CBC 03-04-2010MEETING NOTICE MARCH 2O10 THE CITY BEAUTIFUL COMMISSION WILL HOLD ITS REGULAR MEETING AT 11:30 A.M. ON THURSDAY MARCH 4, 2010, IN CURRAN HALL (615 E CAPITOL AVE, LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201) CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: • GUEST SPEAKER STEVE CHRISTY / DANA MARCH 4, 2010 MELINDA GLASGOW TREASURER'S REPORT: EXPENSES REPORT BETSY COMMITTEE REPORT: UPDATES e LANDSCAPE AWARDS LINDA / JENNIE / STEVE • EYE OF THE BEHOLDER (SIGNS) KAY / BILL • COMMUNITY PROJECTS 0 1-630 TREES (UPDATE) WALTER/CHRISTY/HERB/STEVE • PUBLIC REALATIONS o WEBSITE LYNN 0 LIBRARY EXHIBIT/ HISTORY EXHIBIT KAY / BETSY • KLRB (UPDATE) (4" Wed / Noon)(APRIL 24TH CITYWIDE CLEANuP) BILL / WALTER • ADOPT -A -STREET COODINATORS (Letters to Donors) BILL / HERB • GARDEN SHOW (FEB.26T"-28T" 2010)(UPDATE) WALTER / HERB / LINDA • INFORMATION / COMMUNICATION JENNIE • AWARDS COMMITTEE REVIEW BILL / JENNIE / LYNN NEW BUSINESS: STEVE / CHRISTY • LETTER FOR RECYCLE PROGRAM STEVE / WALTER ANNOUNCEMENTS: • NEXT MEETING-THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 2010 • LITTER PICK UP — SATURDAY, MARCH 6T" (8:30AM) ADJOURNMENT -�-44,r3Av 10 -- -------------- --- L ; CIAj r.. ir;-eA A 4A. '`' 4, r LQ�A-,tv\ 12ku nv, K-7 00- I-f:,- t r thik Z-V kt L; low ItP I ► �--y ----- ----- b� r �f 5 I � � J I� i LITTLE ROCK CITY BEAUTIFUL COMMISSION The City Beautiful Commission held its regular meeting Thursday, March 41h, 2010, at 11:30 a.m. at Curran Hall. Vice -chair Wiedower called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT: Bill Wiedower Walter Jennings Lynn Warren Linda Bell Betsy Luten Herb Dicker MEMBERS ABSENT: Steve Homeyer Jennie Cole Kay Tatum vacancy ALSO PRESENT: Ronnie Loe, Assistant Director, Department of Public Works, City of Little Rock Melinda Glasgow, Recycling Coordinator, Department of Public Works, City of Little Rock Lance Norwood, National Tree Preservation Inc., Spectator Christy Marvel, Plans Development Administrator, Department of Plarming & Development, City of Little Rock Beth Blevins Carpenter, Deputy City Attorney, City of Little Rock APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Motion: Commissioner Warren made a motion to accept the CBC minutes for the month of February as submitted. Second: Commissioner Dicker seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. GUEST SPEAKER: Ms. Melinda Glasgow, the Recycling Coordinator and Mr. Ronnie Loe, Assistant Director both from the Department of Public Works, provided the CBC with information regarding the current city recycling endeavors. Ms. Glasgow noted that currently, the city only provides pick-up of recycling to single-family housing. However, there are three (3) recycling locations throughout the city that provide Saturday morning pick-up for those willing to bring the recyclable items to one of these three locations: Baseline/Oman Road, Chenal Parkway, and Fairpark. An awareness campaign is scheduled for the month of April. Currently, approximately thirty-five percent (35%) of the cities residents recycle. The Chamber of Commerce is about to start recycling and it addition plans to send out information to approximately two -thousand (2000) people. Vice -Chair Wiedower noted that currently there is a cardboard recycling dumpster located downtown, in the River Market area that has been very beneficial. Currently, it is picked up once a week. Pick up of all recyclables must be cost effective. "Pay as you Throw Program" was discussed. Currently, LR citizens are charged a mere two dollars and seven cents ($2.07), monthly on their sewage bill. Commissioner Jennings inquired what the CBC might be able to help and what particularly should the CBC be promoting in the upcoming year. Ms. Glasgow thanked the CBC for the . recent letter generated by the CBC regarding recycling. It was noted that education is the prior goal It was noted schools are typically interested in recycling. Ms. Glasgow noted it is a green revolution, currently. The State of Arkansas has begun recycling paper and Kathy Webb is helping to coordinate. Commissioner Warren inquired about schools, churches, and businesses being added to the recycling program. Mr. Ron Loe noted, currently a way to mandate recycling isn't in place. Ms. Glasgow offered to facilitate a tour of the recycling efforts. Ms. Glasgow noted the presence of the CBC to the board if/when it goes to bid would be beneficial and an optimal opportunity to express ideas and opinions. Requirement of the waste provider to pursue additional