budget. Commissioner Redding noted that she would contact Mr. Dana Carney about whether or not the CBC Budget passed. OLD BUSINESS: COMMITTEE REPORTS: UPDATES: Landsca a Awards Steve -no report. Eve of the Beholder Ann & Debra)- The total for the year thus far is thirty-one (31). Commissioner please begin picking up the yard signage that each of you distributed. Commissioner Redding will email Commissioner Cole the updated list of awardees. Future Proiects City Hall Rear Entry Garden(Lynn & Steve)- Chair Warren noted that she was still working on getting donations of plants for the water garden. I-630 Trees(Jessica & Christy) -City Staff and Chair Warren attended a Median Beautification Project per the Mayors request. It was decided that the KLRB will work on this project while the CSC can work more towards the beautification of the Interstates. These meetings will commence around February 2008. Updates can be given as needed. Also, note worthy was the obvious confusion of the differences in the City Beautiful Commission and Keep Little Rock Beautiful Commission. In response to the confusion, Chair Warren composed and sent out to the various entities and the City Board denoting the differences. PR-Website nn -maintenance of the website needs to be discussed at this years retreat. KLRB(Jessica)-no report. Commissioner Watts wasn't able to attend. Commissioner Watts inquired if perhaps someone else on the CBC might be interested in sitting on the KLRB Commission. Commissioner Watts has to travel out of town for her job quite a bit. 448 Garden Show $ooth(Dehra)-The CBC needs to continue brainstorming options for things to hazed out at the Garden Show this year. Commissioner Redding also noted that she filled out the registration form and sent it to Venita Young, in the Planning & Development Department. In the past, items at the garden show have included landscape award signs, the CBC banner, trash bags, pocket ashtrays. Ideally, it would be great if the CBC could give out trees, plants, perhaps; wildflower seeds. Also mentioned was having a complaint form box or surveys about changes/areas of concern within the City of Little Rock. It was decided that a small portion of time at the retreat could be used to investigate this topic further. Ada t-A-Street Coordinator -no report. Audubon Letter of Su art- Mr. Johnnie Chamberlin, from the Audubon Society previously sent via email his recommendations for the content of the letter of support from the CBC. The City Attorney, Beth Carpenter, feels like the CBC can send a letter of support of the cause; however, shouldn't include technical information/data that the CBC isn't really qualified to make recommendations regarding. Chair Warren stated that she would work on a composure of such with the help of Commissioner Watts, Environmental Engineer. The letter will be sent out to all CBC members prior to its finalization. Commissioner Chair noted a clerical mistake on the adopted 2008 CBC Calendar for the January 08th, 2009 meeting date. Motion: Commissioner Watts made a motion to change the error in the date. Second: Commissioner Beneke seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Landscape Ordinance John - Commissioner Beneke noted that he had received a fifteen (15) page document from Chair Warren and a document from Commissioner Cole. Chair Warren inquired about the progress of the compilation of the Commissioners comments and Commissioner Beneke noted that he had only received comments from two (2) of the Commissioners. Chair Warren inquired who on the Commission felt compelled to send in comments about the landscape ordinance. Vice -chair Homeyer and Commissioner Beneke were the only two (2) respondents. Commissioner Beneke will get Vice -chair Homeyer's comments, add his own and have something for the January CBC meeting that can then be discussed further at the 2009 CBC Annual Retreat, if needed. NEW BUSINESS: Chair Warren was able to compose and mail out the thank you letters recently for the Water Feature. ANNOUNCEMENTS: National Trails Retreat, January 15'h- 18th Litter Pickup -Saturday, January the 5th (meet at 8:30 am) ra Next Meeting -Thursday, January 3 P 2008 Retreat Date January 27t` Motion: Commissioner Beneke made a motion to adjourn. Second: Vice -chair Homeyer seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Adjournment: 12:47 p.m. The City Beautiful Commission held its regular meeting Thursday, January 3`d, 2008, at 11:30 a.m. in the Sister Cities Conference Room on the second floor of City Hall. Chair Steve Homeyer