15470 I RESOLUTION NO. 15,470 2 3 A RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER 4 INTO A CONTRACT WITH UTILITY ASSOCIATES,INC.,FOR A TOTAL 5 AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED NINETY-SIX THOUSAND, SIX HUNDRED 6 EIGHTY-SIX DOLLARS($96,686.00),FOR THE RENEWAL OF MODEMS 7 FOR THE LITTLE ROCK POLICE DEPARTMENT; AND FOR OTHER 8 PURPOSES. 9 10 WHEREAS,the Little Rock Police Department entered into separate contracts with Utility Associates, 11 Inc., for Remote Configuration Management AVaiLWeb including Hardware Warranty and Software 12 Service and support for modems and requests authorization to renew and combine the renewal cycle into 13 one(1)contract; and, 14 WHEREAS, the service will provide continued support for the modems, allow Internet connectivity 15 inside vehicles,move video from vehicles to the servers and provide GPS monitoring for Computer-Aided 16 Dispatch; and, 17 WHEREAS, it is critical that the Little Rock Police Department be equipped with reliable forms of 18 response intervention equipment to preserve public safety; and, 19 WHEREAS,the total cost of the purchase is Ninety-Six Thousand,Eight Hundred Sixty-Eight Dollars 20 ($96,868.00)before tax,with funding provided from the Federal Asset Forfeiture Treasury Fund, Account 21 No. 270529-G35148. 22 NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY 23 OF LITTLE ROCK,ARKANSAS: 24 Section 1. The City Manager is authorized to enter into a contract renewal to provide two (2) 25 additional one(1)-year contract terms(October 2021 through and including October 2023)to coordinate or 26 co-term the contract renewal with Utility Associates, Inc., for Continued Remote Configuration 27 Management AVaiLWeb including Hardware Warranty and Software Support and Service for modems, in 28 an amount not to exceed Ninety-Six Thousand, Eight Hundred Sixty-Eight Dollars ($96,868.00), plus 29 applicable taxes and fees. 30 Section 2. Funding for this expenditure will be provided from the Federal Asset Forfeiture Treasury 31 Fud, Account No. 270529-G35148. 32 Section 3. Severability. In the event any title, section, paragraph, item, sentence, clause, phrase, or 33 word of this resolution is declared or adjudged to be invalid or unconstitutional, such declaration or [Page 1 of 21 1 adjudication shall not affect the remaining portions of the resolution which shall remain in full force and 2 effect as if the portion so declared or adjudged invalid or unconstitutional were not originally a part of the 3 resolution. 4 Section 4. Repealer. All laws,ordinances,resolutions,or parts of the same,that are inconsistent with 5 the provisions of this resolution,are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency. 6 ADOPTED: June 15,2021 7 ATTEST: APPROVED: 840 10 Allison Segars, I • ty City Clerk Frank Scott,Jr.,Mayo 11 APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: 12 13 A.414.l40) 14 Thomas M.Carpenter,City ttorney 15 // 16 // 17 // 18 // 19 // 20 // 21 // 22 // 23 // 24 // 25 // 26 // 27 // 28 // 29 // 30 // 31 // 32 // 33 // 34 // 35 // [Page 2 of 2]