723 West Markham Street
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1334
Phone: (501) 371-4790 Fax: (501) 399-3435
Monday, December 10, 2007, 5:00 p.m.
Sister Cities' Conference Room, City Hall
I. Roll Call
Quorum was present being three (3) in number.
Members Present: Marshall Peters
Susan Bell
Julie Wiedower
Members Absent: Kay Tatum
Wesley Walls
City Attorney: Debra Weldon
Staff Present: Brian Minyard
Eve Gieringer
Citizens Present: Boyd Maher, AHPP
Jennifer Polk
Charles Marratt
Michael McCray
Bob Hupp
Lisa Spigner, Housing and Neighborhood Programs
II. Approval of Minutes
October 8, 2007
A motion was made by Commissioner Julie Wiedower to approve the minutes as
published and was seconded by Commissioner Susan Bell. The motion was
approved with a vote of 3 ayes, 0 noes and 2 absent.
IIf. Deferred Certificates of Appropriateness
IV. Certificates of Appropriateness
723 West Markham Street
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1334
Phone: (501) 371-4790 Fax: (501) 399-3435
DATE: December 10, 2007
APPLICANT: Jennifer Polk, CIM Restoration
ADDRESS: 315 East 6th Street
COA Replace all existing windows with full screens and remove window ac
REQUEST: units
The subject property is located at 315 East 6th
Street. The property's legal description is the" west
65' of lots 10, 11 and 12 of Block 41, Original City of
Little Rock, Pulaski County, Arkansas."
The building is known as the Peachtree Apartments
and is a circa 1920's building with painted brick.
The 1988 Survey considers it a "Contributing
Structure" to the MacArthur Park Historic District.
The application is to "Replace deteriorated existing
windows with high quality Kolbe double glazed
windows with exterior aluminum cladding and same
paneAght arrangement as original existing windows. Location of Project
All window a/c units will be eliminated and full
screens installed on windows." Air conditioning units to replace the window units will be
split package units that will be mounted on the roof behind the parapet. The units will
not be visible from the street and are not subject to review of the commission. The
applicant is also doing interior renovation of the baths, kitchens, wiring, flooring, etc.,
also items that are not subject to review by this commission.
No previous actions on this site were located with a search of the files.
Existing front elevation Existing rear elevation
Existing east elevation Existing west elevation
Page 52 of the current guidelines state:
Windows should be preserved in their original location, size, and design
with their original materials and number of panes. Stained, leaded,
beveled, or patterned glass, which is a character - defining feature of a
building, should not be removed. Windows should not be added to the
primary fagade or to a secondary fagade if easily visible. Windows should
be repaired rather than replaced. However, if replacement is necessary
due to severe deterioration, the replacement should match, as closely as
possible, the original in materials and design. Replacement windows
should not have snap-on or flush muntins. Unless they originally existed,
jalousie, awning, and picture windows and glass brick are inappropriate on
an historic building.
Screen and Storm Windows:
Screen and storm windows should be wood or baked-on enamel or
anodized aluminum in dark colors and fit within the window frames, not
overlap the frames. Screens should be full -view. Storm windows may
also be mounted on the inside of windows. Half screen and screen or
storm windows smaller than original window, are not recommended.
Existing window photo 1 Existing window photo 2
Existing window photo 3 Existing window photo 4
The cover letter states that the windows will be preserving the size and pane/light
arrangement of the existing windows. All windows are to be double hung sash windows
with two over two pane /light divided horizontally, arrangement. The windows will have
full screen over all of them. The window sizes range from 44 1/2" x 53 1/2' to 22" x 46 ".
This replacement of windows will replace the entire window unit from brick to brick. The
windows specified are "Sterling Double Hung" by Kolbe Windows and Doors. A
brochure has been provided for each commissioner.
NEIGHBORHOOD COMMENTS AND REACTION: At the time of distribution, there
were no comments regarding this application.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval with the following conditions:
1. Obtaining a building permit for all interior and exterior work.
2. Project to be completed within 180 days of obtaining permit.
STAFF UPDATE: December 10, 2007
On December 10, 2007, Staff was informed that this building has a fagade easement
placed upon it. This will change the recommendation of Staff.
