boa_0523 1977r SUMMARY OF LITTLE ROCK BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING MAY 23,_1977 9.00 P M_ There was a quorum present and minutes of the previous meeting were approved, Members present: Robert Shell, Chairman Samuel W. Anderson M.R. Godwin James C. Summerlin Riddick Riffel, City Attorney Members absent: Jerry C. Wilcox C U 5-23-77 Item No, 1 - NEW MATTERS Case Number: Applicant: Location: Description: Present Classification: Z-3135 Phillip J. Deer #16 Longfellow Lane Lot 19, except the E5 ft, thereof in Beverly Place Addition "A" One -family District Variance: Requests a variance from the side yard provisions of Sec, 43-12 of the Code of Ord, to permit con- struction of open carport with 0' setback Present Use of Property: One -family residence Proposed Use: One -family residence Staff Recommendation: This proposal involves construction of a new carport 20' x 28' which will span the entire side yard of this lot and provide 0' setback, The residence on the west lies rather close to the common property line and should this construction take place a fire hazard could be created. The staff suggests that the owner pursue another layout which,on this large lot, could be accomplished without yard encroachment. We would recommend denial of the variance request, BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ACTION: AFTER A BRIEF DISCUSSION, THE BOARD VOTED TO APPROVE THE REQUESTED VARIANCE AS SUBMITTED (4 ayes - 0 noes - 1 absent), There were no objectors present. The owner was present and sub- mitted two letters from neighbors in support of the request. - 1 - 5-23-77 Item No. 2 - NEW MATTER Case Number: Z-3095-A Name: William E. Fellows Location: 824 Garland Street Description: All of the S75 -ft. of --the W50 ft. of Block 351, Original City Present Classification: "E-1" Quiet Business District Variance: Requests a variance from the front yard provisions of Sec. 43-14 of the Code of Ord. to permit encroachment of an addition Requests a variance from the side yard provisions of Sec. 43-14 of the Little Rock Code of Ord. to permit encroach- ment of an addition Present Use of Property: Residential Proposed Use of Property: Offices Staff Recommendation: This request involves a forme- residence which was rezoned several months ago. The owners propose to remodel the structure and convert it to office use. The variances propose no problems as the owner has worked with staff and Building Codes office to answer fire district issues. The staff feels that conversions of this type in this area should be encouraged as a means of upgrading a declining neighborhood. We strongly recommend approval of the request. _ BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ACTION: AFTER A BREIF DISCUSSION, THE BOARD VOTED TO APPROVE THE REQUEST AS SUBMITTED (4 ayes - 0 noes - 1 absent). There were no objectors present. The applicant was represented by David Spivey. -- 2 - 5-23-77 Item No, 3 NEW MATTERS Case Number: Z-3 i34 Applicant: Charles R. Stewart Location: 9322 Monique Drive Description: Lot 643, Section "H" Twin Lakes Subdivision Variance: Requests a variance from the fence height provisions of Sec, 43-21-1 of the Code of Ord, to permit erection of a fence exceeding 6 ft, in height Present Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Present Classification: Residence Residence "A" One -family District Staff Recommendation: This variance request is the result of a zoning enforcement action. The owner has for some time been building a large board fence in the setback area along Romine Road, The fence height varies but is well above the permitted 4 ft, at the property line. There is a grade change between the street curb and the property line of approximately 3 ft, It is suggested that the street being above the grade of the yard causes problems such as auto headlight glare. The staff feels that the location of the fence is no problem as far as sight distance on the corner. However, the fence should not exceed 3 ft, above the height of the curb line, We recommend the fence height waiver be approved but that an on -site inspection be made by enforcement personnel to determine how much should be removed from the fence, BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ACTION: THE BOARD VOTED TO DEFER THE CASE UNTIL THE JUNE 27TH MEETING AND DIRECTED THAT PROPER NOTICE BE GIVEN (4 ayes - 0 noes - 1 absent). There were no objectors present but one petition was submitted for the file which contained several signatures of objectors, It was pointed out by the staff that the applicant had not properly carried out the notice to adjacent owners, -3- 5-23-77 Item No. 4 - DEFERRED MATTERS Case Number: Applicant: Location: Description..: Present Classification: Z-IL43-C Ray Huckaby for Cumberland Nursing Home 1516 Cumberland Street Long legal 18E-1-A1° Nursing, Lodging and Undertaking District Variance: Requests a variance from the rear yard provisions of Sec. 43-14.1 of the Code of Ord, to permit nursing home with encroachment in rear yard Staff Recommendation: This item was deferred at the March meeting due - to incomplete notice to adjacent owners. The applicant did not pursue the request at the April meeting and it was suggested that he may have ceased pursuit of the request in favor of a building plan not needing a variance, The staff was directed to contact the owner and determine the status of this request.,Letters were written to Mr. Huckaby and a phone call was made, neither resulted in an answer. The staff would recommend that the Board di}po e of this issue by withdrawing it from further consideration., BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ACTION: THE APPLICANT WAS NOT PRESENT, AND IN THE ABSENCE OF FURTHER INFORMATION ON THE APPLICATION, THE BOARD VOTED TO WITHDRAW THIS REQUEST FROM FURTHER'CONSIDERATION (4 ayes - 0 noes - 1 absent). In order to renew this variance request, it will be necessary to file a new application. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:10 p.m. Robert Shell, Chairman ath4niel M. Griffin; Secreza.r - 4 -