CBC_11 01 2018The City Beautiful Commission held its regular meeting at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, November 01, 2018, at Curran Hall, 615 E. Capitol Avenue. Vice Chairman, Homeyer called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT: Steve Homeyer Wally Loveless Bobby Cushman Ed Peek Michael Harvey Bob Winchester MEMBERS ABSENT: BJ Sanders-Woods Melissa Henshaw Three Open Positions ALSO PRESENT: Beth Carpenter, Deputy City Attorney D.Tracy Spillman, Plans Development Administrator, Department of Planning and Development, City of Little Rock. APPROVAL OF THE MAY MEETING MINUTES: Vice Chairman Homeyer entertained a motion to approve the October 2018 Minutes. Motion: Commissioner Winchester made a motion that the October 04, 2018 Minutes be approved. Second: Commissioner Loveless seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. TREASURER’S REPORT: Expense Report: Commissioner Cushman stated that the interest on the account has increased $.58 since his last report, and the total of the account is now $406.71. COMMITTEE REPORTS, UPDATES: Community Projects City Hall South Yard: Commissioner Homeyer stated that there was no new report. Public Relations In the absence of Commissioner Henshaw there was no new report. KLRB: In the absence of Commissioner Henshaw there was no new report. Adopt-A-Street: There was no new report. In addition Commissioner Loveless stated that he will not be seeking reappointment to the CBC and would deliver the Adopt-A-Street implements to the other commissioners before or at the next street pickup on November 10. Eye of the Beholder: Commissioner Homeyer stated this time of year is usually slow and that there have been no new nominations. Landscape Awards: Commissioner Homeyer stated that the Landscape Awards are closed for the year of 2018. T.R.E.E Fund: Commissioner Homeyer and Staff Member Spillman explained a current code violation at 4400 W.Markham concerning the removal of six (6) Little Gem Magnolia from the Walnut Street right-of-way. It was conveyed to the commissioners that a Public Works citation was written to the property owner mandating the trees be trimmed as per code requirements to allow clear site lines to the street signs. It was also noted that owner may have misinterpreted this mandate and removed the trees completely. The correspondence between the City of Little Rock Public Works, Planning Department, and the property owners was also submitted for review. The commissioners generally discuss the violation, the correspondence, tree selection, where the new trees are to be placed, and Staff’s recommendation. Vice Chairman Homeyer entertained a motion to appropriate the T.R.E.E Fund for the replacement of the trees that have been removed from the 4400 W. Markham adjacent to the Walnut Street right-of-way. Motion: Commissioner Peek made a motion that a maximum of $2,225.25 allotted for this section of the T.R.E.E. Fund Registry be used to provide six (6) new Little Gem Magnolia, ten (10)to twelve (12) feet in height and be placed in the general vicinity of the removed plant materials with the condition that the trees can be adjusted on site to prevent the blockage of any street signs. Second: Commissioner Loveless seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Deputy City Attorney Carpenter asked Vice Chairman Homeyer to contact City of Little Rock Purchasing Manager, Abdoul Kabaou concerning the access of the T.R.E.E. Fund account. City Beautiful Exhibit: Commissioner Loveless stated he contacted former CBC Commissioner Chris Hancock and received the name of a person of contact at the Department of Arkansas Heritage that would know the status of the CBC materials being housed. NEW BUSINESS: Elections of New Officers for 2019 The commissioners discussed the officer positions and responsibilities of each for the upcoming year. Vice Chairman Homeyer and Commissioner Cushman indicated that they would be willing to serve another term in their present positions. Commissioner Harvey indicated that he would accept the position of Chairman if nominated and elected. Motion: Commissioner Loveless made a motion that the sitting Vice Chairman and Treasurer remain in their posts for another term and that Commissioner Harvey be nominated as Chairman. Second: Commissioner Peek seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Mr. Larry Westmoreland of the Veterans Land Bank introduced himself and stated that he was just visiting to learn more about the City Beautiful Commission. ANNOUNCEMENTS: The next regularly scheduled meeting will be Thursday, December 06, 2018, at 11:30 a.m. The next Adopt-A-Street pickup will be Saturday, November 10, at 8:00 a.m. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Homeyer entertained a motion to adjourn. Motion: Commissioner Peek made a motion to adjourn. Second: Commissioner Loveless seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 12:18 p.m. LITTLE ROCK CITY BEAUTIFUL COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT - 723 WEST MARKHAM - LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 72201 PHONE: 501 371-4864 FAX: 501 371-6863 E-MAIL: DSPILLMAN@LITTLEROCK.GOV