CBC 11-01-2012The City Beautiful Commission held its regular meeting Thursday, November 01, 2012, at 11:30 a.m. at Curran Hall. Chair Wiedower called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT: Steve Homeyer Bill Wiedower Wally Loveless Lynn Warren Carrie Young Brittany Snyman Chris Minor Jennie Cole MEMBERS ABSENT: Ingrid Green Edward Peek Freddie Ratliff ALSO PRESENT: Christy Marvel, Plans Development Administrator, Department of Planning & Development, City of Little Rock Beth Blevins Carpenter, Deputy City Attorney, City Attorney's Office, City of Little Rock Haitham Alley, Vratsinas Construction Company (VCC) APPROVAL OF THE JANUARY MINUTES: Motion: Commissioner Warren made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected. Second: Commissioner Snyman seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. CBC Case 620-B 207 West 3d Street, VCC Parking Lot Commissioner Homeyer recused on this application. Staff opened the hearing for the variance request located at 207 West 3rd Street. The UU zoned property along the south side of W. 3rd Street, between Center and Louisiana Street. This site now a parking lot which serves the Hatcher Agency, which is located in the office building within the southeast portion of this block, and Vratsinas Construction Company(VCC), which is Iocated in the office building across W.:3rd Street to the north. The parking lot on the west side of the alley contains 40 payed parking spaces; with the lot on the east side of the alley contains 48 spaces. The lots are enclosed with a six (6) foot high iron fence, with masonry columns. Vehicle entry gates (rolling gates) for each lot are located along the alley right-of-way. On June 27th, 2011 the applicant went before the Board of Adjustment for a number of variances. The Board approved a variance for the elimination of two (2) street trees and the reduction of the street buffer area. On September 1" 2011 the applicant requested a variance from the City Beautiful Commission for the reduction of the street perimeter landscape strip, the elimination of building landscaping, and plant deduction, and the elimination of two (2) interior islands. The applicant was granted all the requested variances, with the exception of the interior islands being eliminated. The applicant also proposed and donated, four thousand four hundred ten dollars and thirty-two cents ($ 4,410.32) to the City of Little Rock, Tree Fund. Upon construction of the approved parking lot, additional utilities were found. The applicant then located all of the required street trees within the perimeter planting strip. Upon site inspection for final certificate of occupancy the site was put on notice to reapply since the plants were not put in per the landscape plan. On April 30'', 2012 the applicant went before the Board of Adjustment requesting to Plant the street trees in planters. City staff was not in support of the tree planters. The Board of Adjustment recommended deferral of the application based upon staffs feedback. On May 21St, 2012 the Board granted another deferral on the application. On June 25th the Board approved another deferral on the application. On July 30th, 2012 the applicant addressed the Board of Adjustment noting that AT& T, Centerpoint Energy, and Entergy had utility lines in the area where the street trees are required. Mr. Hai noted the relocation of all those utilities was very, very expensive. The Board of Adjustment instructed Mr. Haitham to submit alternative plans for the issue, to work with city staff, and to have something submitted within two (2) weeks. The applicant was then deferred to the August 27t", 2012 meeting. The applicant submitted a plan to staff on August 9th, 2012, proposing to install additional landscaping (trees) within another parking lot located at the northwest corner of West 3ra and Louisiana Streets. The new landscaping is proposed in lieu of planting the street trees at 207 W. 3ra Street. The lot at the northwest corner of W. 3ra and Louisiana Streets has the same ownership as the 207 W. 3ra Street property. The applicant was granted a variance from the development provisions of Section 36-342.1(5.) to not plan any street trees at 207 W. 3ra Street. The applicant submitted an amended plan for planting the trees in lieu of the required street trees. The applicant had planted eight (8) additional trees within the interior/perimeter landscaped areas of the site. The a plicant will also plant six (6) more trees within the existing landscaped beds across W. 3' Street to the north (northwest corner of W.3ra and Louisiana Streets). The applicant will also make a two - thousand dollar ($2,000.00) contribution to the City's Tree Fund. The Board of Adjustment approved the proposal with the two (2) following conditions: 1. The amended application/plan must be approved by the City Beautiful Commission and 2. The trees at the northwest corner of W. P. and Louisiana Streets must be installed within the thirty (30) days of the final approval. Therefore, the applicant is now requesting approval of the revised