HDC_04 01 2021Page 1 of 7 LITTLE ROCK HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 723 West Markham Street Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1334 Phone: (501) 371-4790 Fax:(501) 399-3435 www.littlerock.gov LITTLE ROCK HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION MINUTES Thursday, April 1, 2021, 4:00 p.m. Grant Still Ballroom, Robinson Center Roll Call Quorum was present being five (5) in number. Members Present: Chair Jeremiah Russell Vice Chair Ted Holder Robert Hodge Christine Aleman Mark Hinson Members Absent: Lauren Frederick Amber Jones City Attorney: Sherri Latimer Staff Present: Brian Minyard Jamie Collins Walter Malone Citizens Present: Jim Ferguson Approval of Minutes Before the minutes were approved, there was a discussion of the results of the research by the City Attorney’s office. For general items, such as minutes, a roll call vote is not required - a voice vote is sufficient. For matters of more significance, such as Certificates of Appropriateness, a roll call vote is required. Commissioner Christine Aleman made a motion to approve the March 4, 2021 minutes as submitted. Commissioner Robert Hodge seconded, and the motion passed with a vote of 5 ayes, 0 noes, and 2 absent (Frederick and Jones). Brian Minyard, Staff, the notice requirements were met on all the items except as noted in individual hearing items. Notice of public hearing was printed in a newspaper of general circulation, posted on the internet and emails were sent to interested citizens and the press to inform them of the agenda being posted online. Page 2 of 7 LITTLE ROCK HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 723 West Markham Street Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1334 Phone: (501) 371-4790 Fax:(501) 399-3435 www.littlerock.gov STAFF REPORT ITEM NO. One. DATE: April 1, 2021 APPLICANT: Russ Fason and Benjamin Gregory, WER Architects/Planners ADDRESS: 314 E 6th Street FILE NUMBER: HDC2021-007 COA REQUEST: Facade changes PROJECT BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION: The subject property is located at 314 E 6th Street. The property’s legal description is “West 26' of Lot 7 & West 26' of the South 10' of Lot 8 block 40 Original City of Little Rock, Pulaski County, Arkansas." This one story commercial building was built in the 1960’s. The 2006 survey form states: “This standard Commercial 20th Century building has aluminum framed windows and doors at front with side walls and back with no openings. The mansard roof attached to front wall provides protection over sidewalk. The first occupant was Joseph Pritchard Grocery and remained there through the 1970’s.” It is considered a "Non-Contributing Structure" to the MacArthur Park Historic District. This application is for Facade changes of replacing the storefront widows and modifications to other window openings. RECENT ACTIONS ON THIS SITE: On January 25, 2021, a COC was issued to Central Arkansas Water for a new roof. On February 14, 2020, a COC was issued to Ibrahim Elsaidi to replace the asphalt shingle with metal shingles on the awing. On February 10, 2020, a COA was denied for changes to the awning. On February 6, 2019, a COA was approved and issued to Ibrahim Saidi to replace glass in the windows and doors due to fire damage. On March 11, 2013, a COA was approved and issued to Samirah Alwazir for signage. Location of Project Page 3 of 7 Existing south elevation Existing east elevation Existing west elevation Contributing and Non-contributing map PROPOSAL AND WRITTEN ANALYSIS OF THE APPLICATION BASED OFF OF INTENT AND GUIDELINES: Storefront windows and door: Windows are proposed to be replaced with new fixed windows in a dark bronze finish with the same mullion pattern as existing to fit the opening on front of building. The 1978 Photo shows the windows as large plate glass windows. Door and sidelights will be replaced with a new four lite entry door and sidelights in the same configuration as the existing. The 1978 photo has the door in a shadow and Staff cannot determine what the door configuration is. The size of the openings for the entry area and the display widows are the same as the 1978 photo. The bulkhead, the area under the display windows, will not change. In 2020, when the awing was removed, evidence of transoms were revealed. This application will not restore the transoms over the door and windows. Removal of 4 window ac units and accompanying work: On the west elevation, two window air conditioners will be removed and the openings will be adjusted and enlarged to make new windows. Sill and height will match front windows. Originally, these were small windows above head height that were common in buildings of this era and before. Later, window air conditioning units were installed in these openings. Page 4 of 7 On the north (rear) side and the east side, a window air conditioner will be removed and the opening bricked up. On the east wall, a window air conditioner will be removed and the opening will be stuccoed over. Both will be painted to match the exterior wall color. 1978 Survey photo 2020 Photo of south facade without awning Other work: Two split unit heat and air conditioner units will be installed on the roof which should not be visible from the street. See page 4 for the north elevation and page 9 for perspectives of the building. The building encompasses all of the lot. If the window units are to be removed, which is appropriate, the hvac units must go on top of the building. Lighting at front entry one on each side of door: Lights to be Hinkley brand wall mount black fixture 4.5” diameter and 8” tall. These lights are slightly contemporary in nature, but also non-obtrusive in their size and color. Replacing the awning soffit panels with ones that match the awning roof color. These will be a 16” center vented soffit panel in gray to match the awning color. SUMMARY OF PRE-APPLICATION HEARING The applicant attended the February 12, 2021 pre application hearing. The comments from the commissioners are summarized as follows: SITING – non-applicable HEIGHT– non-applicable Proposed light fixtures by front door Page 5 of 7 PROPORTION – windows and doors size are appropriate. RHYTHM – the enlarging of the windows were deemed appropriate SCALE – non-applicable MASSING – non-applicable ENTRANCE AREA – proposed changes will not a restoration of the old plan, but a duplication of the single door and sidelights. Working with elements of adjacent buildings. WALL AREAS- addressed under rhythm. ROOF AREA- discussion of roof mounted hvac units and if they would be visible. FAÇADE - addressed under rhythm and proportion. DETAILING- probably should discuss in public hearing. The committee made the point that it was unfortunate that the building was not going to be put back to the condition it was in the mid 1970’s, closer to the original look. They did not feel that the changes proposed were detrimental to the neighborhood. Proposed south front facade Page 6 of 7 Proposed north elevation The building at 314 E 6th Street, the Pritchard Grocery Store, is non-contributing to the district. While the changes to the sides of the building (enlarging and filling openings) may make the building more non-conforming, it is the opinion of Staff due to conditions affecting the structure that the overall changes to the building will not cause a substantial detriment to the public welfare and without substantial derogation form the intent and purpose of the ordinance. The changes to the openings could be reversed at a later date. NEIGHBORHOOD COMMENTS AND REACTION: At the time of distribution, there were no comments regarding this application. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval with the following conditions: 1. Obtaining a building permit. COMMISSION ACTION: April 1, 2021 Brian Minyard, Staff, made a presentation to the Commission. There were no questions of the Commissioners. Jim Ferguson, Central Arkansas Water, commented that the building was going to be used as offices with no customer traffic into the building. He commented that the staff report reflected the work requested. Commissioner Robert Hodge made a motion to approve the item as submitted. Chair Jeremiah Russell seconded, and the motion passed with a vote of 5 ayes, 0 noes, and 2 absent (Frederick and Jones). Page 7 of 7 Other Matters Enforcement issues Staff had none to report to the Commission. Certificates of Compliance Staff had none to report to the Commission. Citizen Communication There were no citizens that chose to speak during citizen communication. Adjournment There was a motion to adjourn, and the meeting ended at 4:14 p.m. Attest: Chair Date Secretary/Staff Date