723 West Markham Street
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1334
Phone: (501) 371-4790 Fax: (501) 399-3435
Monday, June 12, 2006, 5:00 p.m.
Sister Cities' Conference Room, City Hall
I. Roll Call
A Quorum was present being five (5) in number.
Members Present: Carolyn Newbern
Wesley Walls
Kay Tatum
Job Serebrov
Members Absent: Marshall Peters
City Attorney: Debra Weldon
Staff Present: Brian Minyard
Citizens Present: Michael Wood
Sara Braswell
Dr. Thomas Braswell
Boyd Maher
III. Approval of Minutes
a. May 8, 2006
Commissioner Kay Tatum made a motion to approve as corrected
(page 27 miscommunication instead of miss communication), and
Commissioner Wesley Walls seconded. The motion was approved with
a vote of 4 ayes, 0 noes and 1 absent.
IV. Deferred Certificates of Appropriateness
a. None
V. New Certificates of Appropriateness
Debra Weldon stated that both applications for a new Certificate of
Appropriateness have met the notice requirement.
723 West Markham Street
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1334
Phone: (501) 371-4790 Fax: (501) 399-3435
DATE: June 12, 2006
APPLICANT: Dr. Thomas and Sara Braswell
ADDRESS: 609 Rock Street
COA Detached garage, covered walkway, screened porch and fencing
The subject property is located at 609 Rock
Street. The property's legal description is
Lots 3 and 4, Block 151, Original City of Little
Rock, Pulaski County, Arkansas."
The architectural significance in the 1978
survey is of a Priority II (1 being the highest
and II being the lowest) and Historical
Significance of no significance known. The
1978 survey lists the house at the Butler
House as a ca. 1886 Eastlake Style.
Location of Project
The 1988 survey lists the house at the Butler
House as an 1888 Queen Anne /Stick Style residence of a Contributing Status.
The project is described as such:
1. Detached two car garage: The garage will be sited eight feet from the north
property line and three feet from the alley in the north east corner of the site. It
will be a story and a half structure with floored storage space above accessed
from an interior stairway. The exterior of the garage will be in 4" Hardiplank
siding with fishscale siding in the gable ends. The garage door will be on the
alley side (east side) and shall be a 7' by 20' panelized steel door. The garage
will have five windows, two on the south and three on the west wall, that are 2'-6"
by 5'-0" double hung with no shutters.
of part of the existing fencing.
2. Covered walkway to house: The
covered walkway will be over a five
foot wide concrete walk and shall be of
a wood frame construction with roof
pitch similar to the existing structure
and the proposed garage. Shingles
will match the existing roof. Columns
for support will be along both sides of
the walk and will be a six by six post
with chamfered edges.
Location of Garage on northeast corner of site
3. Screened porch: A screened in
The proposed garage will require removal
porch will be added to the house on the southeast side. This will extend an
existing porch that is currently there. The foundation of the porch will be brick to
match the existing foundation of the house. The screening material shall fit into
the frames and not overlap the frames. The walls and door shall be full view.
The shingles shall match the house. The existing wood deck will be removed as
well as part of the existing concrete slab.
West facade
South facade
4. New fencing: New fencing is proposed on the north property line to replace
existing wire metal fencing. The fencing will be from four to six feet tall and be
constructed of boards that will be straight across on the top. This will attach to
the existing privacy fence at the northeast corner of the property. New fencing is
proposed to replace the existing wire fencing on the south property line and
attach to the existing privacy fence on the southeast corner of the property.
These fences will be of wood, boards oriented vertically, and either left natural,
stained or painted to blend in with the existing structure.
On January 4, 1996, a COA was
approved and issued to Jean Anne
Phillips for "renovation of the home for a
private residence and restore to the
On May 11, 1995, an application for
demolition was denied by the
Existing fencing on northwest corner of house
The New Construction Design Guidelines states four items relevant to the garage
structure. "New Construction of Secondary structures such as garages and other
outbuildings should be:
1. Smaller in scale than the primary building
2. Simple in design but reflecting the general character of the primary building
3. Located as traditional for the street, near the alley, not close to or attached to
the primary building; and
4. Compatible in design, shape, materials, and roof shape."
The proposed garage follows the intent of the guidelines in it's design,
placement, and compatibility with the main structure. The height of the new
garage roof is taller than the house, however the overall mass and bulk of the
garage is smaller than the primary structure. The garage has a floored attic
under the 12:12 roof. The 12:12 roof matches the house.