landscape plan. The applicant ran into an unforeseen utility easement area creating a hardship. All of the trees shown on the originally approved Iandscape plan are on the site; they are simply relocated and not within the public right-of-way (street tree area). The applicant is proposing to plant additional trees on the property across the street and make another donation to the City of Little Rock, Tree Fund. Staff feels the applicant has improved a downtown site and has tried to meet the intention of the landscape ordinance. Staff is supportive of the requested variance and thus recommends approval of the application. Chair Wiedower inquired the applicant, Mr. Haitharn Alley, if he had anything additional to add. Mr. Haitham responded that he did not have anything; to add. Chair Wiedower noted that he was glad to see the applicant come up with anol:her solution that included city staff support and the upgrade of another site, downtown. Chair Wiedower noted, he felt it was a good remedy for this issue. Commissioner Cole inquired about the utility lines not being shown on the original legal survey given to city staff far review. The applicant noted the surveyor missed the utilities and thus they were not initially shown on the legal survey. It wasn't until they begin to excavate the area that the utilities were discovered, Commissioner Loveless inquired about Pagis and the use of the data. It was noted Pagis was not reviewed. Commissioner Warren inquired about the plant materials. Commissioner Warren noted she'd visited the site prior to arriving at the meeting today and noticed the sidewalks being slender in width. Commissioner Minor noted it would've been nice if the landscaping could've been planted on this site of fence. Motion: Commissioner Warren made a motion to accept the recommendation by city staff to approve this application. Second: Commissioner Minor seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. New CBC member, Mr. Wally Loveless was introduced. The re -appointment of Mr. Steve Homeyer was announcegD Commissioner Warren passed the CBC Contact List out forupdates. Commissioner Minor noted contact information would also be needed for CBC business card.( Commissioner Loveless indicated an interest in the City's Public Right -of --Ways. Commissioner Loveless said lie worked as a Realtor in the City of Little Rock and the cleanliness and curb appeal of our city public right-of-ways was important. Chair Wiedower noted that the Adopt -A -Street Committee Chair was vacant at the moment and it sounded like something Commissioner Loveless may have an interest in. Commissioner Minor also noted interest and will work on the Adopt -A -Street Committee for now; until either the retreat or until someone else wants to take on. Commissioner Warren updated Commissioner Loveless about the Adopt -A -Street program. ° It was noted the Rotary Clubs and Realtors maybe good groups to a adoption of our city streets for trash pick-up. y g g P approach about the TREASURER'S REPORT: Commissioner Snyman noted no changes in either of the CBC accounts. To date the balance in the Centennial Bank Account is $1297.05. Commissioner Snyman will contact Mrs. Venita Harris in the Planning Department about the city fund balance and report it via email to the Commission. Discussion commenced on ordering new CBC logo shirts. It was noted those would need to be Purchased with the CBC account instead of the City Account. COMMITTEE REPORTS: UPDATES: OLD BUSINESS: Community Projects I-630 Trees (Minor, Marvel) -Commissioner Minor noted that his Committee partner is now off the CBC; therefore, direction on the process or what to do next would be appreciated. Hated Assistant City Manager, Bryan Day, would be attending a CBC meeting soon so pe t a getting direction from Mr. Day would be an option. Commissioner Warren described briefly the committee's goal(s) and noted this project can be added to the CBC Retreat Agenda perhaps. ' L0 to Warren -Chair Wiedower noted the CBC website continues to look great. Commissioner Warren mentioned Meg Matthews took photos of the 2012 CBC Landscape Awards and had planned to send them to city staff Christy Marvel. Staff Hated no photographs have been sent to date. Commissioner Warren noted city staff, Christy , had given her a certified Ietter from Aristotle. Aristotle is the company that handless the BCC wla ebs .The letter notes some changes; however, it's unclear whether or not additional charges will be incurred. Commissioner Warren noted she would investigate further and get back to the CBC via email if any new information is gathered. Libra Exhibit- So man -The schedule for the exhibit was discussed. It was noted Commissioner Bell has a key that needed to be returned. It was noted the exhibit is on the schedule for the month of December. Christy Marvel, city staff, noted the coordination of that exhibit is to be done with the Planning & Development Department staff. The display case was briefly discussed. It was noted Bryan Day, Assistant City Manager, would likely have information on