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1 RESOLUTION NO. 14,934 2 3 A RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER 4 INTO A TRANSFER AGREEMENT FOR OWNERSHIP OF RIGHT-OF- 5 WAY FROM THE ARKANSAS STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION FOR 6 KANIS ROAD, SHACKLEFORD ROAD AND MARKHAM STREET; 7 AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES 8 9 WHEREAS,the City has reviewed ownership of the right-of-way for Kanis Road, Shackleford Road 10 and Markham Street, and determined that the Arkansas State Highway Commission owns the right-of- 11 way; and, 12 WHEREAS, the Arkansas State Highway Commission has passed a Minute Order 2018-111 13 authorizing the transfer of ownership of right-of-way of the above-named roadways to the Cityof Little 14 Rock. 15 NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY 16 OF LITTLE ROCK,ARKANSAS: 17 Section 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized to enter into a Transfer Agreement with the 18 Arkansas State Highway Commission for the rights-of-way for the areas shown on the maps attached 19 hereto as Exhibit A for Kanis Road, Markham Street and Shackleford Road; a copy of the Minute Order 20 2018-111 has also been attached as Exhibit B. 21 Section 2. Upon passage and receipt of this resolution,the Arkansas State Highway Commission will 22 commence the transfer process of the right-of-way to the City of Little Rock. 23 Section 3. Severability. In the event any title, section, paragraph, item, sentence, clause, phrase, or 24 word of this resolution is declared or adjudged to be invalid or unconstitutional, such declaration or 25 adjudication shall not affect the remaining portions of the resolution which shall remain in full force and 26 effect as if the portion so declared or adjudged invalid or unconstitutional was not originally a part of the 27 resolution. 28 Section 4. Repealer.All laws, ordinances, resolutions, or parts of the same,that are inconsistent with 29 the provisions of this resolution,are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency. 30 ADOPTED: February 5,2019 31 A 4% APPROVED: 32 V 4� 33 �% 34 1----7n a City Clerk Frank Scott Jr., il [Page 1 of 9] 1 APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: 2 3 C4fP1,10 -7 , _j&hd, 4 Thomas M. Carpenter,City Attorn , 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // 9 // 10 // 11 // 12 // 13 // 14 // 15 // 16 // 17 // 18 // 19 // 20 // 21 // 22 // 23 // 24 // 25 // 26 // 27 // 28 // 29 // 30 // 31 // 32 // 33 // 34 // [Page 2 of 9] Exhibit A w lib •,...6, _ , iL , - r4rtmiti .ilium -imam, .iiaziortiz,14,10,. iss_sitita •.,... .„4, :oi.„...:.1 Agolto s4 ,, , zvi 1 „. �tl�,...--,,,,,-,.*. _;,...i.„.. rt J u k .offs C 1� er. .1: 1. 04. 7 *1:-'11;1'.' I. 71—Illi'-'all- �• ail .o Vi 3/2dJ i.. % ... R1 'J `h 'V. h 5, , el„„„z„..1 o z 1 ,......a____N,,, J . ,,, i r: I ® { it,P , *1 i t_ st ---, .. 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PAf)r'��M o� \ ,4 j .., -- I; I B �;-- ?-tea, --------' 1.-.1-,......-__,014-_.. i 1 t� 1 -- �Q 1'�1 It I{ i ; yI ` f`J '� i �. 