CBC 03-07-2002ITTLE ROCK CITY BEAUTIFUL C0MMtsSI0N The City Beautiful Commission held its regular meeting Thursday March 7, 2002, at 11:30 a.m. in the Sister Cities Conference Room, City Hall. Chair Nash Abrams called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT: Ann Ivey Nash Abrams Tim Heiple Karol Zoeller Sharon Tallach Vogelpohl Troy Laha Lynn Mittelstaedt Warren ALSO PRESENT: Dick Downing, Planning Commission Tony Bozynski, Assistant Director, Department of Planning and Development Bill Rector Jr., Planning Commission Pete Rausch, Urban Forester, Parks & Recreation Department Elisha Crouch, Arkansas Democrat/Gazette Kate Aldolf, Little Rock Tree Foundation Dana Carney, Zoning & Sub -Division Manager, Department of Planning and Development Bob Brown, Plans Development Administrator, Department of Planning and Development Christy Marvel, Landscape Specialist, Department of Planning and Development APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion: Nash Abrams moved that the minutes from February 7th, 2002 be approved as submitted. Second: Troy Laha seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. TREASURER'S REPORT: Ann reported the following: City Beautiful Treasurer's Report 03/07/02 Checking Account Balance $1,153.81 (Check #1048 Cert. For Randy Stocks < 29.84> Less: Donation for C.B.C. <$1,000.00> City Beautiful Commission ♦ 723 West Markham ♦ Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 ♦ (501) 371-4864 (Set aside for C.B.C. & donation by LR Convention Bureau Net Balance: $ 153.81 An additional $1,000.00 has been committed by Hunter, Inc. for the landscaping award programs. Introduction of Elisha Crouch from the Arkansas Democrat/Gazette. Guest Speaker(s): Midtown Re -development Plan Update Dick Downing Bill Rector Jr. Tony Bozynski City board authorized a study to be conducted at Intersection of University Avenue and West Markham. The Urban Land Institute out of Washington D.C. conducted the study that included Sears, the University Mall, Park Plaza Mall, the local neighborhoods and all the area within that perimeter. The study was called the Midtown Re -development Plan. Dick Downing, Tony Bozynski, and Bill Rector Jr., are trying to promote the Mid -town Development as good planning for the city and get a broad base support for the plan. Another primary goal is for the City Board to approve the concept that is set forth in this plan. A copy of the plan was distributed to the commission. Motion made by Ann Ivey to endorse and support the ULI plan as presented. Second was made by Sharon Tallach Vogelpohl. Motion made by Lynn Warren to write a letter of support to the Board of Directors endorsing the Mid -Town Development Plan as presented. Second was made by Troy Laha. Motion passed with 7 ayes and 0 nays. Little Rock Tree Foundation Kate Althoff, chairperson of Citizens for the Land Alteration Ordinance Kate distributed a copy of a recent article in the Arkansas Democrat/Gazette concerning the Arkansas Teacher Retirement System Project on Sunday, March 3rd, 2002. Bob Brown stated that after visiting the site the following will apply: All the trees that were to be removed, have been removed. They will need to re -grade the area and then remove all equipment. Within 21 days of removal of all the equipment, they must re -seed or sod the affected area accordingly. After eight months, the buffer ordinance will come into affect and states that buffers must be satisfied. However, Bob feels that in general the requirement for the buffers is already being met with the preservation of existing trees around the sties perimeter. Kate wanted to stress that due to the state involvement and the size of the site in question, that this site will set a precedent in the future. Kate suggested writing a letter to the board of directors, the city mayor, and city staff urging them to adhere to the city ordinances. Lynn Warren made a motion to send a letter to the city mayor, the city board, and city staff members involved. Primarily the letter is to stress the importance of adhering to the land alteration ordinance. Troy Laha and Bob Brown agreed to work together to construct this letter and mail to the appropriate individuals. Troy Laha seconded this motion. Motion passed with 7 ayes and 0 nays. Arbor Day/Tree Planting/Tree City U.S.A. Pete Rausch Pete Rausch brought posters and two books. The books are for CBC archives. The posters are to be returned after the