HDC_05 06 2021Page 1 of 16 LITTLE ROCK HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 723 West Markham Street Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1334 Phone: (501) 371-4790 Fax:(501) 399-3435 www.littlerock.gov LITTLE ROCK HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION MINUTES Thursday, May 6, 2021, 4:00 p.m. Grant Still Ballroom, Robinson Center Roll Call Quorum was present being five (5) in number. Members Present: Chair Jeremiah Russell Vice Chair Ted Holder Lauren Frederick Amber Jones Christine Aleman Mark Hinson Members Absent: Robert Hodge City Attorney: Sherri Latimer Staff Present: Brian Minyard Jamie Collins Walter Malone Citizens Present: Larry Braswell Erik Swindle Gary Brewster Marcus Stuckey Doug Melkovitz Carolyn Newbern Cindy Pruitt Approval of Minutes Commissioner Amber Jones made a motion to approve the April 1, 2021 minutes as submitted. Vice Chair Ted Holder seconded and the motion passed with a vote of 6 ayes, 0 noes, and 1 absent (Hodge). Brian Minyard, Staff, the notice requirements were met on all the items except as noted in individual hearing items. Notice of public hearing was printed in a newspaper of general circulation, posted on the internet and emails were sent to interested citizens and the press to inform them of the agenda being posted online. Page 2 of 16 LITTLE ROCK HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 723 West Markham Street Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1334 Phone: (501) 371-4790 Fax:(501) 399-3435 www.littlerock.gov STAFF REPORT ITEM NO. One. DATE: May 6, 2021 APPLICANT: Doug Melkovitz ADDRESS: 923 McMath Avenue FILE NUMBER: HDC2021-009 COA REQUEST: Storm Windows and exterior staircase PROJECT BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION: The subject property is located at 923 McMath Ave. The property’s legal description is “Lot 11, Block 4, Masonic Addition to the City of Little Rock, Pulaski County, Arkansas." This building, originally a single-family house, was built ca 1929. 923 McMath is a “simple Queen Anne structure with steeply hipped roofs and cutaway corners at front façade. The original siding and porch detailing has been replaced.” This is considered a contributing structure to the district. This application is for Storm Windows and Exterior Staircase on the rear building. The storm windows will be a black colored metal to match the black sashes on the windows. An exterior staircase will be added to the rear non-contributing building to bring the stairway to code. RECENT ACTIONS ON THIS SITE: On November 5, 2020, a COA was approved and issued to Doug Melkovitz to remove artificial siding, restore original lap siding, install guttering, remove deck at front of house, remove metal bars on windows, restore cutaway brackets at north corner, replace exterior doors, restore original windows, and expand parking lot at the street corner. On October 10, 2014, a COA was approved and issued to Doug Melkovitz to install fencing at 923 McMath and make other changes to 923 ½ McMath and to the two properties on 10th Street. On April 22, 2013, a COC was issued for roof repairs at 718 E 10th. Location of Project Page 3 of 16 Existing north elevation Existing south elevation Existing west elevation Contributing and Non-contributing map PROPOSAL AND WRITTEN ANALYSIS OF THE APPLICATION BASED OFF OF INTENT AND GUIDELINES: Storm Windows: The storm windows will be a black colored metal to blend with the black sashes on the windows. They will be from Imperial Window Manufacturing model 200. These are half screen and operable windows. They are a lower profile storm window. The guidelines state on page 13: “Interior storm windows are encouraged and preferred. Interior storm windows do not require a COA nor the associated costs of the COA. Exterior screen and storm windows should be wood or baked-on enamel or anodized aluminum in a color to match the windows sash paint color and fit within the window frames, not overlap the frames. Screens should be full view. Storm windows and screen or storm windows smaller that original window are not recommended.” The storm windows proposed are half screen instead of full screen as is recommended in the Guidelines. These storm windows will be placed on the entirety of the house including the front street side facade of the building. However, the storm windows proposed have the half screens at the bottom instead of full screens which is not supported by the Guidelines. Page 4 of 16 Model of storm window Storm window installed at 1221 S Louisiana Street Proposed staircase on a different View of 923½ McMath with proposed stair location. building. Exterior Staircase on the rear building: The cover letter states “An exterior staircase will be added to the rear non-contributing building to bring the stairway to code”. The cover letter states that the stair is currently inside the building, but it not up to code. The proposal is to add an exterior stair and porch on the north side of the rear building. Above and below are photos of a stair on a different building that will serve as the model for this one. The guidelines state on page 20: “Staircases should not be added to the exterior of the building where visible from the street. If building codes require and external fire escape, it should be located where not easily seen from the street.” Page 5 of 16 The location chosen for the stair