CBC 12-03-2009LITTLE ROCK I I � I CITY BEAUTIFUL C0MMISS10N The City Beautiful Commission held its regular meeting Thursday, December 3rd, 2009, at 11:30 a.m. at Curran Hall. Chair Homeyer called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT: Steve Homeyer Walter Jennings Kay Tatum Lynn Warren Betsy Luten Jennie Cole Bill Wiedower MEMBERS ABSENT: vacancy vacancy vacancy ALSO PRESENT: Dana Carney, Zoning and Subdivision Manager, Department of Planning & Development, City of Little Rock Christy Marvel, Plans Development Administrator, Department of Planning & Development, City of Little Rock Beth Blevins Carpenter, Deputy City Attorney, City of Little Rock APPROVAL OF THE NOVEMBER MINUTES: Motion: Commissioner Warren made a motion to accept the minutes with changes as noted. Second: Commissioner Cole seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. TREASURER'S REPORT: Per Treasurer: no report It was noted the check for the flowers had been sent. Also noted, the check for the Garden Show booth had Received for half (1/2) of the price. The CBC discussed all outstanding balances. There appears to be Approximately, seven hundred sixty-three dollars ($763) remaining in the city account. Commissioner Warren noted she'd discussed the CBC website with Aristotle and the site is out of date. Aristotle can upgrade the site for five hundred dollars ($500.00). Additional signage would be approximately one hundred ninety-eight dollars ($198). Motion: Commissioner Warren made a motion to purchase the items discussed, totaling approximately six hundred and ninety-eight dollars ($698). Second: Commissioner Luten seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Agreed . upon duties: Commissioner Warren-Website and frames Commissioner Cole -poster framing Commissioner Luten-Booth receipt Chair Homeyer-Signage COMMITTEE REPORTS: UPDATES: OLD BUSINESS: Landscape Awards -no report. Eve of the Beholder(Tatum)- Commissioners count how many signs are in your possession for a total number of remaining amount. Community Proiects City Hall Rear Entry Garden —no report. I-630 Trees -Commissioner Jennings noted that he and Ms. Marvel had met with the Arkansas Highway Department, Division 6 regarding the trees along the Interstate. Potential locations and restrictions were discussed at length. Following the meeting, Commissioner Jennings and Ms. Marvel traveled the I-630 corridor to investigate potential locations to begin. Website(Lynn)-Commissioner Warren noted upon speaking with Aristotle the CBC Website appears to be out of date. For five hundred dollars ($500) the site can be upgraded and monthly price reduced to fifty dollars ($50.00), which in the long run, saves money. Commissioner Warren will discuss the option at further length and get back with the CBC next month with more information. Library Exhibit -(Tatum) -Commissioner Tatum noted the library exhibit will be located at Thompson Library in January 2010. Commissioner Warren offered to setup the exhibit this month in Commissioner Tatum's absence. Commissioner Tatum gave the articles for the exhibit to Commissioner Warren for display. KLRB(Walter)- Commissioner Jennings reported the KLRB had a fundraiser at Diamond Brewery and it was very successful. Adopt-A-Street-(Weidower) It was noted if one (1) per month, four (4) being optimal could agree to take a weekend for litter pick-up it'd be greatly appreciated. Garden Show 2010-(Luten) —The booth for the 2010 Garden Show has been paid in full. The Iris Society has agreed to pay one half (1/2) of the fee. It would be great to have some free Iris' for the give away or as prizes. Communications -(Cole)- It was noted that perhaps Meg Matthews could do an article on the new CBC location for meetings or even the new CBC Officers for the 2010 year. NEW BUSINESS: Motion: Commissioner Warren made a motion to approve the 2010 CBC Calendar as submitted. Second: Commissioner Tatum seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Change of the Bylaws -Deputy City Attorney Beth Carpenter, explained to the CBC that the meeting location change in the bylaws, will need to be addressed at next months CBC meeting. The verbiage denoted must be thirty (30) days prior to consideration. Mrs. Carpenter will bring an original copy next month to get Chair Homeyers' signature. New CBC Signage- Verbiage for the newly proposed signage was discussed. The location for the signage is be located within the interior of Curran Hall. Vice -chair Wiedower volunteered to produce a mock-up and will show CBC next month. 2010 CBC Annual Retreat- The annual retreat date has been set for January the 27 th , at 3:00 p.m. at Mangan Rainwater Culpepper as in the past. More information will be given to the CBC at next months meeting. Recycling Letter to Mayor- Ms. Carpenter discussed the State Statute regarding recycling. It was noted that multi -family and office sites were currently not included in the city's recycling Z:> options, The seven (7) year contract between Waste Management and the City of Little Rock will soon expire. Ms. Carpenter will review the draft letter to the Mayor. The CBC can review it with the proposed changes next month. Motion: Commission Warren made a motion to table the discussion of the letter to the Mayor, to next months CBC meeting. Second: Commissioner Cole seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Motion: Commissioner Cole made a motion to adjourn. Second: Vice -chair Weidower seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Adjournment: 12:37 p.m.