HDC_07 23 2003City of Little Rock
JULY 23, 2003
Wyatt Weems
Carolyn Newbern
Marshall Peters
Wesley Walls
Terence Bolden
Andre' Bernard
Tony Bozynski
Debra Weldon
The meeting was called to order and a quorum was present being five (5) in number.
The first item of discussion was the Central High National Register Historic District and
the possibility of submitting a new survey of the district as a CLG project for the next
cycle. Comments were made and MacArthur Park District survey was also mentioned as
a possible project for consideration.
900 Rock Street was the next item that the Commission addressed. There was a lengthy
discussion about the fence and the color. After a number of comments, a motion was
made that stated 900 Rock was in compliance and no further action was required. The
motion was approved by a vote of 5 ayes, 0 nays and 0 absent.
The next property issue discussed by the Commission was 1000 Rock Street. The staff
reminded the Commissioners about the information that was included in the packets and
it provided a good summary of the case. The discussion addressed many points including
the need for direction and support from the City Board and how to proceed in the future
with similar situations. The Commissioners felt very strongly about the Board supporting
the Commission's actions. The Commissioners then discussed the letter from the
Commission to the Mayor and Board of Directors. It was suggested that the letter include
an update on Nore' Winter's review, that the Commission has followed through with the
Board's request to review the guidelines by an outside party and an explanation of the
Historic District Commission's role in issues similar to 1000 Rock Street. There was a
long discussion on this item. A motion was offered for the staff to draft a letter to the
Mayor and bringing him up -to -date on the Commission's efforts and make reference to
the Commission's discussion on noncompliance properties. The motion was approved by
a vote of 5 ayes, 0 nays and 0 absent.
The Commission then discussed Nore' Winter's review and the next steps. It was
suggested that the staff contact the National Alliance of Preservation Commissions for
sample guidelines to help facilitate the process. A timetable for review was discussed
and it was decided to have a final draft prepared by the end of the year. It was requested
that staff begin preparing a matrix (spreadsheet) for tracking the review process. Other
related items that were commented on included a city preservation plan and possible
revisions to the ordinance as part of the review process.
Staff requested the Commission to move the August 7 meeting to August 13 because of a
problem with the legal ad. After some additional comments, the Commission agreed to
change the meeting date to Wednesday, August 13th