is on an interior lot line. It is located at the rear of the property and is partially screened by the six-foot privacy fence when viewing from McMath Avenue. Proposed staircase on a different building. Proposed door for rear building. North facade of the house and accessory building. Storm windows are an appropriate treatment for historic windows. The proposed storm windows are a lower profile window and will be color matched to the sashes. However, the storms proposed have the half screens at the bottom instead of full screens. Staff would recommend that the full screens or no screens be placed on the windows on the front and south side of the house which are visible from the street in front of the wood fences. Egress regulations for bedrooms require operable windows and may affect the choice of screen or no screen on those windows. The proposed location of the exterior stair is at the location that is least likely to be visible from the street. It is more visible than normally with the parking lot for the Pizza Hut to the north. The Page 6 of 16 fence of the restaurant will hide the lower six feet of the stair so that the second-floor porch over the stairs will be the most prominent thing that would be seen. The proposed stair will not be seen from 10th Street but will be seen from the Frontage Road. NEIGHBORHOOD COMMENTS AND REACTION: At the time of distribution, there were no comments regarding this application. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval with the following conditions: 1. Obtaining a building permit. 2. Install full screen or no screen storm windows on the west and south facades. Contact Staff before installation with count and location of full screen versus half screen. COMMISSION ACTION: May 6, 2021 Brian Minyard, Staff, made a presentation to the Commission including staff recommendations. Doug Melkovitz, the applicant, stated they had repaired the windows but have had break-ins into to the building. There were originally metal bars over the windows which were unsightly, and he stated that they would not be reinstalled. He continued that operable storm windows are needed and that storm windows with full screens are not available from this supplier. He noted that many houses and apartments in the area have the half screen storm windows. Commissioner Amber Jones commented about the top sash of the wood windows are rarely operable in houses today and that a screen on the top half of the window would not be used. She stated that the Commission may need to look at the guidelines on this topic. Vice Chair Ted Holder agreed with Commissioner Jones. His historic house has bottom screens only. There were no citizens to speak on the item. Vice Chair Holder made a motion to approve as submitted with Staff recommendation number one only. Commissioner Christine Aleman seconded at the motion passed with 5 ayes, 0 noes, and 2 absent (Hodge and Hinson). Page 7 of 16 LITTLE ROCK HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 723 West Markham Street Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1334 Phone: (501) 371-4790 Fax:(501) 399-3435 www.littlerock.gov STAFF REPORT ITEM NO. Two. DATE: May 6, 2021 APPLICANT: Cindy Pruitt, Polk Stanley Wilcox Architects ADDRESS: 501 E 9th Street FILE NUMBER: HDC2021-010 COA REQUEST: Signage, Lighting, and Other Hardscape PROJECT BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION: The subject property is located at 501 E 9th Street. The property’s legal description is “Lots A Through F, E.O. Bagley's Subdivision of Lots Subdivision, Little Rock and Lot 5 , Block 154, Original City of Little Rock, and Lot 6, and a 60' Street South of and adjacent to Block 154, Original City of Little Rock and Lots 1 Through 3, Block 155, Original City of Little Rock, and Lots 1 Through 6, Block 153, Original City of Little Rock and that part of the NW 1/4 of Section 11, Township 1 North, Range 11 West, lying East of the Quapaw Line, West of McAlmont Street, and North of East 13th Street, in The City of Little Rock and that Part of The SW 1/2 of Section 2, Township 1 North, Range 12 West, Lying South of East 9th Street, West of McAlmont Street, and East of the Quapaw Line, in the City of Little Rock, Pulaski County, Arkansas” The original building of the Arkansas Arts Center was built in 1937. The 2006 survey form states: “Original building was constructed as an Art Center. Over the years, modifications and additions have been made with a major modification completed in 2004.” There have been seven additions to the original building. See graphic on page 11 of this report. It is considered a "Non-Contributing Structure" to the MacArthur Park Historic District. Signage, Lighting, and Other Hardscape is included in this application. The signage portion covers all signage for the Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts (A/MFA) and two signs for MacArthur Park. The Lighting is for the crescent drive and lighting the front area of the MacArthur Museum of Arkansas Military History. The Hardscape portion is to remove the plaza area in the Location of Project Page 8 of 16 front lawn; add sidewalks and change materials on existing sidewalks; and add benches. A letter from AHPP is included near the end of the staff report on page 10. RECENT ACTIONS ON THIS SITE: • On August 14, 2019, a COA was approved for the renovation and expansion of the main building with