recycling opportunities should be of primary concern. Commissioner Warren noted in other places, the homeless people were hired to run a recycling center outside of grocery stores; payment per vouchers for food. The key issue with any dumpster/recycling bin is it being manned at all times. Prior advertisement was discussed noting the use of Day Break on a Saturday morning and any other opportunity that presented itself to educate. TREASURER'S REPORT: Per Treasurer: Balance in the account is $1,531.51. OLD BUSINESS: Landscape Awards -Commissioner Bell noted she had two (2) individuals desiring an Eye of the Beholder Award and inquired about the procedure for the award. Inquiry regarding the procedure for compilation of the landscape award nominees. Commissioner Warren explained both. Commissioner Jennings noted it was very helpful to take the list and actually drive to the sites prior to the voting. Staff emailed the 2009 Landscape Award Nominee List out to all CBC. Eye of the Beholder (Tatum)- no report. This award starts this month. Commissioner Jennings noted he'd typically leaves a sign and gives the name and address to Commissioner Tatum so a certificate can be generated and given. Community Proiects City Hall Rear Entry Garden —no report. I-630 Trees -Commissioner Jennings noted that he, Commissioner Dicker and Christy Marvel, city staff had visited numerous sites along Interstate 630. A site has been chosen to begin preliminary design work on. It is the area north side of the Interstate, east of Chester Street. City staff will begin preliminary sketches as able. Website (Lynn) -Commissioner Warren noted the website contract needed to be signed and will be sent to the City Attorneys office for review prior to the City Manager signage. Commissioner Warren met with them and discussed the various changes and will bring samples for CBC to review. It was mentioned the profile of Little Rock in the four seasons or perhaps morning, noon, and night depending upon when the individual is viewing the site. Perhaps, include a blooming schedule. Library Exhibit- (Tatum) -Staff, Christy Marvel, was inquired about the CBC use of the display area in City Hall in May. Christy Marvel noted a decision hasn't been made yet but would let the CBC know once it had. Fletcher Library is being considered for the month of June. The library located off Baseline Road has no display case. KLRB (Walter)- Commissioner Jennings reported the KLRB was promoting the city wide clean up. The follow-up letter will be sent out soon regarding the event. Four city parks are included in this cleanup. Primary need is that of leadership, helping to organize the persons that work. Adopt -A -Street- (Wiedower) Vice -chair Wiedower noted meet as scheduled. Garden Show 2010-(Luten) —It was recommended a brochure would've been great to have at the booth. There were four hundred and twenty-five (425) less individuals this year from last. This event was successful and should be one of the endeavors the CBC takes upon in 2011. Communications- (Cole)- (no report). NEW BUSINESS: Recycling Letter to Major- Commissioner Jennings noted the letter was scheduled to go out soon. Motion: Commissioner Warren made a motion to adjourn. Second: Commissioner Luten seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Adjournment: 12:58 p.m. LITTLE ROCK I I I �r CITY13i_AUTIPUI. (U0M, M IIsSIo\ The City Beautiful Commission held its regular meeting Thursday, March 4", 2010, at 11:30 a.m. at Curran Hall. Vice -chair Wiedower called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: ALSO PRESENT: Bill Wiedower Lynn Warren Betsy Luten Steve Homeyer Jennie Cole Kay Tatum vacancy Walter Jennings Linda Bell Herb Dicker Ronnie Loe, Assistant Director, Department of Public Works, City of Little Rock Melinda Glasgow, Recycling Coordinator, Department of Public Works, City of Little Rock Lance Norwood, National Tree Preservation Inc., Spectator Christy Marvel, Plans Development Administrator, Department of Planning & Development, City of Little Rock Beth Blevins Carpenter, Deputy City Attorney, City of Little Rock APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Motion: Commissioner Warren made a motion to accept the CBC minutes for the month of February as submitted. Second: Commissioner Dicker seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. GUEST SPEAKER: Ms. Melinda Glasgow, the Recycling Coordinator and Mr. Ronnie Loe, Assistant Director both from the Department of Public Works, provided the CBC with information regarding the current city