HDC_06 07 1990City of Little Rock HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION LITTLE ROCK HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION JUNE 7, 1990 5:00 P.M. The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Vice - Chairman Thomas Johnson. A quorum was present. - Mr. John Jarrard, Mr. John Bush, Mrs. Cneryl Nichols and Mr. Thomas Johnson. Mr. William Kennedy, III was absent. Also present was City Attorney Stephen Giles. The Vice - Chairman asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. The minutes were not approved due to errors. Item #1 - Quapaw Quarter Medical Clinic Dr. Benny Green Mr. John Jackson, with Witsell,Evans & Rasco Architects gave a presentation of Dr. Benny Green's proposed Quapaw Quarter Medical Clinic. Mr. Jackson explained the proposal in detail using maps, slides and drawings. He said that the clinic would be constructed on the 50' by 140' lot at the corner of 14th and Scott Streets. He felt that 14th Street was the best place to access from and exit on Scott Street. Mr. Jackson also addressed setbacks, the handicapped ramps and landscaping. Mr. Jackson pointed out that they were proposing a brick porch, but would like approval today to go ahead and if necessary substitute a wood porch. Other issues were addressed regarding the roof and the scale of the building. In addressing the roof, Mr. Jackson stated that they would like an option of substituting a shingle roof. Mr. Jackson explained the floorplan and said that there would be parking around the building. A covered carport would be constructed for dropping off patients. Mr. Charles Witsell was present and addressed in detail the issues discussed by the Quapaw Quarter Association's letter of recommendation. Vice- Chairman Johnson said that he felt uncomfortable approving a design with the potential for major changes. There was discussion about lighting and color of the building. Vice- Chairman Johnson had a question about signage. Mr. Jackson said that they are proposing a small ground level 4' x 6' sign. There would be lights for security purposes. He said that Dr. Green wants to keep it as residential as possible. Commissioner Bush commented that although he had some reservations, improvement to the neighborhood ultimately would be a positive influence for the whole neighborhood. Vice - Chairman Johnson asked if there was any one present in favor or in opposition of the application. None were present. Vice- Chairman Johnson suggested that the Commission vote on the application with the understanding that Mr. Jackson come back and ask for a wooden porch if necessary. Mr. Jackson replied that would delay the project a month and was not economically feasible. Commissioner Nichols suggested they appoint a committee similar to what was done on the Chateau Roy project. Mr. Jackson stated that he would be happy to provide an elevation showing the wood porch. He said he preferred to give up the metal seam roof first, and the brick porch second. Vice - Chairman Johnson said that they could appoint a committee to review any porch changes that may arise. If approved with a brick porch, they could change it by committee approval. A motion was made by Commissioner Bush and seconded by Commissioner Nichols to approve the Certificate with the understanding that if there is going to be a change in the brick porch, it must be approved by the full Commission or a committee. Motion passed by a vote of 3 ayes, 1 nay and 1 absent. Vice- Chairman Johnson appointed Commissioners Jarrard and Nichols to be the review committee. A lunch meeting was scheduled for June 21 to discuss 1990 Certified Local Government Grant projects. Vice- Chairman Johnson read a letter to the Commission that he constructed to City Manager Tom Dalton about issuing unauthorized building permits in the Historic District. The Commission endorsed sending the letter to the Manager. Mr. Tom Wilkes came before the Board because he had neglected to obtain a Certificate of Appropriateness for applying vinyl siding at Cumberland Square. Mr. Wilkes explained to the Board what he was doing at Cumberland Square and asked for approval. It was decided to meet with Mr. Wilkes at 11:00 am the next day (Friday, June 8) to resolve the siding issue. There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m.