The New Construction Design Guidelines states the following item relevant to
"D. Fences of wood boards for privacy should be located in rear yards; generally
no taller that six feet; set back from the front fagade (wall plane) of the
structure at least half way back from the front to the back walls; of flat boards
in a single row (not stockade or shadowbox); stained or painted to blend with
the structure; and of design compatible with the structure."
The new wood fencing as proposed is in compliance with the guidelines as
stated. The applicant is varying the height of the fence from 4 feet tall to 6 feet
tall to adhere to zoning requirements of a maximum of four feet high within the
front yard setback of 15'. The addition of oversized corner posts (which have not
been asked for) would not be compatible with the district nor would post caps.
NEIGHBORHOOD COMMENTS AND REACTION: At the time of distribution,
there were no comments regarding this application.
723 West Markham Street
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1334
Phone: (501) 371-4790 Fax; (501) 399-3435
Application Date:
1. Date of Public Hearing day of � ! 200 Lat a e 190 p.m.
2. Address of Property: �(fLt!" Ifs 1G& —3 f .
3. Legal Description of Property-
7 —.3��
4. ro w (N , Add , P o c, ax 54�M E �^
5. Owner's Agent: fphone.IPax/&mail)
b. Project_Description (additional pages inay be
7. Estimated Cost of Improvements:
R. Zoning Classification: U o Is th ro ge a permitted use? Yes No
9. Signature of Owner or Agent:
(The owner will need to authorize any Agent or person representing the owner at the public hearing).
NOTE: Should there be changes (design, materials, size, etc.) from the approved COA. applicant shall notify Commission staff and
take appropriate actions. Approval by the Commission does not excuse applicant or property from compliance with other applicable
codes, ordinances or policies of the city unless stated by the Commission or staff. Responsibility for identifying such codes, ordi-
nances or policies rests with the applicant, owner or agent.
(This section to be completed by staff):
Little Rock Historic District Commission Action
❑Denied ❑ Withdrawn ❑ Approved ❑Approved with Conditions ❑See Attached Conditions
Staff Signature:
Little Rock Historic District Commission ♦ Department of Planning and Development
723 West Markham Street ♦ Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 ♦ Phone: (501) 371-4790 ♦ Fax: (501) 399-3435
May 22, 2006
To the Little Rock Historic District Commission
From: Dr and Ms Thomas Braswell
609 Rock St
Little Rock, AR 72202
501-301-7836 trbras@swbell.net
MAY 2 4 2006
We are requesting a Certificate of Appropriateness from your Commission. We propose
to build the following structures on our home lot at 609 Rock Street,
Little Rock, AR, 72202:
A. New 2-car garage with interior storage space. It shall be simple in design but
reflective of the character ofthe primary building. The automobile access shall be
from the alleyway behind the main house. It shall be two stories with a single
interior stairway leading to an unfinished second floor which will be utilized for
storage purposes only. The dimensions shall be 24'-0" x 39-4 ".
The exterior finish shall be in keeping with the finish of the existing house. It
shall be 1"x 4" Hardie Siding planks painted to match the existing house.
The exterior ground level shall have 3 windows on the west wall and two on the
south wall, spaced to preserve symmetry. They shall be 2'-6" x 5'-0" and be
double hung clad wood with no shutters.
The exterior surface of the gables shall be constructed of wood shingles or a
similar artificial substance such as vinyl so as to be of lower maintenance. These
shingles shall be of the fish -scale shape and design to match those of the existing
house. There will be wood vents on both gables, and there will be one window in
each gable, each 2'-6" x 5'-0" double hung clad wood with no shutters.
The roofing shall be of architectural grade composition shingles over 30# asphalt
paper to match the existing roof and the pitch of the roof will be similar to the
existing roof as well (12/12).
The garage's overhead door shall be approximately 20'-0" wide and shall be
constructed of metal or wood, shall be without windows and shall be painted in a
color compatible with the primary structure.
The exterior door for occupants shall be a 3'-0" x 6'-8" wood door with window
pane in the upper half It shall be painted to be compatible with the existing
Cover letter from applicant
The foundation shall be a smooth surface concrete slab.
This will require removal of approximately 40' -0" of the existing wood fence
along the alleyway and approximately 24'-0" of the existing picket fence running
along the south lot -line. The remainder of the existing wood fence along the
alleyway will remain unchanged and will adjoin the new garage.