recycling endeavors. Ms. Glasgow noted that currently, the city only provides pick-up of recycling to single-family housing. However, there are three (3) recycling locations throughout the city that provide Saturday morning pick-up for those willing to bring the recyclable items to one of these three locations: Baseline/Oman Road, Chenal Parkway, and Fairpark. An awareness campaign is scheduled for the month of April. Currently, approximately thirty-five percent (35%) of the cities residents recycle. The Chamber of Commerce is about to start recycling and it addition plans to send out information to approximately two -thousand (2000) people. Vice -Chair Wiedower noted that currently there is a cardboard recycling dumpster located downtown, in the River Market area that has been very beneficial. Currently, it is picked up once a week. Pick up of all recyelables must be cost effective. "Pay as you Throw Program" was discussed. Currently, LR citizens are charged a mere two dollars and sen cents ($2.07), monthly on their sewage bill. Commissioner Jennings inquired what the CBC might be able to help and what particularly should the CBC be promoting in the upcoming year. Ms. Glasgow thanked the CBC for the recent letter generated by the CBC regarding recycling. It was noted that education is the prior' '. goal. It was noted schools are typically interested in recycling. Ms. Glasgow noted it is a green revolution, currently. The State of Arkansas has begun recycling paper and Kathy Webb is .... helping to coordinate. Commissioner Warren inquired about schools, churches, and businesses being added to the recycling program. Mr. Ron Low, noted, currently a way to mandate recycling isn't in place. Ms. Glasgow offered to facilitate a tour of the recycling efforts. Ms. Glasgow noted the presence of the CBC to the board if/when it goes to bid would be beneficial and an optimal opportunity to express ideas and opinions. Requirement of the waste provider to pursue additional recycling opportunities should be of primary concern. Commissioner Warren noted in other places, the homeless people were hired to run a recycling center outside of grocery stores; payment per vouchers for food. The key issue with any dumpster/recycling bin is it being manned at all times. Prior advertisement was discussed noting the use of Day Break on a Saturday morning and any other opportunity that presented itself to educate. TREASURER'S REPORT: Per Treasurer: Balance in the account is $1,531.51. COMMITTEE REPORTS: UPDATES: OLD BUSINESS: Landscape Awards -Commissioner Bell noted she had two (2) individuals desiring an Eye of the Beholder Award and inquired about the procedure for the award. Inquiry regarding the procedure for compilation of the landscape award nominees. Commissioner Warren explained both. Commissioner Jennings noted it was very helpful to take the list and actually drive to the sites prior to the voting. Staff emailed the 2009 Landscape Award Nominee List out to all CBC. Eye of the Beholder (Tatum)- no report. This award starts this month. Commissioner Jennings noted he'd typically leaves a sign and gives the name and address to Commissioner Tatum so a certificate can be generated and given. Community Projects City Hall Rear Entry Garden —no report. I-630 Trees -Commissioner Jennings noted that he, Commissioner Dicker and Christy Marvel, city staff had visited numerous sites along Interstate 630. A site has been chosen to begin preliminary design work on. It is the area north side of the Interstate, east of Chester Street. City staff will begin preliminary sketches as able. Website (Lvnn)-Commissioner Warren noted the website contract needed to be signed and will be sent to the City Attorneys office for review prior to the City Manager signage. Commissioner Warren met with them and discussed the various changes and will bring samples for CBC to review. It was mentioned the profile of Little Rock in the four seasons or perhaps morning, noon, and night depending upon when the individual is viewing the site. Perhaps, include a blooming schedule. Library Exhibit- (Tatum) -Staff, Christy Marvel, was inquired about the CBC use of the display i area in City Hall in May. Christy Marvel noted a decision hasn't been made yet but would let the CBC know once it had. Fletcher Library is being considered for the month of June. The library located off Baseline Road has no display case. KLRB (Waiter)- Commissioner Jennings reported the KLRB was promoting the city wide clean up. The follow-up letter will be sent out soon regarding the