someone to contact at the State House Conference Center. KLRB iedower - Wiedower -Chair Wiedower noted plans to begin attendance due to his schedule changing; allowing him to be in Little Rock more. Ado t-A-Street Miner and Voun _ Commissioner Minor noted this upcoming weekend is the scheduled Pick up date. Commissioner Minor noted it would be optimal to come up with a better system that could be implemented that would increase participation. A sign up sheet was discussed that would list the annual dates for trash pick-up. Each CBC ;member could then ick p t'No (2) or three (3) times within the year to participate. Recycling was discussed briefly. Commissioner Minor noted he would coordinate the pick up for now and would email everyone about any changes; i.e. Inclement weather, not enough involvement, etc. Areas of heavy trash were discussed; it was noted code enforcement can be called to turn in complaints. Communications- WON - It was noted the Democrat/Gazette published the 2012 CBC Landscape Awards. Published Saturday, October 27'i', 2012, Editorial Page (7B). Landscape Awards Home er - Commissioner Homeyer noted the 2412 CB C Landscape Awards went good. All three (3) awardees were shocked and happy to be winners The Mayor had each Board Member from the respective wards present the award. Commissioner Warren described the Landscape Awards. Commissioner Loveless inquired about the K-Mart site on more landscaping. Commissioner Snyman requested copies of the newspaper ads be Rodney Parham. Discussion coznmenced on ways to encourage existing businesses to install included the minutes City staff noted the minutes include the publisher, date, pages, etc. currently. in Landmark Award iedower -Chair Wi daughter and widow of Mr. edower noted the Landmark was presented to the Rick Redden, AIA. It was noted that City Board member, Dean Kumpuris and developer, Jimmy Moses both spoke on his behalf. Kate East, daughter of Mr. Redden, accepted the award and was very grateful. It was noted the stone city staff had for display/questions was used for this particular award; however, Custom Trophies is supposed to have additional rocks that have already been paid however, mounting and the plaque cost additional. aid fhwill CBC Business Cards Minor -Commissioner Minor presented the CBC with personal business cards. An invoice was given to city staff to give to Mrs. Venita Harris. It was noted all the CBC will also need business cards. Chair Weidower asked if additional bags, pick; up tools, vests, etc. are needed to order prior to the end of the year. The balance from the City Account was questioned. Commissioner Snyman noted she'd be unable to make contact.City staff, Christy Marvel, denoted the main phone number for Planning & Development; 501-371-4790Commissioner Snyman noted she would make contact and let everyone know the current amount in that account via email. Motion: Commissioner Warren made a motion to allow Commissioner Homeyer the money,u to ($300.40) three -hundred dollars, to purchase landscape award signs and frames for next landscape awards. years Second: Commissioner Young seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. All CBC members were encouraged to bring their estimates for things that need to be purchased prior to the end of the year. NEW BUSINESS: E e of the Beholder_ Your - Commissioner Young noted interest in expanding the Eye of the Beholder Award. Firstly, expanding its eligibility dates to include year around Secondly, expanding what types of landscapes would be applicable. For example, the intersection of Daisy Bates and Cumberland is one that she would like to nominate. Having seasonal photographs for the website was also discussed. It was noted all enhancements can he recognized. one issue discussed was having a competition between city wards, recognizing the best one or two sites that are a "gem" in the particular ward. It was decided that could further be discussed at the retreat coming up in January. Commissioner Warren noted that the dates for the Eye of the Award could simply be removed that Iimit the eligibility currently. Motion: Commissioner Young made a motion to change the timeline on the website or to make it all year long. Second: Commissioner Warren seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. 2012 CBC Calendar of Meetin Dates: Commissioner Warren noted the date needed to be changed for the January 3rd, 2014 date to January 2"d, 20I4. Motion: Commissioner Minor made a motion to accept the 2012 CBC Calendar as proposed by city staff with the one date changed as noted. Second: Commissioner Warren seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Commissioner Homeyer noted an article that he'd seen about Curran Hall {the building being occupied at the moment) being haunted. The article had noted the original owner of the building had passed away in the structure, The City of Little Rock was also noted as bung number five (5) in livability recently. In addition to being noted in the top ten (10) places to live economically. ADJOURNMENT: Motion: Commissioner