14999 RESOLUTION NO. 14,999 2 3 A RESOLUTION TO MAKE APPOINTMENTS AND RE- 4 APPOINTMENTS TO VARIOUS CITY OF LITTLE ROCK BOARDS 5 AND COMMISSIONS; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. 6 7 NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY 8 OF LITTLE ROCK,ARKANSAS: 9 Section 1: The following named persons are hereby appointed, or reappointed as a member of the 10 respective Board or Commission: 11 AGE-FRIENDLY LITTLE ROCK COMMISSION: 12 Alfreda Brown,appointed to serve an initial one(I)-year At-Large term, said term to expire on May 13 21,2020. 14 Sandra Storment, appointed to serve an initial three (3)-year At-Large term, said term to expire on 15 May 21,2022. 16 Beverly Dunaway, appointed to serve an initial one (I)-year At-Large term, said term to expire on 17 May 21,2020. 18 Dileep Vyas,appointed to serve an initial two(2)-year At-Large term, said term to expire on May 21, 19 2021. 20 Gerald Damerow, appointed to serve an initial two (2)-year At-Large term, said term to expire on 21 May 21,2021. 22 Amy Rosi, appointed to serve an initial two (2)-year At-Large term, said term to expire on May 21, 23 2021. 24 Ellen Fennell,appointed to serve an initial three(3)-year At-Large term, said term to expire on May 25 21,2022. 26 Doris Hendrix, appointed to serve an initial three (3)-year Ward I representative term, said term to 27 expire on May 21,2022 28 Joan Diehl, appointed to serve her first four(4)-year At-Large term, said term to expire on May 21, 29 2023. 30 Elizabeth Foti, appointed to serve an initial one (I)-year Ward 3 representative term, said term to 31 expire on May 21, 2020. 32 Michael D. Harris, appointed to serve an initial two (2)-year Ward 4 representative term, said term 33 to expire on May 21,2021. 34 Ron Bara, appointed to serve his first four(4)-year Ward 6 representative term, said term to expire 35 on May 21,2023. [Page 1 of 3] I Mary Jones,appointed to serve her first four(4)-year Ward 7 representative term, said term to expire 2 on May 21,2023. 3 COMMISSION ON CHILDREN YOUTH AND FAMILIES: 4 Chrissy Chatham, appointed to fill the unexpired At-Large term of Kimberly Kenser, said term to 5 expire on May 31,2020. .6 Dr. Frederick Fields, reappointed to serve his second three (3)-year Little Rock School District 7 Representative term, said term to expire on May 31,2022. 8 Matt Price, appointed to fill the unexpired At-Large term of Jennifer Wyse, said term to expire on 9 May 31,2020. 10 HISTORIC DISTRIC COMMISSION: 11 Ted Holder, reappointed to serve his second three (3)-year Quapaw Quarter Association 12 Representative term,said term to expire on June 15,2022. 13 14 MACARTHUR MILITARY HISTORY MUSEUM COMMISSION: 15 Kevin Gorman, appointed to serve his first three (3)-year term, said term to expire on February 21, 16 2022. 17 Ron Maxwell, appointed to serve his first three (3)-year term, said term to expire on February 21, 18 2022. 19 OAKLAND AND FRATERNAL HISTORIC CEMETERY PARK BOARD: 20 Carla Hines-Coleman,reappointed to serve her fifth three(3)-year term, said term to expire on June 21 1,2022. 22 Ernest Moix,appointed to serve his first three(3)-year term,said term to expire on June 1,2022. 23 Jeanne Kumpuris Spencer,reappointed to serve her fifth three(3)-year term, said term to expire on 24 June 1,2022. 25 Christopher Stewart, appointed to serve his first fifth three (3)-year term, said term to expire on 26 June 1,2022. 27 Roy Katheryn Watts, reappointed to serve her second three (3)-year term, said term to expire on 28 June 1,2022. 29 RACIAL& CULTURAL DIVERSITY COMMISSION: 30 Bryan Warr,appointed to fill the unexpired Ward 5 term of Sylvia Theodon, said term to expire on 31 March 31,2021. 32 SISTER CITIES COMMISSION: 33 Jill McHroy,appointed to fill the unexpired term of Chris Morgan, said term to expire on January 5, 34 2021. 35 ADOPTED: May 21,2019 [Page 2 of 31 I ATTEST: APPROVED: 2 3 4 Allison Segars,Deputy dtgOerk Frank Scott,Jr., ayor 5 APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: 6 7 litA'Lt�,.r/� 8 Thomas M. Carpenter,City(Attorney 9 H 10 H 11 H 12 H 13 U 14 H 15 H 16 H 17 H 18 H 19 H 20 H 21 H 22 it i 23 H 24 H 25 H 26 H 27 H 28 H 29 H 30 H 31 H 32 H 33 H 34 H 35 H 36 H [Page 3 of 3]