Arbor Day Celebration. Pete went over the itinerary for Monday March the 18t" Arbor Day Celebration for children in detail. The Arbor Day Celebration observance day has been moved to that Monday from 2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. CBC's attendance would be appreciated. Pete announced that Arkansas was officially a Tree City USA member and had been awarded a plaque. Signage will be posted at the cities various gateways. Pete with the Downtown Partnership have discussed eliminating the existing concrete plant containers and replacing them with wood. The wood serving secondary to benches. Pete also noted that his department would be trying used tire remnants for mulch throughout the city. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Networking Committee — No report. Will focus on establishing and building mutually beneficial relationships within the community on behalf of CBC. Dottie Funk. 2. Public Recognition Committee — Nash handed out information on the Adopt -A - Street Program. Will be responsible for all efforts designed to recognize outstanding efforts in all segments that support the mission of the CBC. This committee will be headed up by the CBC Chairman (Nash Abrams) who will be supported by sub -chairs heading up the following projects: • Landscape Awards -Troy Laha Helper@ -Christy Marvel Discussion of the following: Banner (prices and sizes given) Sharon will check on get back with everyone via e-mail. Name Tags to be given to participants (Ann Ivey will purchase and city will produce) Award Plaques (have been ordered will be ready on the 15th.) Caterer (Lynn is handling the food and Staff will order the punch) Sponsorship (check was mailed on 03-09-02.) Should be here soon. Needs a receipt mailed. Staff has the address. • Polish the Rock -Billie Calloway No report. • Spontaneous Public Recognition Program -Ann Ivey Ann will work on certificate to be given to spontaneous awards recipients. 3. Strategic Planning & Publicity Committee — Sharon VogeIpohl Tallach gave members a handout with a person(s) that they are to contact between the 181h and the 191h to re -invite to the awards ceremony the following evening. Sharon will e-mail everyone a copy of the news release for the awards and will coordinate with the city on getting the award winning sites photographed and put on the CBC web page. Also, mentioned was preparing the sponsor an award certificate and letter. Staff will prepare a certificate for sponsor. Will serve all committees in publicizing their activities within the community. Sharon Tallach Vogelpohl 4. City Beautiful Celebration Committee — Each congressional district having goals therefore more focus upon issues of importance and more precise goals. Responsible for establishing City Beautiful Day and planning/executing all attendant activities. Tim Heiple 5. Special Projects Committee — No report. Karol, Sharon, and Nash will meet with David Hathcock to decide what stretch of roadway we (CBC) could adopt to set an example for this program. Sharon will then write a plan for implementation of the Adopt - A -Street Program. CBC will announce the decision on Earth Day, April 22nd Responsible for researching, planning and recommending annual special projects in which the CBC will participate. Karol Zoeller Grant/Fundraising Committee No report. Researches, recommends and coordinates fundraising and grant -writing efforts on behalf of the CBC. Lynn Warren OLD BUSINESS:none NEW BUSINESS: none ADJOURNMENT: 1:45 p.m. MEETING NOTICE The City Beautiful Commission will hold its regular meeting at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, March the 71h 2002, in the Sister Cities Conference Room on the second floor of City Hall. This will be a brown bag meeting. AGENDA Call to Order: Nash Abrams, Chair Roll Call Approval of the Minutes: February 7, 2002 Treasurer's Report: Ann Ivey Guests: Midtown Redevelopment Plan Update Arbor Day/Tree Planting/Tree City U.S.A.-Pete Rausch Committee Reports: • Networking Committee -Dottie Funk • Landscape Awards — Troy Laha ■ Strategic Planning & Publicity — Sharon Tallach Vogelpohl • Public Recognition — Nash Abrams • Spontaneous Public Recognition Program -Ann Ivey • Special Projects —Karol Zoeller ■ City Beautiful Celebration — Tim Heiple ■ Grant/Fundraising-Lynn Warren • Polish the Rock Award — Billie Calloway Old Business: New Business: ■ Adopting Little Rocks `Adopt A Street' Program Adjournment