HDC_02 13 2006DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT LITTLE ROCK HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION 723 West Markham Street Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1334 Phone: (501) 371-4790 Fax: (501) 399-3435 LITTLE ROCK HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION MINUTE RECORD Monday, February 13, 2006, 3:00 p.m. Sister Cities' Conference Room, City Hall I. Roll Call A Quorum was present being five (5) in number. Members Present: Carolyn Newbern Marshall Peters Wesley Walls Job Serebrov Kay Tatum Members Absent: none City Attorney: Deborah Weldon Tom Carpenter Staff Present: Brian Minyard Tony Bozynski II. Approval of Minutes a. January 10, 2006 Edits to the minutes were discussed. Commissioner Marshall Peters made a change to page 9, 4th paragraph, 3rd line to change to "do not approve of chain link fence" and on that same page, in the 3rd paragraph, the word crisis was misspelled. Commissioner Peters made a motion for approval of the minutes as amended, Commissioner Kay Tatum seconded. The Minutes were approved with 5 ayes, 0 noes, and 0 absent. III. Finding of Compliance with Notice Requirements of all Subjects Non-applicable. IV. Deferred Certificates of Appropriateness: a. None 1 V. New Certificates of Appropriateness: a. None Other Matters: Enforcement Issues 504 E. 6th: Commissioner Peters asked questions about the Caroline Apartments gate enclosure. Commissioner Job Serebrov stated that the commission "bent over backwards for them ". Commissioner Wesley Walls added comments. Commissioner Peters noted that he was abstaining from the discussion. The commission asked Staff to send a letter to the owners to explain the differences in the approved enclosure and the one that was built. They added to contact the owner and the architect. 1301 Cumberland: Tom Carpenter, City Attorney, spoke of options on the case. He stated that there are two actions or paths to take and the preferred is to take them to chancery court. He reminded the commission of the Deslinger case. Tony Bozynski and Tom Carpenter will need to go to Bruce Moore for blessing for the lawsuit. Staff is to make sure what is in non-compliance and to decide what is against the guidelines and what is out of compliance. A discussion was had about the legal ad for this item. A motion was made by Job Serebrov and seconded by Commissioner Peters to give Staff authority to send descriptive letter to Debra Weldon of the City Attorney's office. The motion was approved with 5 ayes, 0 noes, and 0 absent. 1000 McGowan: A discussion about the code for screening breaker boxes was had. A directive was given to Staff to send a letter covering the points of lighting, plants, transformer, completion of facade, etc. The letter will reference back to Christy Marvel's letter. (Christy Marvel is the Planning and Development's Plans Development Administrator that reviews and signs off on Certificate of Occupancies. She is the enforcement office for the landscaping.) Commissioner Peters made a motion to have Staff send a letter to the applicant that should include: plant shrubs to proper height to cover fuse boxes and air conditioners, enclose shield or cover transformers and telecommunications panel on alley, and answer why lights were installed. Fagade is to be restored as approved (with brick inserted into the spaces where the light's junction boxes were removed) or reapply to the commission. Commissioner Walls seconded and the motion was approved with 5 ayes, 0 noes, and 0 absent. 501 E 7th: Staff to send letter to reiterate that several attempts have been made to contact the owner, and that the owner is out of compliance, and that the HDC wants the owner to file a COA for the changes to the fence. Staff to write this draft for the City Attorney's office. Commissioner Peters made the motion and Commissioner Walls seconded and the motion was approved with 5 ayes, 0 noes, and 0 absent. Mailing to Property Owners Brian Minyard, Staff, discussed the property owner mailing concerning the new guidelines. A discussion was had as to whether to mail to Occupants as well as 2 the Commissioners to mail to owners only. Mr. Minyard stated that the half-page postcards were the most effective cost wise and the Commission approved. The Chair and Staff will come up with a draft that includes bullet points. A motion to that effect was made by Commissioner Serebrov and seconded by Commissioner Walls and was approved with 5 ayes, 0 noes, and 0 absent. Guidelines Discussion Commissioner Peters stated that the phrase "as of date of this publication" should be incorporated into the text when necessary as in the number of historic districts. He also stated that he would like more definitions, more terms in the glossary to check if all architectural terms mentioned in the guidelines are in the glossary, for example: Contributing structure. Debra Weldon added that the definition of Due Process needed some work also. Chairman Carolyn Newbern added that the uniformity in the words COA, Certificate of Appropriateness, Planning and Development Department, etc should be reviewed. A discussion on the cover art was had and Commissioner Walls is to design a new cover with artwork depicting the Arsenal Building. Staff is to check for all references to "See Appendix" and remove the numeral I from each. Commissioner Peters brought up the issue of Oil based paint on exteriors and how that new theories state that it should not be used and to modify the guidelines to reflect that. Staff is to add terms and definitions of Contributing and Non - contributing structures. Staff to find all references to "should ", "can ", "must', recommend" and shall" and report to the commission as to their usage. A motion was made by Commissioner Serebrov to give the Chair and Staff authority to make all non - substantive changes to the text of the guidelines to reflect the previous discussion. Commissioner Peters seconded and was approved with 5 ayes, 0 noes, and 0 absent. Discussion continued to add addresses to all photos. A motion was made to adjourn the meeting by Job Serebrov and was seconded by Commissioner Peters and was approved with 5 ayes, 0 noes, and 0 absent. The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m. Attest: Chair Date 3