B. New screened porch to be added to the rear of the existing house. It will he
18'-0" x 14'-0 ".
The existing porch slab will be extended by 9' -0" in length to the rear toward the
new garage. The existing slab deck will have approximately 4" of new smooth -
surface concrete poured atop it with a slope to the exterior at 1/8" per foot for
drainage purposes.
The porch will have brick around the exterior foundation base to match the
existing foundation brick around the house.
The porch walls and the door leading to the new garage shall be of damp -proof
wood frame and the insect screening material will be of metal, either traditional
anodized aluminum or bronze. The screening material shall fit within the window
frames and will not overlap the frames. The door and the walls shall be of full
The roof shall be built to intersect the existing roof and allow maximum drainage
The roofing materials will be architectural grade composition shingles and will
match the existing roof material and color.
This porch addition will require removal of approximately 18'-0" of the existing
picket fence and gate on the south lot line.
The existing wood deck will be removed from the rear of the house. The existing
slab deck will be partially removed in order to construct a new footing 24" wide.
C. New covered walk-way connecting the garage and porch.
A new smooth surface concrete slab walkway 5'-0" wide x 24'-0" long shall be
It shall be covered by a wood frame with a roof which shall be of a pitch similar
to the existing structure and the new garage. The roofing shingles shall be
architectural grade composition and shall match the existing roof material and
Cover letter from applicant continued
There will be columns for support built along either side of the walkway. These
shall be finished and constructed in keeping with the character of the existing
structure. The ceiling and eaves of this structure shall be finished with a vinyl
material to allow low maintenance.
The columns and the finish shall be in keeping with the design of the columns on
the front porch of the existing house, and of a similar construction.
D. New sidewalk.
A new sidewalk will be constructed to extend an existing sidewalk on the south
side of the house to the gate in the picket fence that is being moved toward the
new garage. It shall have a smooth concrete surface and be 3'-0" x ~15'-0 ".
E. New fencing.
A new wood privacy fence will be constructed to replace the existing wire metal
fence material on the north property line. This shall be from four to six feet tall
and finished straight across the top. This will attach to the existing wood privacy
fence at the northeast corner of the property.
A new wood privacy fence will replace the existing wire metal fence material on
the south property line. This shall also be from four to six feet tall and attach to
the existing wood privacy fence at the southeast corner of the property.
Both of these fences shall be of wood boards oriented vertically, left natural,
stained or painted to blend with the existing structures.
Cover letter from applicant continued
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval with the following conditions:
1. Obtaining a building permit.
2. No exterior lighting has been included with this application. Any lighting
fixtures that are proposed to be installed will have to be approved by this
commission through the COA process.
Brian Minyard, Staff, made a brief presentation.
Sara Braswell made a presentation concerning the improvements. She stated
the reason for the garage was to prevent vandalism. She continued that the plan
was a comprehensive one, and would be done in phases. She also stated that
there would be a motion sensor light on the garage facing towards the house and
that the walkway to the house would stay. She said that the Fishscale shingles
may be deleted due to cost and may be replaced with a plain siding material.
She also may add a window in the south gable for illumination in the upstairs
storage area.
She wants to start the fencing at the northwest corner of the house instead of half
of the way back as the guidelines state. Dr. Tom Braswell added that the fence
on the side of the house is four feet tall and the rear yard fence is six feet tall.
The south property line is unknown as to whether it will be four or six feet in
height. Instead of fencing, there will be landscaping across the front of the
property along Rock Street.
Commissioner Wesley Walls added that he thought that the Hardie Company
makes a Fishscale siding. Dr. Braswell asked if it could be used on the project.
Chairman Carolyn Newbern stated that Hardie siding could be used on new
construction. Commissioner Walls added that he was unsure whether Hardie
made a Fishscale siding or not. (Staff note: The Hardie Company does make a
fish scale siding called "Half-Round Notched Panel ").
Commissioner Walls continued that the building is well proportioned. He was not
concerned with the height of the building being taller than the house and the pitch
matching was more important than the height issue. Chairman Newbern added
that with the building being that far back on the lot, that the height would appear
to be okay.
Mr. Minyard asked if the window in the gable would be the same as the windows
below. Ms. Braswell said yes.