Homeyer made a motion to adjourn. Second: Commissioner Young seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 12:59 p.m. MEETING NOTICE November 1, 2012 THE CITY BEAUTIFUL COMMISSION WILL HOLD ITS REGULAR MEETING AT 1 1:30 A.M. ON THURSDAY November 1, 2012, IN CURRAN HALL (615 E CAPITOL AVE, LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201) AGENDA CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: BILL APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: CHRISTY Oct. 4, 2012 VARIANCE REQUESTS: CBC Case 620-B 207 West 31d, VCC Parking Lot Introduction of new CBC members: Ed Peek, Wally Loveless, Ingrid Green, and Steve Homeyer TREASURER'S REPORT: • EXPENSES REPORT BRITTANY COMMITTEE REPORT: UPDATES • COMMUNITY PROJECTS 0 1-630 TREES o CITY HALL SOUTH YARD CHRIS • PUBLIC RELATIONS STEVE/LYNN o WEBSITE 0 LIBRARY EXHIBIT/ HISTORY EXHIBIT LYNN • KLRB (UPDATE) (4th Wed / Noon) BRITTANY • ADOPT -A -STREET COORDINATORS BILL • INFORMATION / COMMUNICATION ? • EYE OF THE BEHOLDER JENNIE • LANDSCAPE AWARDS CARRIE • LANDMARK AWARD STEVE BILL NEW BUSINESS: • CBC 2013 Calendar of Meeting Dates • EOB CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS DISCUSSION • STAFF UPDATE(S): ANNOUNCEMENTS: ■ NEXT MEETING - THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6th, 2012 LITTER PICK UP - SATURDAY, November 3rd, 2012 (8:30 am) ADJOURNMENT MEETING NOTICE November 1, 2012 THE CITY BEAUTIFUL COMMISSION WILL HOLD ITS REGULAR MEETING AT 1 1:30 A.M. ON THURSDAY November 1, 2012, IN CURRAN HALL (615 E CAPITOL AVE, LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201) AGENDA CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: BILL APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: CHRISTY Oct. 4, 2012 VARIANCE REQUESTS: CBC Case 620-B 207 West 31d, VCC Parking Lot Introduction of new CBC members: Ed Peek, Wally Loveless, Ingrid Green, and Steve Homeyer TREASURER'S REPORT: • EXPENSES REPORT BRITTANY COMMITTEE REPORT: UPDATES ■ COMMUNITY PROJECTS 0 1-630 TREES o CITY HALL SOUTH YARD CHRIS • PUBLIC RELATIONS STEVE/LYNN o WEBSITE 0 LIBRARY EXHIBIT/ HISTORY EXHIBIT LYNN • KLRB (UPDATE) (4th Wed / Noon) BRITTANY ■ ADOPT -A -STREET COORDINATORS BILL • INFORMATION / COMMUNICATION ? • EYE OF THE BEHOLDER JENNIE • LANDSCAPE AWARDS CARRIE • LANDMARK AWARD STEVE BILL NEW BUSINESS: • EOB CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS DISCUSSION • STAFF UPDATE(S): ANNOUNCE ENTS: e • NEXT MEETING - THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6th, 2012 • LITTER PICK UP - SATURDAY, November 3rd, 2012 (8:30 am) ADJOURNMENT November 01, 2012 ITEM NO. I - C.B.C. 620-B - OLD MATTERS Applicant: Address: Description; MM ANCE RE UIREMENTS: Greg Hatcher & Haitham Alley (VCC), Owners Jeff Horton & Jennifer Herron, Agents Joint Parking Lot(s) 207 W. 3rd Street Lots 1,2,11,12, and part of Lot 10, Block 83, Original City of LR 1. The approved landscape plan implemented, installed, and maintained as per the approved landscape plan by the City Beautiful Commission, VARIANCE RE UESTED: a. Alteration to the approved landscape plan. FINDINGS: The UU zoned property along the south side of W, 3�d Street, between Center and Louisiana Street. This site now a parking lot which serves the Hatcher Agency, which is Iocated in the office building within the southeast portion of this block, and Vratsinas Construction Company(VCC), which is Iocated in the office building across W. 3'd Street to the north. The parking lot on the west side of the alley contains 40 paved parking spaces; with the lot on the east side of the alley contains 48 spaces. The lots are enclosed with a six (6) foot high iron fence, with masonry columns. Vehicle entry gates (rollin gates) for each Iot are located along the alley right-of-way. g On June 27th, 2011 the applicant went before the Board of Adjustment variances. The Board approved a variance fvr the elimination of two (2) street trees and the reduction of the street buffer area. On September 14 2011 the applicant requested a variance from the City Beautiful Commission for the reduction of the street perimeter landscape strip, the elimination of building landscaping, and plant deduction, and the elimination of two (2) interior islands. The applicant was granted all the requested variances, with the exception of the interior islands being eliminated. The applicant also Proposed and donated, four thousand four hundred ten dollars ang thirty-two cents ($ �- A 4,4I0.32) to the City of Little Rock, Tree Fund, parking lot, additional utilities were found. The applicant then located all of thnstruction Of the e required street trees within the perimeter planting stri q red occupancy the site was put on notice to reapply since th a IIans yere notction for put final ner cote of landscape plan. p p the On April 3&, 2012 the applicant went before the Board of Adjustment requesting to plant the street trees in planters. City staff was not in support of the tree planters. The Board of Adjustment recommended deferral of the application based upon staffs feedback, On May 21 "' 2012 the