HDC_07 11 2002City of Little Rock
11 JULY 2002
of the
Commissioners Present:
Carolyn Newbern Marshall Peters Wesley Walls Wyatt Weems
Howard H. Gordon (came in late)
Staff Present: V. Anne Guthrie Debra Weldon
(NOTE: Two new commissioners were appointed by the city ROD in June, replacing John
Greer and Jean Ann Phillips, both of whose terms expired; the new commissioners are
Wesley Walls and Marshall Peters, architect and property owner, respectively.)
The meeting of the Little Rock Historic District Commission (LRHDC) was called to order and
roll call determined there was a quorum. There were no minutes presented for approval.
The only Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) was:
Applicant: John and Kay Tatum
Address: 1010 Scott Street
Request: Construction of a detached garage
The applicant presented the required public notification to staff and reviewed the project request.
The proposed project is the new construction of a detached garage at the end of the driveway, on
the property's north side of the back yard. The project is a single -door garage with the automatic
garage door facing east. The garage's overall size is 12'x 38' (ca. 456 square feet) with an
estimated 12' height. The exterior finish is wood siding (similar to the main house) with fish-
scale shingles proposed on the gabled east and west ends. The roof is asphalt shingles and the
garage door is paneled steel. The drawings depict the roof slope at 7/12, but the applicant would
like it steeper. The garage is to have the same color scheme as the main house. There is a privacy
fence in the rear yard's north side and running east to west.
Newbern discussed new construction and how it should not mimic old construction so that there
would be a difference between new and old construction and the same rule applies to detached
structures. The distance of the proposed garage from the street is about fifty feet, with about three
feet between the garage and existing side fence. Also, the garage must meet zoning setbacks.
Little Rock Historic District Commission
Minutes of I July 2002 meeting, page 2
Peters stated that the scale of the roof with its gabled ends to the main house is a key feature. The
garage door will consist of the majority of the new construction's east elevation, so there will be
minimal siding along the east elevation. The main architectural definition on that elevation will
be above the garage door, from the banding up. There was discussion about the fish-scaled
shingles in the gabled ends and how it needed to be divided with a wider band of siding to
differentiate the two. The fish scales will probably be a different color than side elevations.
Newbern stated that garage structures, as secondary structures, are generally simpler than the
main structure and by relying on color for differentiation may be overplayed with such a small
structure. Walls stated that he would encourage the applicant to change the width of the siding at
some point especially if changing colors. Another words, have the wooden siding, then frieze
board and then the fish scales. By utilizing a scheme of architectural elements and sizing, there is
a demarcation from the gabled ends with the fish scaled shingles, the frieze board, the wall
elevation and the garage door; it is important to have a separation, either by banding or a frieze
board. Walls reiterated the need to have a demarcation by illustrating the ideas.
Newbern made a motion to approve the proposed project with the recommendation for a
steeper pitched roof (10/12 if possible), that there be a demarcation line between the gabled
ends and walls and with confirmation by staff. Peters seconded and the vote for conditional
approval was unanimous.
Under new business, there was discussion about having an orientation for new members. While
there was an orientation in November 2001, the two new members would benefit by another.
Also, a CLG grant ($26,000) was approved for the architectural survey and update of the Capitol
Zoning District's expanded boundaries and for Norio Winters to return to Little Rock for a
presentation before the BOD. Weems asked about expanding the MacArthur Park historic district
boundaries. It was stated that the district would need a new survey, especially after the damaging
1999 tornado. There is concern that a survey would decrease the size of the existing historic
district. Gordon stated that along Scott Street, with Women's Club, Pike Memorial, etc. there are
significant architectural structures that warrant protection.
Following a motion and unanimous vote, the meeting was adjourned.