Chairman Newbern asked which way the wood fencing would be faced. The
answer was that the finished side would be outwards to the neighbors.
Chairman Newbern also asked about the lighting of the structure. Ms. Braswell
said that the motion detector would be at the corner of the residence pointing
towards the garage. She said it would be simple in design. Commissioner Walls
asked if there were lights under the canopy. A discussion occurred about putting
lights under the canopy that were not visible from the street instead of the motion
sensor light. The applicants amended their application to add relatively
unobtrusive lighting under the canopy of the walkway.
The discussion then turned to fencing.
was to allow the caps on the fencing
The consensus of the commissioners
to match the existing caps of the old
A motion was made by Commissioner Walls to approve the application as
amended with staff recommendations as amended with conditions as follows:
1. Lighting as discussed to be discreet and under the roof
2. Fence caps to match existing
3. Fence heights are to be four feet from northwest corner of house to the
northeast corner of house; Six feet on the remainder of the north property
line and 6 feet in height on the alley to the corner of the new building.
4. Investigate Hardie products for Fishscale siding
5. Submit siding and lighting changes to Staff for approval.
Commissioner Kay Tatum seconded. The motion was approved with a vote of 4
ayes, 0 noes and 1 absent.
723 West Markham Street
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1334
Phone: (501) 371-4790 Fax: (501) 399-3435
DATE: June 12, 2006
APPLICANT: Michael Wood
ADDRESS: 1016 McGowan
COA Exterior Lighting
The subject property is located at 1016 McGowan.
The property's legal description is Lots 1-6, Block 5
Masonic Addition to the City of Little Rock, Pulaski
County, Arkansas.
This building is a new building built in 2005. It is not
a contributing structure to the district.
This application is a result of an enforcement action.
The exterior was installed without a COA by the
HDC. The applicant is seeking approval of
previously installed exterior lighting to the building
On December 2, 2004, a COA was approved for the construction of a new building.
The application is described as such: The original application on the site did not include
any exterior lighting. Six fixtures of exterior lighting were installed without a COA. The
applicant has removed two lighting fixtures from between the second and third floors of
the building, but, did not remove the junction boxes that were mounted to the exterior of
the brick and leaving wires exposed to the elements. This may be a violation of
electrical codes. These junction boxes should be removed, the wires terminated inside
the building, and the bricks sealed with a mortar, caulk, or other sealer so that it would
be undetectable from the ground. Three light fixtures remain on the building and are the
subject of approval.
Exposed junction box Light on east facade
Light on south facade Light on north facade
The Lighting portion of the Guidelines state the following relevant to the application:
1. Lighting fixtures introduced to the exterior of a structure should be from the period of
the structure, or new if simple in design, based on traditional designs of the later
nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and mounted on porch ceilings or adjacent
to entrances.
2. Lighting for security, such as floodlights, should be mounted on secondary and rear
3. Lighting for sidewalks and front yards should be small footlights rather than post -
mounted fixtures.
4. Lighting fixtures to be avoided are carriage lamps or any fixtures evocative of an
period earlier than the structure.
NEIGHBORHOOD COMMENTS AND REACTION: At the time of distribution, there
were no comments regarding this application.
723 West Arkansas 72201-1334
Phone: (501) 371-4790 Fax: (501) 399-3435
Application Date: %r A 4+
1. Date of Public Hearing:LA `C
day of l.ha 200 -L at : a' p.m.
2. Address of Property: kOk(;, tM G,�.rJan \,`3 �Qt ►�L- 1?� (3;),
3. Legal Descriktion of Property ' i ti@ 'K4c \"
6. Project Dcscri tion (addkiorW psges may ba added): Cov,\ tr
c3+ti tit , 7 \o , 2'
7. Estimated Costof Improvements:_ c�
8. Zoning Classification !n � Is the pro change a permitted use? Ycs No
9. Signature of Owner orAgent :
(The owner will need to authorize any Agent or person representing the owner at the public hearing).
NOTE: Should there be changes (design, materials, size, etc.) from the approved COA. applicant shall notify Commission staff and
take appropriate actions. Approval by the Commission does not excuse applicant or property from compliance with other applicable
codes, ordinances or policies of the city unless stated by the Commission or staff. Responsibility for identifying such codes, ordi-
nances or policies rests with the applicant, owner or agent.
