CB 09-05-1997CITY BEAUTIFUL C O S1 %1 I S S I �> N Minutes 500 WEST MARKHAM September 5, 1997 ROOM 108 Call to Order: LITTLE ROCK. AR 72201 The City Beautiful Commission held its monthly meeting on Thursday, September 5, 1997, in the Sister City Conference Room. The meeting was called to order at & 15 a m and chaired by Mr. LaBorde. (501) 371-•I770 Roll Call: Members Present Dottie Funk James LaBorde Frank Riggins David Roberts Randall Stocks Carolyn Lawrence Members Absent Lin Blair Pat Torvestad Molly Satterfield Also Present Mayor Jim Dailey Bob Brown Mark Webre Landscape Ordinance Nearing: Mr. Mike Clevenger was present representing variance request; commission discussed location of fence on perimeter of site; discussed concern of losing tree and if parking spaces can be reduced, Mr. Brown noted that four is all that is required; Mr. Clevenger said he needed all that is indicated on plan, discussion continued about saving tree, MOTION TO APPROVE VARIANCE AS REQUESTED WITH ADDITIONAL CONDITION TO SHIFT PARKING LOT FOUR FEET WESTWARD AND MAKE PARKING LOT FORTY FEET TO PROTECT LARGE TREE; MOTION PASSED Special Guest: AHTD representatives Danny King and Tom Cecil were present to explain plans on Interstate 630; Mr. King noted the project as been controversial through it's concept and implementation; he continued to note that this area was intended to be like a park; but, that it hasn't been realized as proposed; it is only mowed twice a year; the recent improvement, although aesthetic and an enhancement project, is designed to reduce maintenance as well; funds are from ISTEA program; Mr. Cecil continued to describe specifics of planters; large multi-trunked crepe-myrthes are going in planters with juniper ground covers; larger areas will get juniper ground covers, red barberries and dwarf crepe - myrtles; other areas will get drought tolerant trees such as oaks and red maples; watering by contractor for first year and AHTD waters the following years, as needed with a water truck; Mr. Cecil noted that administration as made a strong commitment towards project maintenance; Mr. Cecil noted these current improvements are between Fair Park Blvd. and Chester; Mr. LaBorde asked if information can be given why these funds went to this project versus Asher Avenue's need for filling in pot holes; Mr. King noted that is a sensitive subject, but that he would contact their public relations offices and see if this can be worked, comments continued towards future projects which can enhance livability in cities, it was proposed that CBC can provide support by helping AHTD's public relations with CBC's comments and/or noting CBC's support through media print. Approval of Minutes: The following corrections are noted ❑ Under Call to Order at the end of the paragraph, following .... "Mr Laborde's absence" .....insert "and the Vice Chair's absence" ❑ Under Members Absent Bliar should be changed to Blair ❑ Under Presentation on the eleventh line, following ..... "Mr Webre noted ...... insert the word "the"; on the thirteenth line, following . "Mr. Riggins expressed" ..... insert the word ..... "the" MOTION TO APPROVE MINUTES AS CORRECTED; MOTION PASSED Polish the Rock: ❑ "Polish the Rock" needs more attention; Mr. Laborde asked that commissioners pay attention to this and identify more candidates for nomination Fountain: No report 1997 Issuses: ❑ "Landscape Awards" was great success this year, and Mr. LaBorde commended commissioners and Parks for their support ❑ "Light Up Little Rock" letters are drafted and will be distributed to potential donors ❑ Discussed finance and noted Parks will help cover this year's deficit Mayor Jim Dailey: Mayor Jim Dailey present to hear and discuss CBC's role with development of the city; Mayor Dailey suggested commissioners study planning ordinances to see what works and doesn't work; Mayor Dailey noted that there are choices that Board members can't see always, and that CBC may be able to assist in addressing these; he commended CBC's comprehensive approach in addressing development, he noted that the Arts, Historic and other quality of life issue commissions are partners in addition to the planning and zoning; Ms. Funk asked how difficult is it going to be to revise ordinances, Mr. Riggins noted the "box store" and how they level and destroy the natural characteristics of our city; Mayor Dailey noted that CBC has great potential to influence development but suggests that CBC not become another layer or stop for developers that discourages development; Ms. Funk noted CBC's desire to write a letter to K-Mart officials about renovating parking lot; Mayor Dailey suggested a personal visit would be better (he thought Joe Selz is owner of property) and to pick ten more for the same related issues; Mayor Dailey was not asked any more questions and excused himself from the meeting; the suggestion to personally meet certain businesses was discussed further; Ms. Funk asked how we can do this; Mr. Riggins noted that CBC can divide and conquer and that this effort be specific to a corridor; it was suggested that these thoughts be continued at the next meeting due to need to end meeting at 10.00 a.m. Parks and Recreation: No report. Miscellaneous O Noted those whose terms are ending need to make a decision at next meeting Q Nominating committee will be identified for next year's officers MOTION TO ADJOURN MEETING; MOTION PASSED Meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m.