HDC_08 13 2003MINUTES LITTLE ROCK HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION August 13, 2003 Commissioners Present: Wyatt Weems Carolyn Newbem Marshall Peters Wesley Walls Terence Bolden Commissioners Absent: Staff Present: Tony Bozynski Andre' Bernard Debra Weldon The meeting was called to order and a quorum was present being five (5) in number. The Minutes from the July 10, 2003 regular meeting and the July 23, 2003 special meeting were approved as mailed. Item No. 1: 1020 Rock The applicant, Jay Core, was not present. Staff reported that the applicant would not be able to attend, but had given a phone number if the Commission wanted to call with questions. The application is for fagade restoration, Category III requiring notification of the abutting property owner. The applicant owns all abutting property and submitted proof of ownership. Debra Weldon noted that the applicant must be present. Commissioner Weems read from Guidelines, page 5, Section 5, which stated that applicant should be present. Commissioner Peters moved that the COA request be postponed until the applicant can be present. Commissioner Newbem seconded this. Discussion continued about the work already in progress. Discussion included the possible use of a cell phone during the Public Hearing. Staff was asked to research the possibility of cell phone use. Other Business Boyd Maher informed the Commission about the scheduled activities in Eureka Springs on October 23 -24, 2003. The City of Little Rock has two rooms reserved for commissioners. The State will pay for the registration. There will be four guest speakers and six breakout sessions. Other item discussed included completion of the review of the Nore Winter recommendations. With there being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 5:38 p.m.