The applicant, in the hearing, will need to clarify the project scope as it pertains to whole
window replacement or just sash replacements for all windows. The full view screens
will need to be addressed as to how they will be attached to the windows.
The Arkansas Historic Preservation Program, a division of the State of Arkansas
Department of Heritage, will need to approve any modifications to the structure as to
whether or not that modification violates the fagade easement. If the AHPP is satisfied
with the submittal /proposal that is part of their process for fagade easement
changes /modifications, then Staff will recommend approval of the changes to the
windows. Copies of all submittals to the AHPP will be provided to the HDC Staff. Only
after written approval has been granted by the AHPP, will a COA be issued.
If the modifications will void the fagade easement, the Staff recommendation will be
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To be determined at meeting.
COMMISSION ACTION: December 10, 2007
Mr. Minyard noted that the legal notice had been satisfied. Chairman Marshall Peters
advised the applicant that with only three members present, it would take positive votes
from all three commissioners. The applicant was offered to defer one month. The
applicant, Charles Marratt stated the he did not want to defer the item. Brian Minyard,
Staff, stated that this morning he was informed that there was a fagade easement on
the building and that through a misunderstanding or miscommunication of the scope of
the project, that he would have the applicant state for the commission the scope of the
project. He continued that Boyd Maher, of AHPP, was present and that he could advise
about the fagade easement. He said the Applicant would amend or clarify his
application during the meeting. He also stated that the Staff Recommendation would be
announced during the meeting. Jennifer Polk, the applicant, stated that she wished to
get an approval from the HDC subject to the approval of the AHPP.
Charles Marratt, the applicant, noted the he had originally filed the paperwork for the
fagade easement and was aware of it. His purpose is to preserve the building. He
noted that the building currently has storm windows on it and window ac units. His
application is to replace the old sashes with a new sash that is aluminum clad. The
frames of the windows would remain intact. The screen would be full screen with
aluminum frames, like the original ones would have been in the 1930's. He stated that
they would repair the mortar and repaint the brick. The wood finishes on the front door
would be re- stained and resealed. Any additional awnings will be filed in a later
application. The roof will be replaced with a PVC roof system with the ac units to be
placed on top of the roof. He described the interior work to be completed.
Mr. Minyard asked about the front awning. There was a discussion on the
repair /replacement of the front awning. It was mentioned that if the front awning was
only replacing the fabric, with the same frame and location, that it could fall under
maintenance and be approved by Staff through a COC, a Certificate of Compliance.
Mr. Minyard asked about the window screens. Mr. Marratt responded that there will be
a trimline metal frame, with full view screens that will fit sung into the frames. The storm
windows will be removed.
Commissioner Julie Wiedower asked if they had historic photos of the buildings. Mr.
Marratt said that he had not seen them. They may be at the QQA. He said that he
believed these windows to be the original.
Chairman Marshall Peters asked if the roof was the same as a torch down roof. Mr.
Marratt responded that it was not and explained about the roofing system. Chairman
Peters asked about the heat and air systems. Mr. Marratt and he had a discussion on
the energy efficiency and design of the systems.
Boyd Maher, of the AHPP, stated that if he understood the proposal as stated, he did
not anticipate any problems with the application as it related to the fagade easement on
the building. He stated that Mr. Marratt would need to go though his process to
proceed. Mr. Marratt stated that he had started the paperwork and would work with the
AHPP on all details.
Staff read its recommendation to the Commission and the audience. Staff
recommendation is approval with the following conditions:
1. All copies of submittals to the AHPP to be given to the HDC.
2. Written approval of fagade easements modification signed by AHPP to be
presented to HDC Staff.
3. COA to be issued when above items have been satisfied.
4. Obtain building permit.
5. Work to be completed within 180 days of issuing COA.
Commissioner Wiedower made a motion to approve the application subject to
conditions as stated. Commissioner Susan Bell seconded and the motion was
approved with a vote of with a vote of 3 ayes, 0 noes and 2 absent.