event. Four city parks are included in this cleanup. Primary need is that of leadership, helping to organize the persons that work. Adopt -A -Street- (Wiedower) Vice -chair Wiedower noted meet as scheduled. Garden Show 2010-(Luten) —It was recommended a brochure would've been great to have at the booth. There were four hundred and twenty-five (425) less individuals this year from last. This event was successful and should be one of the endeavors the CBC takes upon in 2011. Communications- (Cole)- (no report). NEW BUSINESS: Recycling Letter to Mayor- Commissioner Jennings noted the letter was scheduled to go out soon. Motion: Commissioner Warren made a motion to adjourn. Second: Commissioner Luten seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Adjournment: 12:58 p.m. LITTLE ROCK CITY BEAUTIFUL COMMISSION 723 We;t Markham Street Little Rock, AR 72201-1427 Phone 371-4864 / Fax 371-6863 ME= .70r. F., R.R. WE WIN . W1 �1040"" SO tillu-nuut duurs-te; fit pluillutilly tile �'luf 5 ^Uopt it well as adopting a street itself. In addition, another duty of our commission is the responsibility for reviewing all commercial development plans requesting variances to the required Landscape Ordinance in an effort to maintain a beautiful landscape for our city. Both of these first two duties of the commission reflect concrete attempts to promote a city that cares, about its environment. This environmental mandate as well as requests from city staff and city directors spurred the commission to help organize and establish the Keep Little Rock Beautiful group in 2004 which promotes beautification, litter control and recycling in our city. The other two charter duties of our commission are to provide environmental policy and aesthetic improvement guidelines to the Mayor and Board of Directors. Relative to these latter duties, CBC felt obligated to express our concern and our position on promoting recycling in our city. irwb"i nT Im I TMWIY yru W.-y", F , eviersnip lmprorving-rWUF*jlng UM-M MT ronmental issues. The Little Rock City Beautiful Commission sees the clear evidence of your commitment to these issues as demonstrated by adding a recycling coordinator, initiatives with the median beautification projects and through the organization of the Mayor's Sustainability Committee. Your efforts are appreciated and are making a positive impact in our community! should explore additional areas or options that would allow expanded recycling services beyond residential. An option would be to do this in phases by adding the multi -unit housing and recycling at businesses. Another .n i xin i to r Again, we appreciate what you are doing for our city and your willingness to listen to us and other citizens regarding this issue. And on behalf of the Little Rock City Beautiful Commission, thank you for your time and consideration of W6411';Ez fiv our community. SincerebG--_., Lt�zw Steve 1-16meyei, Chair �W N(ftzVXA'-V6;A zCc Little Rock City Beautiful Commission (CBC), Commission City Director Liaison, Dr. Dean Kumpuris Robert Phelps, Director, Keep Arkansas Beautiful Nash Abrams, Board Chair, Keep Little Rock Beautiful Associated city staff. Planning and Development Department -Tony Bozynski, Dana Carney, Christy Marvel; City Attorney Office -Beth Carpenter, Deputy City Attorney; Public Relations -Meg Matthews; City Manager - Bruce Moore; Assistant City Manager -Brian Day VJl + / GV­ t'At LV: i VJVL J !Y Jl t J WVV4l VV.) Carrie M. Young 2017 Cumberland St. Little Rock, AR 72206 March 12, 2010 Mark Stodola Mayor and Board of Directors CITY OF LITTLE ROCK 500 West Markham Little Rock, AR 72201 Dear Mayor and Board of Directors: I am a long-time resident of our city, and I am writing to express my desire to serve on the City Beautiful commission. I have lived in the ward I area of Little Rock for 43 years. I would like the opportunity to serve my fellow citizens on this commission to assist in the aesthetic of our community. The urban area of Little Rock is forward moving in commercial and residential growth. People are moving back into this area and I would like to see the city invest in the aesthetic in such a way that it attracts investors and families to be a part of the modern thinkers that keep our city beautiful. Sine r ly, Carrie AC Y v ✓, - - -v i 1.,. i v. i.z a -- Jva J / `i 4!,, tf (J V V J t V V J 2017 cumberland Street * Little Rock, AR 72206 * 501-766-3317 * eniail:carryou5@aol,com Objective To serve as a commissioner on the City Beautiful Commission Professional Administrative Assistant Highlights • To perform all administrative and clerical duties for the operation of a regional office. To assist the Regional director in the administrative support functions required for recruiting and field training. Customer Service Specialist ■ Produce medical prescription cards. • Train new employees in my area. • Provide leadership in absence of Manager. • Setup queues via Internet. • Investigate all call tracking. • inventory. Foodservice Mgr.