lighting along a portion of crescent drive. • On April 14, 2014, a COA was approved for a banner on the northwest portion of the building facing Ninth Street. • On November 9, 2009, a COA was approved for the installation of the plaza area with benches and lighting. • On May 7, 1998, a COA was approved with conditions for a 31,500 sf addition to the building complex. • Other actions were found but are older and not relevant. PROPOSAL AND WRITTEN ANALYSIS OF THE APPLICATION BASED OFF OF INTENT AND GUIDELINES: The signage portion covers all signage for the Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts (A/MFA) and two signs for MacArthur Park. The Lighting is for the crescent drive and lighting the front area of the MacArthur Museum of Arkansas Military History. The Hardscape portion is to remove the plaza area in the front lawn; add sidewalks and change materials on existing sidewalks; and add benches. Signage The signage is broken into Monument signs, Macarthur Park identification signs, Arrival signs, Wayfinding Signs, Banners, and Incidental Signs. Per zoning code, all signs must be at least five feet behind the property line. Drawing submitted reference street instead of property line. Actual dimensions are not known. MONUMENT SIGNS: Two monument signs are proposed for the site. One is located near the west entrance off 9th Street on the front lawn (area north of the crescent drive and south of 9th Street) and one in the south parking lot near the southernmost vehicular entry. The monument signs have a cast in place concrete base and a double-sided fabricated metal sign cabinet with a powder coat finish. Letters will be pin mounted. On both signs, the base will be in concrete, Warm Concrete color, the metal cabinet will be painted in Chantilly Lace color with the lettering in Graynola, shown below. Linear lighting of the sign will be in-ground. Sign 100, the Primary Monument sign, located off 9th Street is 40’ long by 5’ tall for a total of 200sf of sign face. It is location 54 shown on page 12 of this report. Sign 101, the Secondary Monument sign, located off Commerce Street, is 28’ x 5’ tall for a total of 140 sf. It is location 74 shown on page 13 of this report. Contributing and Non-contributing map Page 9 of 16 Primary Monument sign #100 proposed at west entrance at 9th Street. Secondary Monument sign #101 proposed at southernmost entry on Commerce Street. Sign colors for all signs from left to right top row: Warm Concrete and Stainless Steel. Bottom Row, Diffuser film white, PMS 7579C, Graynola, Neutro Gray and Chantilly Lace. MACARTHUR PARK IDENTIFICATION SIGNS: This proposal includes the removal of two signs and the addition of one sign. They are located along 9th street. The proposed sign is a double-sided fabricated metal sign cabinet with a painted finish. Letters will be pin mounted. No lighting is specified. Sign 53, the identification for MacArthur Park Monument sign, is 7’-8” tall x 3’-0” wide’ tall for a total of 23 sf. It will be painted Iron Ore SW7069 with a UV resistant clear coat. The signs to be removed are numbered 1 and 2 and the new sign is numbered 53 and the locations are shown on page 16 of this report. A second option for the new sign with the text horizontal is shown on page 16. Page 10 of 16 Sign #1 to be removed. Sign #2 to be removed. One option of Proposed Sign #53. ARRIVAL SIGNS: Two arrival signs are proposed. They are located on the wall of the courtyard at the north entrance and the south facing wall at the south entrance. These will have donor names in 4 ½” tall letters of ¾” thick water-cut stainless steel letters with a non-directional brushed face and sandblasted returns. They will be unpainted. They will be pin mounted to the building. No lighting is specified. Sign 102, the Courtyard arrival sign is at location 60 shown on page 14 of this report. The text will be “Placeholder Name 1937 Courtyard Entrance”. Sign 103, the Terrace arrival sign (sometimes called Park arrival sign) is at location 66 shown on page 13 of this report. The text of will be “Placeholder Name Park Entrance”. WAYFINDING SIGNS: Eight wayfinding signs are proposed for the site. Wayfinding signs discussed in this paragraph include directional signage to entrances, gift shop, parking, city streets, etc. They are located on the north, west, and south sides of the building. They are a double-sided fabricated metal sign cabinet with a powder coat finish with screen printed letters. Linear lighting of the sign will be in-ground. Signs will be Chantilly lace color background with Graynola color lettering and graphics. The signs are 1’9” wide and 7’-6” tall for a total of 13.125 sf of sign face. They are at location 56, 58, 62, 64, 68, 70, 72, and 76 shown on page 12 of this report. BANNERS: Three banner signs are proposed for the site. These banners will change over time to promote different exhibits or events. They are located along 9th Street to the east of the A/MFA. The signs are constructed of a six inch metal pole with fabricated banner. The pole will be painted Neutro Gray color. Lighting will be from Wayfinding sign. Page 11 of 16 an attached fixture from above the banner. Sign 125, the Freestanding Banner sign is 5’ wide by 15’ tall for a total of 65sf of sign face. The bottom of the sign face is 10’ above ground level. It is location at 48, 50, and 52 shown on page 12 of this report. Banner sign Illumination