called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Lynn Warren (vacancy) Steve Homeyer Jennie Cole Jessica Watts Kay Tatum vacancy John Beneke Debra Redding Walter Jennings ALSO PRESENT: Dana Carney, Zoning & Subdivision Manager, Department of Planning & Development, City of Little Rock Christy Marvel, Plans Development Administrator, Department of Planning & Development, City of Little Rock Beth Blevins Carpenter, Deputy City Attorney, City of Little Rock STAFF UPDATE ON CHAIR RULING: Beth Carpenter, City Attorney, noted that after speaking at length with both Planning City Staff and City Attorney staff that Steve Homeyer is to be the chair of the City Beautiful Commission. Upon a decision of the Board of Directors Regarding Commissioner Warrens re -appointment the CBC can either revote on the slate of officers or simply vote in a vice -chair. INTRODUCTION OF NEW CBC MEMBER, WALTER JENNINGS APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: The minutes of the December 13th, 2007 meeting of the CBC were presented. Commissioner Beneke noted that he didn't remember stating that he would have information ready, regarding the landscape ordinance, today. He remembered stating that the CBC could discuss it at the 2008 Annual Retreat. The minutes also reflected him stating the KLRB would be getting their own booth. Commissioner Beneke stated that he remembered stating that he had spoken with KLRB about the separation of booths but it was up to them whether or not they get their own booth. Motion: Commissioner Warren made a motion to approve the minutes with changes noted. Second: Commissioner Redding seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. City Attorney noted that she would like to see the Audubon support letter prior to it being mailed. OPENING OF PUBLIC MEETING: TREASURER'S REPORT: Per Debra Redding, Treasurer: Little Rock City Beautiful Commission Treasurer's Report 12-13-2007 Beginning Balance as of November 01 , 2007 Credits Debits None $3 7�3 Interest on Account .85 Total credits $ 0.85 $3,755.38 Total debits $0 $3,715 3� Ending Bank Balance as of December 13, 2007 $3,755.38 Commissioner Redding noted that she'd confirmed with Mr. Dana Carney that indeed the CBC was budgeted $2,500.00 for the 2008 fiscal year. Commissioner Warren noted that she had been able to get donations of plants for the water feature. COMMITTEE REPORTS: UPDATES: Landscape Awards Steve -no report. Eve of the Beholder(Debra)- Zero new awardees for this month. The total for the year thus far is thirty-one (31). Future Proiects City Hall Rear Entry Garden (Lynn & Steve)- Commissioner Warren noted that she has plants that have been donated for the water feature. Recently, there had been trouble with the water feature, water freezing and causing a hazard to pedestrians on the sidewalk. City staff had the water turned off and sand/salt mix put on the exposed areas. Chair Homeyer is checking on the causes and solutions. Chair Homeyer is also trying to set a date/time to put in the plants and the irrigation. I-630 Trees(Jessica & Christy) -no report. PR-Website(Lynn & Jolin)-Commissioner Beneke met with Aristotle and made some changes to the website and uploaded the agenda for January. If anyone would like to be involved with the Website then let him know and he will teach you. It took him about 10 minutes to learn it. He submitted changes with the new members information. It can be addressed more at the retreat. KLRB Jessica -Commissioner Warren handed out a KLRB/CBC Comparison Sheet. It included the history of the KLRB. Commissioner Warren spoke with Mr. Nash Abrams regarding the confusion and future endeavors. 2008 Cat -den Show Booth Debra -Commissioner Redding sent the invoice to Venita Young in the Planning & Development Department so it could be paid early enough to get the discounted price. C:o► -i nissioner Redding has been unsuccessful at getting a response thus far. She will continue trying. The theme of this years Garden Show is, "Healthy Gardening" and the dates are February 22"d thru February 24t`. Discussion for potential handouts can be discussed at the retreat. Ada t-A-Street Coordinator -no report. OLD BUSINESS: Audubon Letter of Sn > ort- Commissioner Warren hasn't received a letter ftom Commissioner Watts as to date but will follow up with her. Commissioner Watts has been out of town with work. Beth Carpenter, City Attorney, again noted to please have her send a copy to her prior to its being mailed. Landscape Ordinance John - Commissioner Beneke stated he felt like he isn't necessarily the person for