Board granted another deferral on the application. On June 25'h the Board approved another deferral on the application. On July 30'h, 2012 the applicant addressed the Board of Adjustment noting that AT& T, Centerpoint Energy, and Entergy had utility lines in the area where the street trees are required. Mr. Haitham noted the relocation of all those utilities was very, very expensive. The Board of Adjustment instructed Mr. Haitham to submit alternative plans for the issue, to work with citystaff an to have something submitted within two (2) weeks. The applicant was then d d August 27 , 2012 meeting. eferred to the The applicant submitted a plan to sta on August Ph�the 012, proposing to install additional landscaping (trees) within parking lot no corner of West P and Louisiana Streets. The new landscaping is proposed in lieu of planting the street trees at 207 W. 3'd Street. The lot at the northwest corner of W. 3`� same ownership as the 207 W. 3d Street and Louisiana Streets has the from the development provisions of Sectin property. 42.1(5 )tolot plan aricant was my street treesanted a a t 2 W. 3'� Street. The applicant submitted an amended plan for planting the trees in lieuat 207 required street trees. The applicant had planted eight (8) additional trees within theof the interior/perimeter landscaped areas of the site. The ap licant will also la trees within the existing landscaped beds across W. 3"`� p more Of W.3�d and Louisiana Streets}. The applicant will also make o t�orth (northwest corner llar ($2,000.00) contribution to the City's Tree Fund. The Board of Adjustmenat approved the Proposal with the two (2) following conditions; 1. The amended application/plan n must be approved by the City Beautiful Commission and 2, The trees at the northwest corner of W. 3 . and Louisiana Streets must be installed within the thirty (30) days of the final approval. Therefore, the applicant is now requesting approval of the revised landscape plan, The applicant ran into an unforeseen utility easement area creating a hardship. All of the trees shown on the originally approved landscape plan are on the site; they are simply relocated and not within the public right-of-way (street tree area). The applicant is proposing to plant additional trees on the property across the street and make another donation to the Cityof Little Rock, Tree Fund. Staff feels the applicant has improved a downtown site and has tried to meet the intention of the landscape ordinance. Staff is supportive of the requested variance and thus recommends approval of the application. STAATIQN: Staff recommends approval of the requested application. 1"2 �{ i �kv{S Awn /-\•A5� eY-,-� J Q� �c0c�c Iv� 4�v�y M) f, a,, VA , sjE)v e -V--) V- c cZA S-�.- dCVv.�vwn ',-1 s a �ond v- em�e Ay, a.c Uuara+t - (L-U S - 'I�.-�so • V\PeW Gov N7wSOhcss C404S . Yealktv - �. Y, o _ma`s Ae , Weeds, {raa l. tj�-eve ati A,,a -sk 1, ` G�-S AoNe, 1 h *�G 1 J �by- Y1tL..) CvAAI"713Siovle r. �J- Cl�pvel s �\ rS oh �GJ�f1nd1M �o L XL 3 k\ 'to VaNf G aylas reat�rnA-A)ry 6 1 kk� E�,� � a►.y 6�� h�S Q�,od%� Ca.�r�v�l� Mash Ovd1�r �oLn�s �UIXw Ne,Y 46-��ar �rce-DU4. LyN��.�rwW Cwu�t�k � act'? ��c�ur� AaS 5r,�-C2h f�� froY��tvfs OSn v o h Co 1l�Jln SS r h i �i r ��- in�sc o he- rr - v - u } IVA 11/1- r �tttnt� a r�vea� aDb� v toyis , on mess ed � P !may �pn�OtCk Sir bl��h`I�C�nne� � �ryoMY�aV2 " '�rv���e�rntv�� a sys�it�. • ��,.ay a�rrvWAL v�a5 Acsc�sstd. �-o�ki�ry �o cdU �i�1��u� (We4,"-V/no�' e�,oulk ihvolvept4ent WJA heS 4� Nov. 7 zo/�" keCIT ; PS— 0 -V e ve�j� ye---_Ac)W-; —, h2u1 cgG '(vrmvwtte5 �Y�ca lisp -t'o �Il 6ui Iders PS ocvacf ll�1Uh 5-}q-�-` . Wrl� Av4 A�:-�,--nkoP-)ey ��n'Ghe ��'.ChonneWarK cloh.e. u�xx'i�Cha2r�� �,ahky �iu�n2�-�ord s � Clnooll�oa.ro� l`�Ad•� 33.2'7�� h c.yjr�� U_)tio -tom Cov��-ac�- C . P,eeK-.�y�uuled (�-�hr�d 6ac6Z. q �,f- d" 14A1 Z CVW5 - Ave IV' -�c C\A �*DNC/ k Y�vj v e v\lix - m sVA6�9 ?at 5o deg -3 o v . x'- rJ '2LO Le-, s cam- I gwy V-'Ivr�d ---- �1C,c �� 6 U �►, o use Q J a 1 </1 � IA C ql-b-tirvs a 60klevL? ev- 1r,�,dbo6i� V~ al `X17� o-s L�n� a�1•vu�5 looks oaV'. •. • �acahf kakis Y I p ced ]il2v- g�i- �n►.m� �1 o uv� l�a�- " me 0.(�OW �"o pu r�i�!k5t Sre�h( -foiMc(�r iefp r,*�P Gnr�S c.,�-2 can s�a-F-F b.Car�tS �ec2i�+ •cy1eP-� W$ttd£' iin�l+cd a ours G. 11_- �Qdn SCgQ G Al,� � C�ilcodt} �l�T rtn5 �in�er �-hn-�q�5 • I 1 i w d� �0�;,•azvwyav+�r droor�dl P�h�ah�1� Y��V1� C'^^��bz-workon rioy next �au� `Y s� ,klnns yz��r� U.�\��r� �laois S)�V\�a w V4-111- aA,0P UVt� '�e ��- -.dim,•. 0,/4 tA r AVI � �\•G3.Zol� J �fJGtSSP�i1 uUa• VIA �,�wpLs �'S��v�or ���hlSs ClUrds \ . is ��pY i L T r�S2.Y Ua�f �N :=-•�'].:�'_;a]: r1 .:'ga1� '•t�;y �:�..2 TERRY BURRUSS ARCHITECT, INC. METROPOLIp D Box 801pONAL BANK 4559 614 CENTER STREET LITTLE ROCK AR 72203 81.124-620 LITTLE ROCK. AR 72201 .. r0 THE ORDER OF $'300.00 City of Little Rock In MEMO Tree Fund n"004 5 591I' =: rr:08 200 1214 0 30 L 9 2 2u 7�: — - - - - - NP . . 12 �t-o The City Beautiful Commission held its regular meeting Thursday, November 01, 2012, at 11:30 a.m. at Curran Hall. Chair Wiedower called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: ALSO PRESENT: Steve Homeyer Wally Loveless Carrie Young Chris Minor Ingrid Green Edward Peek Freddie Ratliff Bill Wiedower Lynn Warren Brittany Snyman Jennie Cole Christy Marvel, Plans Development Administrator, Department of Planning & Development, City of Little Rock Beth Blevins Carpenter, Deputy City Attorney, City Attorney's Office, City of Little Rock Haitham Alley, Vratsinas Construction Company (VCC) APPROVAL OF THE JANUARY MINUTES: Motion: Commissioner Warren made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected. Second: Commissioner Snyman seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. OPENING OF PUBLIC HEARING: CBC Case 620-B 207 West 3rd Street, VCC Parking Lot Commissioner Homeyer recused on this application. Staff opened the hearing for the variance request located at 207 West 3 rd Street. The UU zoned property along the south side of W. 3'd Street, between Center and Louisiana Street. This site now a parking lot which serves the Hatcher Agency, which is located in the office building within the southeast portion of this block, and Vratsinas Construction Company(VCC), which is located in the office building across W. 3rd Street to the north. The parking lot on the west side of the alley contains 40 paved parking spaces; with the lot on the east side of the alley contains 48 spaces. The lots are enclosed with a six (6) foot high iron fence, with masonry columns. Vehicle entry gates (rolling gates) for each lot are located along the alley right-of-way. On ,tune 27 h, 2011 the applicant went before the Board of Adjustment for a number of variances. The Board approved a variance for the elimination of two (2) street trees and the reduction of the street buffer area. On September 1 ", 2011 the applicant requested a variance from the City Beautiful Commission for the reduction of the street perimeter landscape strip, the elimination of building landscaping, and plant deduction, and the elimination of two (2) interior islands. The applicant was granted all the requested variances, with the exception of the interior islands being eliminated. The applicant also Proposed and donated, four thousand four hundred ten dollars and thirty-two cents ($ 4,410.32) to the City of Little Rock, Tree Fund. Upon construction of the approved parking lot, additional utilities were found. The applicant then located all of the required street trees within the perimeter planting strip. Upon site inspection for final certificate of occupancy the site was put on notice to reapply since the plants were not put in per the landscape plan. On April 301h, 2012 the applicant went before the Board of Adjustment requesting to plant the street trees in planters. City staff was not in support of the tree planters. The Board of Adjustment recommended deferral of the application based upon staffs feedback. On May 21 ", 2012 the Board granted another deferral on the application. On .tune 25,' the Board approved another deferral on the application. On July 30`h, 2012 the applicant addressed the Board of Adjustment noting that AT& T, Centerpoint Energy, and Enter had utility lines in the area where the street trees are required. Mr. Haitham noted the relocation of all those utilities was very, very expensive. The Board of Adjustment instructed Mr. Haitham to submit alternative plans for the issue, to work with city staff, and to have something submitted within two (2) weeks. The applicant was then deferred to the August 27th, 20I2 meeting. The applicant submitted a plan to staff on August 9", 2012, proposing to install additional landscaping (trees) within another parking lot located at the northwest corner of West 3 rdand Louisiana Streets. The new Iandscaping is proposed in lieu of planting the street trees at 207 W. 3`d Street, The lot at the northwest corner of W. 3`d and Louisiana Streets has the same ownership as the 207 W. 3rd nt was provisions of Section 36-342.1(5.) to not plan any Street property, The applica granted a variance from the development street trees at 207 W. P Street. The applicant submitted an amended plan for planting the trees in lieu of the required street trees. The applicant had planted eight (8) additional trees within the interior/perimeter Iandscaped areas of the site. The ?plicant will also plant six (6) more trees within the existing landscaped beds across W. 3' Street to the north (northwest corner of WTd and Louisiana Streets). The applicant will also make a two - thousand dollar ($2,000.00) contribution to the City's Tree Fund. The Board of Adjustment approved the proposal with the two (2) following conditions: 1. The amended application/plan must be approved by the City Beautiful Commission and 2. The trees at the northwest corner of W. P. and Louisiana Streets must be installed within the thirty (30) days of the final approval. Therefore, the applicant is now requesting approval of the revised landscape plan. The applicant ran into an unforeseen utility easement area creating a hardship. All of the trees shown on the