V. Other Matters
a Commissioner Julie Wiedower made a motion to approve the 2008 calendar
as presented. Commissioner Susan Bell seconded and the item was
approved with a vote of with a vote of 3 ayes, 0 noes and 2 absent.
b Enforcement updates: 514 East 8th Street, bars have been taken off the
building. On Cromwell Court apartments, Chairman Peters asked Staff to call
Chuck Heinbockel to take down all of the security bars in the complex.
Chairman Peters verified that all apartments had added security bars at the
time of the fire in the blue house. On 1015 Cumberland, no activity yet.
c Chairman Peters asked a letter to be sent to the new owners of 1018 Rock
Street. A discussion occurred about the COA given for the fence, but no
permit was taken out for the fence from the previous owners. The
Commission stated that the new owners are not responsible for obtaining a
building permit.
d Dunbar Survey -- Susan Bell made a presentation of the Dunbar Area. Lisa
Spigner, of Housing and Neighborhood Programs was present.
Commissioner Bell brought maps that were color- coded. The arrows are
noting interesting properties, the yellow were invited to be in the survey in the
1990's. The blue ones are where the Little Rock Nine lived, the black
squares are Charles Thompson Houses and the orange have interesting
architectural details. The green are individually registered. Other houses
where the Little Rock Nine lived were discussed. She gave a chronology of
survey events.
Mr. Minyard handed out a map to the commissioners and audience that
shows the other national register districts along with the proposed area to be
surveyed on an 11 x17 format. Chairman Peters discussed the boundary of
the area as it related to Children's Hospital. Commissioner Wiedower asked
about the "island" that was shown in the Central High district. Mr. Minyard
spoke that hopefully the island will disappear and it will become part of
Central High National Register District. There was a discussion on the map
handed out by Staff and the one shown by Commissioner Bell and the
differences between the two. Philander Smith is shown on Staff's and not on
hers'. Mr. Minyard spoke of the history of the area with this being the first
truly integrated neighborhood. He continued to talk about if funds are not
available to survey all of the area, to start on the south side and work north.
He referred to a report by Cheri Nichols of architectural notability.
Commissioner Bell spoke of inappropriate infill housing, the stripping of
details from a house, and demolitions in the Dunbar area. A discussion of the
amounts of money for Central High and the type of survey for it as compared
to Dunbar was had. Boyd Maher, AHPP, spoke about what Commissioner
Bell hoped to accomplish with the survey.
Lisa Spigner gave a brief history of her department's involvement with the
project. She noted that she had $10,000 from last year and $15,000 from this
year. She stated that there is a potential for more money from next year.
Staff said that they would share all past information with the proposed
consultant. Commissioner Wiedower stated that with the information that is
already done, the consultants could spend their time on the architectural
aspects only. It was discussed that the consultant would give a price for the
entire area, and then Staff would negotiate the area to be surveyed in the first
phase. A timeline was discussed and Ms. Spigner reviewed the handout that
she provided. The handout should state RFQ instead of Request of Proposal
and the Bid Opening should be Opening of Qualifications.
Commissioner Wiedower asked if it was a requirement to ask for a National
Register District as a result of the survey. A discussion ensued, and it was
discussed if the goal was to obtain national register status for the
neighborhood and if each owner needed to sign off on it. It was also stated
that the consultant should follow AHPP training and guidelines. A building
moratorium was discussed as well as demolitions by the Housing department.
Staff was asked to prepare a report on the permits in the area for the last
twelve months (building, renovations, demolitions, etc.) The Housing
Department is to prepare a report on the number of houses demolished in the
area for the last twelve months.
A portion of the area is under a design overlay, the Capitol Zoning District
Commission. Ms. Weldon made a statement on demolition moratorium; no
city ordinance can be in conflict with state or federal laws.
e Grant talk Mr. Minyard asked the Commission for ideas for applying for
grants for the one time grant. Commissioner Wiedower commented about the
issue of the citizens not knowing that they are in the district or not. She said
that in some cities, every street corner had a sign that stated they were in a
historic district. Mr. Minyard gave some background on the design of the
MacArthur Park signage as it related to the sign toppers for the other historic
f Citizen Communication. No citizens were present at the time for Citizen
VI. Adjournment
There was a motion to adjourn by Commissioner Wiedower. The meeting ended at 6:25
Chair Date
Secretary Date