HDC_12 05 2002City of Little Rock
of the
Commissioners Present:
Howard H. Gordon Carolyn Newbern Marshall Peters Wesley Walls
Commissioner Absent: Wyatt Weems
Staff Present: V. Anne Guthrie Debra Weldon
The meeting of the Little Rock Historic District Commission (LRHDC) was called to order and
there was a quorum. The minutes from previous meetings (3 January, 11 July and 7 November)
were approved as presented; two misspellings ( "in other" as opposed to "another" in July's and
Trapnall in November's) were noted for correction.
The only Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) was:
Applicant: James R. Williams, Agent
Address: 1212 Scott Street
Request: New construction of office /studio
and associated parking
The agent, as architect introduced the property owner, Mike McGinnis (sp ?) and summarized the
business of JM Associates and their present offices located in the 1300 block of Cumberland.
The business intends to remain at that location and expand to the proposed location, which will
house their production studios. Williams explained that the subject project is appearing before
the city's zoning board on 23 December for two variances: the percentage of area glass required
on ground floor of front facade (is asking for less percentage) and a parking allowance.
Williams reviewed the proposed structure's overall design, massing and how it fits into the
historic district. He did state that the guidelines do not specify design recommendations for
commercial or office properties; he said that the owner was careful to select architectural
elements that are evident in existing and surrounding commercial properties. There was
discussion of the site, adjacent property and the highway department's I-630 right-of-way. As the
proposed site has an alley on its west side, there was discussion as to whether it will be vacated
to allow iron security gates at the north and south ends.
Little Rock Historic District Commission
Minutes of 5 December 2002 meeting page 2
The following project description is taken from the Staff Report and Recommendations: The
subject property is on the west side of Scott, between 12th and 13th streets, a half block of vacant
land. The site consists of about 34,500 square feet. The project request is new construction of a
two - storied office building (15,474 sqft). Associated parking of 43 spaces is on the northwest
corner of the site and is accessed from a new curb cut on Scott and from the north/south alley
entries on the west. The exterior facade of the rectangular building is symmetrically designed. On
the east (front fagade) elevation there are ten pilastered bays with four flanking bays on each side
of the centered and pedimented double bay. Each bay consists of two windows on each floor; the
windows are wooden clad. The exterior wall finish is brick with accent brick window headers.
The east elevation has two corners, which are chamfered with a double door entrance; the north
has the appearance of an entry but is not operable. The south elevation (facing 13th Street) has
recessed brick detail, which may be interpreted as emulating openings. The north elevation,
facing 12th Street, is similar to the east with its pilastered bays.
This project site is along the western -most edge of the MacArthur Park Historic District; it has
been vacant for several years. Adjacent to the project site, there are: offices and commercial
properties to the west; 12th Street and I -630 to the north; an office building across Scott Street, to
the east; a half block of vacant property to the south; and an office on the southeast corner of 13th
and Scott streets. The QQA's offices are in the 1300 block of Scott (east side) and the Villa
Marr6 is on the corner of 14th and Scott.
There are eleven criteria in the district's design guidelines for new construction. The guidelines
state that new construction of primary structures, should maintain, not disrupt, the existing
pattern of surrounding historic buildings along the street; also, new construction "of primary
structures, while blending in with adjacent buildings, should not be too imitative of historic styles
so that new buildings can be distinguished (differentiated) from historic buildings." Of the eleven
criteria, the proposed project meets all and is an excellent example of new construction in an
historic district and as infill commercial development. (NOTE: the previous are excerpts from
the project's Staff Report and Recommendations.)
There was a discussion of site lighting and lighting of the associated parking areas. Walls
commended the agent and owner on the proposed project's design, as it is not imitating historic
structures by particular design elements but instead emulates surrounding historic commercial
properties (Community Bakery, 1500 block of Main on east side) in massing, scale, etc. It is
sympathetic to the historic district and provides an anchor to Scott and the south side of I-630.
Gordon asked if there were comments from the neighbors, etc. It was noted that the required
proof of the notification to property owners is to be submitted to staff promptly.
Little Rock Historic District Commission
Minutes of 5 December 2002 meeting page 3
Newbern made a motion that the COA application for JM Associates (new construction of
offices and studio), along with staff recommendations, and subject to proof of property
notification, be approved as presented with staff recommendations, which were read into the
record: 1) fence details (cross section, etc.) be submitted to staff prior to construction; 2)
applicant must submit one set of final plans (to include site plan, elevations) to staff, 3) project
must obtain required variances for development regulations; 4) project must meet all city codes
and zoning regulations; and, 5) should the project's scope change in any fashion in terms of
material, massing, scale, profile and size, staff will be notified and appropriate actions taken.
After a second, the vote was unanimous.
Under old and new business agenda item, the meeting schedule for 2003 was approved. There
was a reminder of Nore' Winter's visit in January 2003. Also, Gordon asked about the progress
of 1000 Rock in the resolution of the property's noncompliance.
Following a motion and vote, the meeting adjourned at 6:15pm.