CBC 02-08-1994 (2)The City Pedutifd Commission The City Beautiful Commission held its regular meeting on Tuesday, February 8, 1994 in the City Board Conference Room, 2nd Floor of City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Steve Cato, Chairman. Members Present: Steve Cato Joyce Raynor Jim Goodhart Joe Robbins Jo Rancifer Liz Williams Also Present: Bill Bunten, Director, Parks and Recreation Truman Tolefree, Assistant Director, Parks and Recreation Nancy Norton, Administrative Services Mgr., Parks and Recreation Mark Webre, Project & Design Mgr., Parks and Recreation Emily Hartman, Design Tech., Parks and Recreation Bob Brown, Plans Review Specialist, Neighborhoods & Planning Becky Switzer, Executive Secretary, Parks and Recreation I. Parks and Recreation Presentation, Bill Bunten - Bill Bunten, Director of Parks and Recreation presented the Commissioners with information and slides on the Parks Department. He informed the group of past and future projects of the Parks Department. Mr. Bunten explained to the Commissioners that the Parks Department is about improving citizens leisure well being collectively and individually Jim Goodhart informed Bill that if there is anything that the City Beautiful Commission can do to assist with future projects to please let them know. Bill stated that he felt the Commission has a strong tool in their resolution process. 500 West Markham, Room 108 Little Rock, AR 72201 371-4770 Minute February 8, 1994 Meeting Page 2 Bill said that he may come back to the Commission with a presentation on the Children's Zoo and then ask the Commission for a resolution that would - help in getting other people involved with the Children's Zoo. This resolution would prove that the Parks Department had appeared in public with the Children's Zoo plan and that the City Beautiful Commission endorses it. And then when they are ready to introduce the Children's Zoo to the City Board of Directors they will have this resolution in place. Steve Cato offered the support the Commission if there is any help needed with the Capitol Ave. project. II. Roll Call - Five members present. III. Approval of the Minutes - Jo Rancif er made the motion that the minutes from the January meeting be accepted with one correction. She was in attendance at the January meeting. Joyce Raynor seconded the motion. All ayes. IV. Review of Bylaws - Bob Brown - At the last meeting Bob Brown distributed copies of his revisions to the City Beautiful Commission Bylaws. He would like where it reads Department of Public works to read Department of Neighborhoods and Planning. Also where it reads Environmental Codes Unit it should read Plans Review Specialist. The motion was made by Jim Goodhart to make the changes per Bob Brown's request. Joyce Raynor seconded the motion. All voted in favor of this motion. Jim Goodhart suggested that the rest of the bylaws be reviewed and see if there may be any other updates that need to be changed at this time. Jim said he would review the bylaws and then have it ready to present to the Commission at the next meeting to vote on. Bob Brown stated that he would work on this with Jim. Jim asked that once the bylaws are excepted that Becky Switzer retype them. Jim asked if there were any other commission members that would like to help look at the bylaws. Steve Cato suggested that Jim call some of the commission members who are not present and get them involved in this process. Minutes February 8, 1994 Meeting Page 3 V. Pulaski County Plant the Future Committee - Steve Cato stated that he received a call after the last City Beautiful Commission Meeting from Elizabeth Phelps, with the Cooperative Extension Service. There has been a committee started that is composed of county and municipal officials and representing organizations. Steve would like to have a volunteer to represent the City Beautiful Commission on this committee. The main thrust of this committee is the Arbor Day Celebration that will be March 21st. There will be a meeting held on Feb. loth., 2pm, at the County Extension Office on Roosevelt Road. Steve stated he would contact a commissioner not at todays meeting to attend. VI. Lighting Project Update - Jim Goodhart reported that there have been two meetings with Parks and Recreation. The Friends of the Zoo are also interested in this project. The committee first met on February 3rd to start the planning and met again on February 5th to do a walk thru at the Zoo. The Parks Design Division will be drawing up a plan to show the committee. Jim Goodhart feels that the City Beautiful Commission needs to be a part of this project. The event would run from the weekend after Thanksgiving until New Years. There will be a small admission charged and the money would go toward Zoo projects but someday the money may be able to go toward other parks projects for beautification. Steve Cato feels that after --one more month of meetings that then the City -Beautiful Commission could vote on what there part of this would be. Joe Robbins stated that he would like to be on this committee. VII. Lighting Contest - There has not been a meeting of this group. They will report next month. VIII. Miscellaneous - Steve Cato informed the commissioners that Merle Seamon will be the commissions representative on the new bond issue task force. This part of the Future Little Rock Task Force. They will oversee the spending of the bond money for the Capitol Ave. Streetscape. Minutes February 8, 1994 Meeting Page 4 Truman Tolefree explained that to each task force committee a Board Member is assigned along with city staff members. Director Jesse Mason is the chairman of the Capitol Ave. task force. Jim Goodhart asked if all commission members had received their information from Peggy Johnson. Everyone had received the information. Jim passed out a copy of the newspaper article on the clean-up at Southwest Little Rock. Jim feels that the Commission needs to promote and encourage more things like this. Jim asked that a letter be written to the group in Southwest Little Rock commending them on their work. Jim also suggested that the Commission may want to put together a clean-up day in the near future. It should be promoted as a Spring Clean up. He would like to form a committee to look into this event. Truman Tolefree informed the Commissioners -of the clean up projects that is going on already in the different parts of the city. Liz Williams asked if the commission could coordinate with these groups. Liz and Jo Rancifer agreed to help with this project. Jo Rancifer made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Joyce Raynor seconded. TIC City Redutiful Commission The City Beautiful Commission will hold its regular meeting Tuesday, February 8, 1994 in the City Board Conference Room, 2nd Floor of City Hall at 10:00 A.M. AGENDA Jo JAM I . Roll Call C Oto II. Approval of Minutes t�k III . Review of Bylaws ? wJJ' 'r` +6e Bob Brown (e�o b evlx r IV. Pulaski County Plant the Future Committee V . Lighting Project Update V� . L1giI� '' f1�]1Le - Upda�e VII. Parks and Recreation Presentation Bill Bunten VIII. Adjournment 500 West Markham, Room 108 Little Rock, AR 72201 371-4770