of banner signs INCIDENTAL SIGNS: Twenty-three incidental signs are proposed for the site. Incidental signs discussed in this paragraph include street numbers; hours of operation; no smoking; no firearms; parking signs for reserved, loading dock, pickup, and drop-off; etc. They are located on the north, west, and south sides of the building and in the park at intersections of walkways. Lighting is not specified on any of these signs. Their locations are shown on page 14 and 15 of this report. The street number sign, number 130, is 12’ tall, fabricated metal letters pin mounted to the wall in Graynola color and is located on the north wall. Sign 131 and 132, the entry signs, are shown below are vinyl applied to the glass on the interior surface. They are a combination of Diffuser film White and PMS7579C in color. Signage on Entries Parking signs Page 12 of 16 Signs 140, 150, and 151 are vehicular parking and regulatory signs. They are made of 1/8” aluminum plate with silkscreened graphics mounted to a 2” diameter painted pole with cap. Pole color will be Neutro Gray and sign plate will be in Chantilly Lace color. Graphics and messaging will be in Graynola color. Additional signs for traffic direction will be removed and reinstalled to account for traffic flow changes. Lighting This proposal is to remove 14 of the existing lights along the crescent drive and replace with a total of 21 lights to match those already approved with the approval of the building expansion. All removed lighting will be surrendered to the Parks and Recreation Department. Two Existing light standards with floodlights are proposed to be removed that currently used to illuminate the front of the Military Museum and its front yard. Two existing lights with globe style fixtures will be relocated to the front yard of the Military Museum for illumination. They will be located to the north of the east west sidewalk at the base of the front steps of the building. Existing light standards with floodlights to be removed. Existing light standards with globe style fixtures to be removed. Proposed light standard with fixtures to match previously approved lights. Hardscape This proposal is to remove the plaza area in front of the MacArthur Museum of Arkansas Military History along with the associated pool, benches, and lighting; switching the one way traffic flow on the crescent drive; removing yellow bollards in front of the MacArthur Museum of Arkansas Page 13 of 16 Military History; and removing the brick sidewalk along the crescent drive and replacing with concrete. On November 9, 2009, a COA was approved for the installation of the plaza area with benches and lighting. Later an application was approved for renovation of the historic fountain and pool. All those improvements are scheduled to be removed as shown on page 17 and 18 of this report. At that time, the traffic flow was changed the flow east to west. The yellow bollards were installed for the safety of school children getting off buses to walk around the bus to get to the front door of the Military Museum. The traffic flow has been proposed to be switched back to a west to east flow which will render the bollard useless. The western part of the drive will be one way east while a portion of the easternmost section will be two way. Parking will be on both sides of the drive in some areas. It is undetermined when the existing brick sidewalk laid in a herringbone pattern was installed. Historic postcards from c1905 show a sidewalk in that location. Staff has been informed that the sidewalk may date to the creation of the park in 1893 or thereafter. Bricks from the sidewalk will be salvaged for use if the Parks Department desires. New landscape will be installed to the north of the crescent drive, The Historic district Commission does not review the softscape - the plants - that will be installed. The HDC does review hardscape: the pattern of sidewalks, lights, benches, materials for such, etc. Currently, there is one sidewalk from 9th Street proceeding south through the plaza to the entrance of the Military Museum. In the proposal, there will be a sidewalk from 9th to the courtyard entry of the A/MFA on the western end. A central sidewalk will lead from 9th Street to the front door of the Military Museum with a branch that that will also lead to the courtyard entry of the A/MFA. A third sidewalk will leave 9th on the eastern end and roughly parallel the crescent drive westerly intersecting the previous mentioned sidewalks and end across from the courtyard entry. There is one additional sidewalk that will serve as a connector from the sidewalk that parallels the drive and the crescent drive on the eastern portion of the front lawn. These sidewalks will typically be 6’ wide and exposed small aggregate concrete. Proposed plan for north lawn Page 14 of 16 SUMMARY OF PRE-APPLICATION HEARING The applicant attended the March 12, 2021 pre application hearing. The comments from the commissioners are summarized as follows: It was discussed and agreed upon by the commissioners present that the application was not the typical pre-application meeting topic and that some or most of the design factors were not applicable. Comments were: • I remember a general consensus that the signage and lighting throughout the design was appropriate commercial signage and lighting and enhanced the new building design of the new Arts