HDC_08 12 2004MINUTES LITTLE ROCK HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION August 12, 2004 Commissioners Present: Wyatt Weems Carolyn Newbern Wesley Walls Terence Bolden - arrived during meeting Commissioners Absent: Marshall Peters Staff Present: Tony Bozynski Andre' Bernard Ward Hanna Debra Weldon The meeting was called to order and a quorum was present being three (3) in number. Item No. 1: 411 East Sixth Street The applicant was present Don Terry and Bob Becklin. Legal notice was given. Discussion centered on the extent of the roof repair. No material changes would be made to the roof and the Commission stated that maintenance did not require a COA. Discussion changed to repair of latticework on side of house. No material changes would be made to the latticework and the Commission also considered this general maintenance and no COA is required. Mr. Terry will reapply for a sign to be placed on the property. Other Business Commission may have 3 applications to review in September. Staff is to search for Infill booklet prepared by Heiple /Wiedower. The next work session will be Thursday August 19th. With there being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned.