CBC 06-05-1997500 WEST MARKHAM ROOM 108 CITY BEAUTIFUL C O M M I S S 1 0 N MINUTES June 5, 1997 LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201 (501) 371-4770 Call to Order: The City Beautiful Commission held its monthly meeting on Thursday, June 5, 1997, in the Sister Cities Conference Room. The meeting was called to order at 8:20 a.m. Roll Call: Members Present Lin Blair Dottie Funk James LaBorde Frank Riggins David Roberts Randy Stocks Pat Torvestad Molly Satterfield Carolyn Lawerence Absent none Also Present Linda Joyce, City Director Bob Brown, Planning and Development Shellie Sawrie, Parks and Recreation Approval of Minutes: Correction was made to change the date in the Call to Order to May 1, 1997. MOTION TO APPROVE MAY MINUTES AS CORRECTED. MOTION PASSED Treasurer's Report Current Balance. $ 852.42 Fountain Fund 160.00 (this amount includes $10.00 check received at meeting from Ms. Hildie Terry of the La Petite Roche Questers #822) Total $1,012.42 Polish the Rock: A plaque will be presented to the John Barrow Neighborhood Association at the June 17th Board of Directors Meeting. Fountain: A meeting will be held June 1 lth to discuss the placement of the fountain in the Mt. Holly Cemetery. The State Historical Preservation Program has a $5,000 grant available that could be used to help restore the fountain. Molly Satterfield will apply for the grant on the Commissions behalf. A site for the kaleidoscope show was discussed since the Adult Leisure Center was not available. Suggestions include the MetroPlan building, Museum Center, Library, River Market, downtown bank buildings, TCBY, Financial Center II, and the Excelsior. The commissioners favored the Library, and Lin Blair volunteered to contact Bobby Roberts concerning this issue. Assistant City Manager Cy Carney paid a brief visit to the meeting to give an update on the efforts of the City Manager's Office concerning the fountain. In kind services are being identified that can be used to assist in the repair of the fountain. Fleet Services can offer welding assistance, General Services can help with the water system and Parks can assist with landscaping. Costs for these in kind repairs as well as additional costs are being identified. Mr. Carney voiced his support of the Commission's efforts and encouraged the pursuit of grants and fund raising. He also reported that a meeting was held with representatives of the Mt. Holly Cemetery, and they were very receptive to locating the fountain there. A Board of Directors Picnic will be held in the cemetery at 12:00 noon on June 1lth. Dottie Funk, Jim LaBorde and possibly Lin Blair will try to attend. 1997 Issues: Dottie Funk presented a draft of a letter addressed to the CEO of K-Mart concerning the lack of aesthetic appeal of their store sites. This letter is intended to serve as a form letter to send to other large corporations to encourage them to improve their sites. Dottie requested that the commissioners make revisions and suggest other letter recipients. Revisions were made and the commission decided to send a copies of the letter to Jim Lawson, Planning and Development Director, and Larry Lichty, Planning Commission Chairman. A suggestion was made to contact local realtors concerning this letter. MOTION TO LET COMMISSIONER FUNK AND BOB BROWN MAKE THE SUGGESTED REVISIONS AND SEND THE LETTER TO THE K-MART STORES ON ASHER AND RODNEY PARHAM. MOTION PASSED. Chairman LaBorde brought up Light Up Little Rock and suggested soliciting donations from Landscape Award Winners, e.g. Altell, Leisure Arts, Dillards, etc. Last year's advertising cost was $750. Frank Riggins suggested soliciting prizes from the same sources that donated last year and to continue not to offer monetary prizes. A suggestion was also made to contact the new hotels being built in the city. Bob Brown will find contact people through their applications to the City. Parks & Recreation: The opening of Gillam Pool was announced to be held June 6th at 3:00 PM. The Boyle Park, Picnic in the Park is to be held June 14th. The new entry sign for this park is currently under construction. New entry signage for War Memorial Park is also under construction and is located at the Jonesboro entrance on 12th Street. Miscellaneous: Director Joyce mentioned that the Board of Directors will be reviewing budget requests soon and reminded the commission to draft a letter outlining their budget request. The letter should include amounts and descriptions of projects and accomplishments. A suggestion was made to follow up on letters sent to the Board of Directors and Planning Commission by setting up brief meetings between one member of each board or commission. Commissioners selected people to contact. David Scherer of the Public Works department will be invited to the next meeting to discuss ordinance requirements. Dottie suggested sending letters to developers concerning ordinance requirements before they begin demolition encouraging them to save existing trees Bob Brown presented a list of landscape award nominees. There will be three recipients in each category. Jim volunteered to photograph the sites and encouraged commissioners to visit them promptly in order to select winners and present awards at the September 2nd Board of Directors Meeting. David Roberts will attend the Neighborhood Coalition Meeting in July in Lin's place. Brochures are being prepared and will be ready by that meeting. Adjournment: MOTION TO ADJOURN. MOTION PASSED Meeting adjourned at 9:50 a.m.