this task. Commissioner Beneke stated he did not want to be an editor and isn't real current on the landscape ordinance. In his opinion, it would be better suited for city staff probably Ms. Marvel. Commissioner Warren noted that the Planning & Development Department has come to this Commission requesting a written opinion of changes to the landscape ordinance. Beth Carpenter, City Attorney, noted that it is very helpful for each commissioner to strike through the changes desired and putting the changes next to it; perhaps in red. This makes it much easier for review/understanding for others that read it. The City Attorney will be reviewing the document for legal red flags. City Staff can help with clarity of the ordinance and the application of it. Commissioner Beneke inquired, "if I have a question about the landscape ordinance, what is the best way to ask it?" Mr. Dana Carney, responded that Planning can answer any questions that the Commission may have. The Planning Department will prepare the draft language of the new document. Currently, Planning & Development would like some suggested changes from the CBC. Are there areas we need to look at, change, or strengthen in the ordinance. Ultimately, the document will be required to go before the Board of Directors for adoption. Planning is just requesting that the CBC draft a document that gives suggested changes to the ordinance. All commissioners can funnel the documents to one City Beautiful Commissioner and that Commissioner can draft the document and delivery to the Planning & Development Department. Commissioner Beneke noted that it seemed simpler to him for all commissioner to merely send their comments/suggestions directly to Christy Marvel. Commissioner Warren asked Mr. Carney, "would you prefer something submitted collectively from the CBC?" Mr. Carney responded, "yes". Currently, Planning and Development is waiting on this document from the CBC. Solicitation of other various organizations will occur at a later date. All Commissioners please have your comments/suggestions to Commissioner Beneke prior to the 2008 Annual Retreat. It can be discussed at length on this day. Adopt -A -Median Undate confusion about what group(s) are to be involved in the median project was discussed. The KLRB commission will be handling the median project. While the CBC will continue working on the I-630 tree projects. NEW BUSINESS: 2008 Annual CBC Retreat: The CBC has contacted the facilitator from last years retreat, Julie, with Mangan Rainwater Culpepper. Julie has agreed to facilitate once again. Commissioner Beneke inquired on the number of vacancies currently on the CBC. It was noted that currently, there are two (2). Motion: Commissioner Warren made a motion to purchase another gift certificate in the amount of seventy-five dollars( $75.00); same as last year. Second: Commissioner Beneke seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Commissioner Warren noted she would handle the purchase/pickup of the gift certificate. Lunch options were discussed. It was noted that Community Bakery has decent boxed lunches. Commissioner Cole inquired the prices at Community Bakery and it was on average, fifteen dollars ($15.00) ahead. Motion: Commissioner Warren made a motion to allow Commissioner Cole to spend up to one - hundred and fifty dollars, ($150.00) on lunch for the 2008 retreat. Second: Commissioner Redding seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Commissioner Beneke inquired about the low amount. In his opinion, this retreat is considered a part of operational funds. Motion: Commissioner Beneke amended the motion to allow up to three -hundred dollars ($300.00) be available for the lunch menu. Second: Chair Homeyer seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. A count on attendees was taken and twelve (12) is the current count. Chair Homeyer will email everyone about the retreat. Commissioners Warren and Redding will work on the gift certificate purchase for the facilitator. The Eye of the Beholder Certificates for outgoing members can be discussed at a later date. Commissioner Warren noted that in November of 2008 the National Trails Symposium is coming to Little Rock and the CBC might want to be involved. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Litter Pickup -Saturday, February 9t` (meet at 8:30 am) Next Meeting -Thursday, March 6th. 2008 Retreat Date January 27" Motion: Commissioner Warren made a motion to adjourn. Second: Commissioner Cole seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Adjournment: 12:50 p.m.