originally approved landscape plan are on the site; they are simply relocated and not within the public right-of-way (street tree area). The applicant is proposing to plant additional trees on the property across the street and make another donation to the City of Little Rock, Tree Fund. Staff feels the applicant has improved a downtown site and has tried to meet the intention of the landscape ordinance. Staff is supportive of the requested variance and thus recommends approval of the application. Chair Wiedower inquired the applicant, Mr. Haitham Alley, if he had anything additional to add. Mr. Haitham responded that he did not have anything to add. Chair Wiedower noted that he was glad to see the applicant come up with another solution that included city staff support and the upgrade of another site, downtown. Chair Wiedower noted, he felt it was a good remedy for this issue. Commissioner Cole inquired about the utility lines not being shown on the original legal survey given to city staff for review. The applicant noted the surveyor missed the utilities and thus they were not initially shown on the legal survey. It wasn't until they begin to excavate the area that the utilities were discovered.. Commissioner Loveless inquired about Pagis and the use of the data. It was noted Pagis was not reviewed. Commissioner Warren inquired about the! plant materials. Commissioner Warren noted she'd visited the site prior to arriving at the meeting today and noticed the sidewalks being slender in width. Commissioner Minor noted it would've been nice if the landscaping could've been planted on this site of fence. Motion: Commissioner Warren made a motion to accept the recommendation by city staff to approve this application. Second: Commissioner Minor seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. New CBC member, Mr. Wally Loveless was introduced. The re -appointment of Mr. Steve Homeyer was announced Commissioner Warren passed the CBC Contact List out for updates. Commissioner Minor noted contact information would also be needed for CBC business cards Commissioner Loveless indicated an interest in the City's Public Right -Of -Ways. Commissioner Loveless said he worked as a Realtor in the City of Little Rock and the cleanliness and curb appeal of our city public right-of-ways was important. Chair Wiedower noted that the Adopt -A -Street Committee Chair was vacant at the moment and it sounded like something Commissioner Loveless may have an interest in. Commissioner Minor also noted interest and will work on the Adopt -A -Street Committee for now; until either the retreat or until someone else wants to take on. Commissioner Warren updated Commissioner Loveless about the Adopt -A -Street program. It was noted the Rotary CIubs and Realtors maybe good groups to approach about the adoption of our city streets for trash pick-up. TREASURER'S REPORT: Commissioner Snyman noted no changes in either of the CSC accounts. To date the balance in the Centennial Bank Account is $1297.05. Commissioner Snyman will contact Mrs. Venita Harris in the Planning Department about the city fund balance and report it via email to the Commission. Discussion commenced on ordering new CBC logo shirts. It was noted those would need to be purchased with the CBC account instead of the City Account. COMMITTEE REPORTS: UPDATES: OLD BUSINESS: Community Projects I-b3� (Minor, Marvel) -Commissioner Minor noted that his Committee partner is now off the CBC; therefore, direction on the process or what to do next would be appreciated. It was noted Assistant City Manager, Bryan Day, would be attending a CBC meeting soon so perhaps, getting direction from Mr. Day would be an option. Commissioner Warren described briefly the committee's goal(s) and noted this project can be added to the CBC Retreat Agenda perhaps. Website Warren -Chair Wiedower noted the CBC website continues to look great. Commissioner Warren mentioned Meg Matthews took photos of the 2012 CBC Landscape Awards and had planned to send them to city staff, Christy Marvel. Staff noted no photographs have been sent to date. Commissioner Warren noted city staff, Christy Marvel, had given her a certified letter from Aristotle. Aristotle is the company that handles the CBC website. The letter notes some changes; however, it's unclear whether or not additional charges wiII be incurred. Commissioner Warren noted she would investigate further and get back to the CBC via email if any new information is gathered. Library Exhibit- Sn man -The schedule for the exhibit was discussed. It was noted Commissioner Bell has a key that needed to be returned. It was noted the exhibit is on the schedule for the month of December. Christy Marvel, city staff, noted the coordination of that exhibit is to be done with the Planning & Development Department staff. The display case was briefly discussed. It was noted Bryan Day, Assistant City Manager, would likely have information on someone to contact at the State House Conference Center. KLRB Wiedower - Wiedower -Chair Wiedower noted plans to begin attendance due