11107a=.r.caa�ea�r 2OO1O66754 68/24/2001 03:51:17 RN Filed R Recorded in ;yrp<.r Official Records of RESOLUTION NO. 11,107 CAROLYN STALEY ° LASKI COUNTY CIRCUIT /COUNTY CLERK Fees 914.66 A RESOLUTION CHANGING THE NAME OF = " %_ as°i FALLS BOULEVARD TO THE FIRST TEE WAY; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the City of Little Rock Department of Parks and Recreation submitted a petition to change the name of Falls Boulevard to The First Tee Way, and WHEREAS, this street provides access to the Jack Stephens Youth Golf Academy, and WHEREAS, no other properties will be affected by the street name change, and WHEREAS, the proposed street name change is an appropriate way to recognize this important addition to the City of Little Rock's Park program, and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed this request at a public hearing on July 26, 2001, and recommended approval of the street name change, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it appropriate to change the name as requested. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: SECTION 1. The name of Falls Boulevard is hereby changed to The First Tee Way. SECTION 2. The information concerning this street name change is located in Planning File G -25 -182. SECTION 3. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption and the City Manager is hereby directed to notify all departments of said change. ADOPTED: August 21, 2001 ATTEST: APPROVED: Nan Woo , City Clerk Jim iley, Mayor r Pik �3 R5 ), Cq 1_3 R. !0 0 ME - a a ; fl1' • 0`J oo9 i; MF6 �O�,rJQc! Joati MF12 tVA opP R2 �- I (I'd STREET NAME 12 CHANGE AG —�� 7� C4 R2 r; 12 OS ' C4 R2 II; �- �i� C4 / Ilil II r v — a �7 H Ij t ji - 12 X03 o R2 L0�fl r spa Spa a� o Area ZOnina 3Y' ° 4 v moQ. Case # G -25 -182 N \ \`� FALLS BLVD NAME CHANGE i Q wJ I Cr: 24.06 _� Z_ \) TRS: T1NR13W24 0 500 - -- 1000 Feet i l _ pa 10 Vicinity Map �i Ward 6 Item # R2 a�a m o I r r' � I + I U i � C4 ,J R5 ), Cq 1_3 R. !0 0 ME - a a ; fl1' • 0`J oo9 i; MF6 �O�,rJQc! Joati MF12 tVA opP R2 �- I (I'd STREET NAME 12 CHANGE AG —�� 7� C4 R2 r; 12 OS ' C4 R2 II; �- �i� C4 / Ilil II r v — a �7 H Ij t ji - 12 X03 o R2 L0�fl r spa Spa a� o Area ZOnina 3Y' ° 4 v moQ. Case # G -25 -182 N \ \`� FALLS BLVD NAME CHANGE i Q wJ I Cr: 24.06 _� Z_ \) TRS: T1NR13W24 0 500 - -- 1000 Feet i l _ pa 10 Vicinity Map �i Ward 6 Item # CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS) COUNTY OF PULASKI) SS CITY OF LITTLE ROCK) I, Vanessa Sykes, Assistant City Clerk within and for the City aforesaid, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of RESOLUTION NO. 11,107, of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, entitled: "A RESOLUTION CHANGING THE NAME OF FALLS BOULEVARD TO THE FIRST TEE WAY, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES "; adopted by the Board of Directors of said City on August 21, 2001, said Resolution now appearing of record in the City Clerk's office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal of office on this 24th day of August, 2001. Vanessa SylCes Assistant City Cl r} a _OF. - • a E