1-430/1-630 INTERCHANGE MODIFICATION I. ,L_I SESW macaw 1 �i (PHASE lu) P 1 - '...: ._J,ru 3 I ARKANSAS STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION -- 4 I ! 10fa'"�"`�""` iNI + RIGHT OF WAY MAP V..a,< an 1 !' 1 JOB 061244 PULASKI COUNTY SATfi SIC REVISIO 1 T w tA0£10/1). 1....P00,. 1 1 Scaler 1"= 00' SHEET 0tOF IS $ 1 I Ta—uo R—I3 i •[ rel,,,,i1 .. - I ,&•‘..i,.C),1 ,j`, • O bC'i... } �, T t311 ,, �! 4 �..� � y tC£ Y tY-_' 'p„,,,_,.. � I� � '-- "" –'-'-'1----'''‘.10e.—WA? Shockleford Rd.'s F�'rsraw sccass 1p. : ad �—.. — °e xr rsEto-3 xr2e 1} 1 _ A� /A�/1 ¢ r�, '1n1 b .;,..,-4,1,„.„0 r�• % 4 1_: r Y W I-►W �S� I . ''��'�"~�;" t`p I cr-? 1 6 ,z5 f Z be 1 1 ",xr a—. •7• .Y sy { 'Ss +. 'J!' l y' iS,' \\� - _- h" ,c 41 MAZA.10G710x _ I ,, t i y. NW' ,. ... 3 k1 + aTa HEAm.0E 1; yg / h� �.. r:,"� ac< " �� - ' �1 ' S. , - ,mss ce•_,� �. "d \``., s e Ij <r�,1.I � ,,`��-^ ~' ` 6...,c.,,,„-21'-� • 4 I 1 -- .' 8�.... L =' �iR __.__ r •••,r. ,. —i.,1 P , .3 ---_ a vur 4 ( ....It yea f • • 00 1 — o aj d -, r. 7 l ot✓J t' .� vw y j I (; is ( t / // r o �� / s.S,f`l I — °rr—"' r %E1 ;iir'ani'ai ' � nr ce--rr 70 1794 0 w ir{ yQ i ] 'I iia ^, ., j i.' t I_—. ----- --.-- r r aerr x ../3/ .�.SEC J is V' 1-430/1-630 INTERCHANGE MODIFICATION /e-,..7. s ='G i 1 (PHASE III) �� r<' / I coNsr.cc • 1 .5ENW ssa ar ARKANSAS.STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION II RIGHT OF WAY MAP T-.5.90.6 JOB 061244 PULASKI COUNTY' x• an yanorn ix L.9a 1. - n4145216'' Ksq I Scale:l" 200' COMM..aavtatELLR KIN rnriava _ •T. - .. SHEET 14 OF`I5 I Exhibit B ARKANSAS STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION MINUTE ORDER District: Six Page 1 of 1 Page County: Pulaski Category: Miscellaneous WHEREAS, in the vicinity of Interstate 430, the Arkansas State Highway Commission (Commission) acquired properties for highway right of way for Job No. 6861-Sec. 3, more commonly known as"Colonel Glenn Rd.—Markham St." in Pulaski County,Arkansas; and WHEREAS, the City of Little Rock,Arkansas(City)has requested that portions of said right of way be transferred to it pursuant to Ark. Code Ann. § 27-65-109, for the purpose of drainage and construction of auxiliary facilities,adjacent to the existing interstate;and WHEREAS, the City's request is more specifically described as follows: Areas shown in red and depicted on pages Al,A2,A3, and A4 as Exhibit"A"attached hereto. NOW THEREFORE, upon receipt of a proper resolution from the City, the Director is authorized to enter into a transfer agreement for the above-described properties pursuant to Minute Order 2012-008, conditioned upon the City's continued maintenance of the property interests herein transferred for said highway purposes, and provided that in the event the City fails to use and maintain the properties described herein, or abandons same,the transfer agreement shall, upon 30 days notice, be terminated, and the transferred property shall revert back to the Commission. Approved: Submitted By:AdIll Chairman Assists Chicf Engineer Vice-Chairman Approved: ufr� • Member , elefq— • 411 • Member Minute Order No. 213 1111 1"1" Member Date Passed NOV 14 2018 Leg. Form 19.456 Rev.(/13/2016 L:Commission\M06861-Sec.3Colonel Glenn Rd-Markham St.docx [Page 9 of 9]