(This section to be completed by staff):
Little Rock Historic District Commission Action
❑Denied ❑ Withdrawn ❑ Approved ❑Approved with Conditions ❑See Attached Conditions
Staff Signature:
Little Rock Historic District Commission ♦ Department of Planning and Development
723 West Markham Street ♦ Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 ♦ Phone: (501) 371-4790 ♦ Fax: (501) 399-3435
May 18, 2006
Little Rock Historic District Commission
723 West Markham Street
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1334
To Whom It May Concern:
My name is Michael Wood and I am one of the owners of Barrister Court Apartments
located at 1016 McGowan. The builder of these apartments, Jim Btters of Tree House
Developments, had the plans for this building approved by this commission prior to
construction. I have now just recently learned that the initial plans he had approved had
no outside lighting on the building. However, when he completed the construction he
placed security lighting on the front and on the ends of the building. There are two lights
on the front that illuminate the sidewalk going to the front door and one on each end of
the building that illuminate were the tenants park. We are now asking that the
commission consider letting the light fixtures remain in place for safety. The UALR Law
School is allowing the tenants to park in their secured fenced in parking lot. They have
placed a gate across the street from the south end of the building. The light on the south
end will help make the crossing to the building safer. There are no street lights that
illuminate the paths of the tenants. Since the building opened there has only been one
time period when the lights were not functioning properly 4128/06 — 5101/06. Two out of
these three nights tenants' cars were broken into. Other than these two nights there have
been no other burglaries since the opening of the apartments.
Michael Wood
Cover letter from applicant
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Denial with the following conditions:
1. Obtaining an electrical permit for removing and /or replacement of lighting
2. Remove additional junction boxes and seal off wires according to electrical codes
of the City of Little Rock.
Brian Minyard, Staff, made a brief presentation. Michael Wood, the applicant, made a
presentation to the commission that the two junction boxes will come down, the two east
facing lights are smaller, and the two on the north and south facades are larger.
He continued that there is no parking to speak of on the site and that the light on the
south end of the building illuminates all the way to the fence at the north property line of
the law school parking lot. He also added that he took over the project from his former
Chairman Carolyn Newbern added that this was a new structure and not a contributing
Commissioner Wesley Walls stated that he had two issues: The small light fixtures on
the east side were okay, but the other fixtures would be bright into your eyes. Chairman
Newbern asked if there was lighting in the law school parking lot. Commissioner Walls
asked if there were streetlights. Mr. Wood answered that there was a streetlight on the
east end of the block that did not serve the patrons well. A discussion occurred on the
possibility of shielding the lights.
Chairman Newbern stated that she was sympathetic for lighting on a new non-
contributing structure. Commissioner Kay Tatum clarified that it was four lights in total.
Commissioner Walls said that pole mounted lights are a great expense, but not the best
solution in this situation. Commissioner Walls asked if there was lighting under the
canopies. Mr. Wood commented that there were lights in the north and east canopies,
but not on the south canopy. A discussion followed on the necessity of lighting under
the canopy. Non-obtrusive can lights under the canopy was the consensus of the
Mr. Minyard stated that there was a letter of support from the Dean of the Law School
that was handed out to the commissioners.
A motion was made by Commissioner Serebrov to approve the application as submitted
with staff recommendations with additional lighting on the south canopy. Commissioner
Tatum seconded. The motion was approved with a vote of 4 ayes, 0 noes and 1
V. Other Matters
Boyd Maher, of the Arkansas State Historic Preservation Program, regrettably noted
that the City of Little Rock was not receiving a CLG grant this year. He continued that
the committee had asked the city of Little Rock get caught up on the backlog of grants.
Chairman Newbern added that the commission must have a preservation plan in order
to obtain other survey grants.
a. Enforcement Issues. Mr. Minyard stated that the enforcement issues were the
same as last time with McGowan Street still on the list even though they appeared at
the meeting today and 1301 Cumberland is on the list. The other items have not
Commissioner Job Serebrov presented his verbal resignation at the end of this meeting.
He continued that he enjoyed working with the commission; it did good work and would
like to see it expanded to other districts. (Staff comment: Commissioner Serebrov has
sent his letter to be reappointed to the Commission, but it has not been acted upon by
the Board of Directors. His name will now be removed from consideration for
VI. Adjournment
A motion was made to adjourn by Commissioner Walls and seconded by Commissioner
Tatum. The meeting was adjourned at 6:35 p.m.
Chair Date