\Facilities Mgr.\Asst. Air, Phoebes' House of Ministry • Setup monthly menu. • Establish work schedule for the workers. • Supervise the upkeep of 17 buildings • Organize routine maintenance of vents, HVAC, fans, painting, lawn and minor repairs. • Facilitator of daily living in Phoebes' House of Ministry. Data Entry\Clerical Accounting • Process incoming payments. • Balance all batches for bank deposit. • Transmit reports, and archive records more than a year old. Skills • Certified in Microsoft Office 2007 • Microsoft PowerPoint • Certified in Microsoft Windows 98 • Bell & Howell 6 pocket Inserter • Certified in IBM Keypunch • Datacard 500/9000 • Microsoft Excel 2007 • 714XE UltraFolder, • Microsoft Word 2007 • Docutech 6135 Xerox high speed printer. • Canon Color Image Runner C2880, Employment Administrative History Assistant Customer Service Specialist Foodservice & Facility Mgr. Data Entry\Clerical Accounting Education Diploma Modern Woodmen of America, Little 01/03/2006 - Rock, AR Present National Medical Health CardRX, 26 Harbor Park Drive Port Washington, New York 11050 08/2002 - 04/2005 Total Outreach for Christ Ministries 3300 Asher Avenue, L. R„ AR 72204 11/89 - 02/2002 South Western Bell Telephone Co. 1111 W. Capitol Ave, L.R,, AR 72206 1974 -1988 Eliza Miller Sr. High School West Helena, AR 72390 1966 References References are available on request. Qjvv�/ VVj CITY OF LITTLE ROCK BOARDS & COMMISSIONS QUESTIONNAIRI Complete this questionnaire and send to: City Clerk City Hall, Room 200 500 West Markham Little Rock, AR 72201 Remember to include your self -identification form, and resume, as well as a letter addressed to the Mayo, and Board of Directors expressing a desire to be considered. R6sumbs should be limited to (2) pages and include a verifiable home address and phone number. Please answer the following questions as completely as possible. For the purpose of making recommendations and appointments, this information will be made available to the City Board of Directors and the Chair of the respective Board or Commissions to which you are applying. Name of Board or Commission which you are applying: 4wlo� 1) Outline the purpose or mission of the Board or Commission for which you are applying. 2) Why are you interested in serving on this Board or Commission? 3) What are your qualifications for serving on this Board or Commission? /,0*4 4) Do you have an idea of the time commitment it will take to serve on this Board or Commission? If so, are you willing to make the full time commitment? Signed: ✓ Date: Ward: uu""^'""j CITY OFLITTLE ROCK Self -identification Survey // L� The ChyofUKheRock and the Ro���ndCultural Diversity Commission seeks <oincrease diversity inapplicants for City boards and commissions. Your derrographic information will be used to track and enhance diversity in our boards and commissions, Race/Ethnic{3noup: (select one ormore) VVhite—AporsonhavingoriginainonyoftheoriginalpenplennfEunope.tAoMiddleEaot,cxNorthAfrioa. �y Black orAfrican Amarican—Apemonhav|ngohginninanyoftheB|ackrauia|grompuofAfricu LJ Hispanic o/Latino (of any race) —Aperson of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central orSouth American, orother Spanish culture. [� Asian — A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia,or the indian subcontinent including for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam, LJ American Indian mAlaskan Native —Aperson having origins inany mf the original peoples ofNorth and South America (including Central America) and who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment. [] Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander- A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, orother Pacific Islands. '-' �!Ae�, _________�______ _____________ Gender [1 Male 01 /Fema|e Age; LJ 15-25 [� 2S 35 LJ 36'44 LJ 45'55 �� 50&over How did you learn ofthis board/commission vacancy? 0 G-, �Yw�b��o &�,` ��o�' mnnunity Agency, specify LJ Referred byBourd/CnmminniVnMember 0 Newspaper, opacifv:____________ /' k] Refnmad by City Director orStaff 7­1 Other. specify: [] Local Government Access Channel