boa_09 03 1964LITTLE ROCK BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT SPECIAL MEETING MINUTQS September 3, 1964 MEMBERS PRESENT Cecil Kuehnert, Chairman Maxwell Lyons, II W.R. Meeks MEMBERS ABSENT W. H. Marak Scott Farrell STAFF PRESENT Henry M. de Noble John L. Taylor Louis E. Barber Dorothy Riffel 2:00 P. M. There being a quoru%, the meeting was called to order. The matter for discussion was Case Z-1690, Lewis Rauton, Applicant,which was presented to the Board at its meeting on August 17th in which he requested a Variance from the Provisions of Section 43 - 21-H of the Code of Ordinances to permit parking in front yard space. As he stated previously, there are to be 18 units in two buildings with 18 parking spaces in the rear, 5' sideyard setback (green space) on 13th Street and green space on Scott Street in accordance with the filed plot plan. A motion was made for approval of the Variance, w hich was seconded and passed unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:30 P. M. Dorothy Riffel, &"-� 14)'� Secretary Cecil Kuehnert, Chairman