to his schedule changing; allowing him to be in Little Rock more. Adopt-4-Street(Minor and Young). Commissioner Minor noted this upcoming weekend is the scheduled pick up date. Commissioner Minor noted it would be optimal to come up with a better system that could be implemented that would increase participation. A sign up sheet was discussed that would list the annual dates for trash pick-up. Each CBC member could then pick two (2) or three (3) times within the year to participate. Recycling was discussed briefly. Commissioner Minor noted he would coordinate the pick up for now and would email everyone about any changes; i.e. Inclement weather, not enough involvement, etc. Areas of heavy trash were discussed; it was noted code enforcement can be called to turn in complaints. Commnnications_ Cole - It was noted the Democrat/Gazette published the 2012 CBC Landscape Awards. Published Saturday, October 27t", 2012, Editorial Page (7B). Lan dsca a Awards Home er - Commissioner Homeyer noted the 2012 CSC Landscape Awards went good. All three (3) awardees were shocked and happy to be winners. The Mayor had each Board Member from the respective wards present the award. Commissioner Warren described the Landscape Awards. Commissioner Loveless inquired about the K-Mart site on Rodney Parham. Discussion commenced on ways to encourage existing businesses to install more landscaping. Commissioner Snyman requested copies of the newspaper ads be included in the minutes City staff noted the minutes include the publisher, date, pages, etc. currently. Landmark Award iedawer -Chair Wiedower noted the Landmark was presented to the daughter and widow of Mr. Rick Redden, AIA. It was noted that City Board member, Dean Kumpuris and developer, Jimmy Moses both spoke on his behalf. Kate East, daughter of Mr. Redden, accepted the award and was very grateful. It was noted the stone city staff had for display/questions was used for this particular award; however, Custom Trophies is supposed to have additional rocks that have already been paid for; however, mounting and the plaque will cost additional. CBC Business Cards Minor -Commissioner Minor presented the CBC with personal business cards. An invoice was given to city staff to give to Mrs. Venita Harris. It was noted all the CBC will also need business cards. Chair Weidower asked if additional bags, pick up tools, vests, etc. are needed to order prior to the end of the year. The balance from the City Account was questioned. Commissioner Snyman noted she'd be unable to make contact. City staff, Christy Marvel, denoted the main phone number for Planning & Development; 501 _371..4790 Commissioner Snyman noted she would make contact and let everyone know the current amount in that account via email. Motion: Commissioner Warren made a motion to allow Commissioner Homeyer the money, up to ($300.00) three -hundred dollars, to purchase landscape award signs and frames for next years landscape awards. Second: Commissioner Young seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. All CBC members were encouraged to bring their estimates for things that need to be purchased prior to the end of the year. NEW BUSINESS: EYe of the Beholder (Young)- Commissioner Young noted interest in expanding the Eye of the Beholder Award. Firstly, expanding its eligibility dates to include year around. Secondly, expanding what types of landscapes would be applicable. For example, the intersection of Daisy Sates and Cumberland is one that she would like to nominate. Having seasonal photographs for the website was also discussed. It was noted all enhancements can he recognized. One issue discussed was having a competition between city wards, recognizing the best one or two sites that are a "gem" in the particular ward. It was decided that could further be discussed at the retreat coming up in January. Commissioner Warren noted that the dates for the Eye of the Award could simply be removed that limit the eligibility currently. Motion: Commissioner Young made a motion to change the timeline on the website or to make it all year long. Second: Commissioner Warren seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. 2012 CBC Calendar of Meetin Dates: Commissioner Warren noted the date needed to be changed for the January 3d, 2014 date to January 2"d, 2014. Motion: Commissioner Minor made a motion to accept the 2012 CBC Calendar as proposed by city staff with the one date changed as noted. Second: Commissioner Warren seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Commissioner Homeyer noted an article that he'd seen about Curran Hall (the building being occupied at the moment) being haunted. The article had noted the original owner of the building had passed away in the structure. The City of Little Rock was also noted as being number five (5) in livability recently. In addition to being noted in the top ten (10) places to live economically. ADJOURNMENT: Motion: Commissioner Homeyer made a "lotion to adjourn. Second: Commissioner Young seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 12:59 p.m.