Center, which was previously approved. • I was encouraged that their lighting is focused downward so as not to disrupt the neighbors and the feel of the neighborhood. • Application is for signage and modifications to landscape design. No exceptions taken. Location , size, material , and lighting generally conform to the guidelines as described. • I really have no comments. I agree with Jeremiah Russell that what the A/MFA had to present was not what the DRC was envisioned to apply to. OR, if it needs to adapt to such things, I did not understand what guidelines applied. Overall, I see no guideline that would be affected. Staff believes that the application as submitted is appropriate for the district. This building, the A/MFA, has the largest footprint of any building in the district and is in the top four, if not the largest, in overall square footage. It sits on the largest parcel in the district and has some of the largest setbacks in the district. When evaluating this application, aspects of the signage is in scale with the building. The sidewalks have a meandering pattern as the other walks in the park. The Lighting matches the previously approved lighting. NEIGHBORHOOD COMMENTS AND REACTION: At the time of distribution, there were no comments regarding this application. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval with the following conditions: 1. Obtaining a building permit or modification of existing building permit to cover additional costs. 2. Per zoning code, all signs must be at least five feet behind the property line. 3. Obtain sign permits for two monument signs and three banner signs. COMMISSION ACTION: May 6, 2021 Art Center Commissioner Lauren Frederick stated that she was going to recuse on this item since she is in the area of influence. She left the meeting at this time. Commissioner Mark Hinson joined the meeting at this time. Brian Minyard, Staff, made a presentation to the Commission including staff recommendations. Amber Jones commented about the letters of concern for this item. Staff stated that all had been sent to the Commissioners digitally before the meeting. Page 15 of 16 Cindy Pruitt, of Polk Stanley Wilcox Architects, stated they have ben in contact with Parks and Recreation during this process. She noted that the signs would be redesigned to coordinate with the A/MFA signage and would be submitted later. Commissioner Amber Jones asked about the volunteer organization known as the MacPark group, and if they were at the table for the discussion on the changes. Ms. Pruitt state that they were. She commented that the landscape work was originally just in front of the A/MFA building, but they were able to do more than originally planned. They were able to coordinate with Parks to redo more area and unify the front yard. Ms. Pruitt continued the sidewalk aggregate is ADA compliant and should roll with strollers and wheelchairs. She stated that the new sidewalks will be more ADA compliant than the current brick. Carolyn Newbern, a member of the MacPark Group and a former Commissioner of the HDC, stated that overall, she was pleased with the project. One conflict that she had mentioned in her email has been resolved in the meeting already. She continued that the MacPark group was not involved in all the talks. She suggested that the three banner poles be increased to six with three dedicated to the Military Museum and MacArthur Park specifically. She also asked that the large sign on Ninth Street be removed and reinstalled somewhere else in the south side of the park. She also asked if there was a bench area in front of the MacArthur Museum. She concluded that the universal playground will be useable from both museums. Ms. Pruitt responded that the tall sign had been hit by a car. It will be dismantled and turned over to the Parks Department. The existing benches and lighting standards will also be turned over to the Parks Department. Parks has found homes for nine of the benches thus far. Ms. Pruitt continued that one of the banners is intended to be designated to the Military Museum. She also said that there were benches added across crescent drive from the Military Museum entrance. Patricia Blick, Executive Director of the Quapaw Quarter Association, read the QQA letter that had been submitted. She stated that some of the concerns had been addressed. Ms. Pruitt restated that one of the banners would be dedicated to the Military Museum. She spoke of the way finder sign #53 and stated they could potentially respond to the request from the QQA. They will need to see how the traffic flows after the Master Plan changes the direction. Chair Jeremiah Russell made a motion to approve as submitted with conditions and as revised. Vice Chair Ted Holder seconded. The motion passed with 5 ayes, 0 noes, 1 absent (Hodge), and 1 recusal (Frederick) Page 16 of 16 Other Matters Enforcement issues Staff had none to report to the Commission. Certificates of Compliance HDC2021-006 3/38/2021 1015 S Scott Street repoint brick wall in front. HDC2021-008 3/16/2021 803 S Rock street siding and trim repair HDC2021-011 4/7/2021 1405 S Cumberland porch repair HDC2021-012 4/29/2021 904 Rock Street siding repair Citizen Communication There were no citizens that chose to speak during citizen communication. Adjournment There was a motion to adjourn, and the meeting ended at 4:55 p.m. Attest: Chair Date Secretary/Staff Date