pc_12 29 1987LITTLE ROCK PLANNING HEARING DECEMBER 29, 1987 1:00 P.M. I. Roll Call and Finding of a Quorum A quorum was present being ten in number. II. Approval of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting The Minutes were read and approved as mailed. III. Members Present: Bill Rector Jerilyn Nicholson John Schlereth Stephen Leek Martha Miller Fred Perkins David Jones Walter Riddick, III T. Grace Jones Rose Collins Members Absent: Richard Massie City Attorney: Stephen Giles December 29, 1987 PLANNING HEARING Item No. A - Elimination of Brookside Drive - Master Street Plan Amendment NAME: Jerry Wilcox, Applicant LOCATION: North of Rodney Parham Road East of Reservoir Road REQUEST: To remove the Brookside Drive Extension from the Master Street Plan STAFF REPORT: The Planning Commission has received two written requests from a property owner along Brookside Drive asking that Brookside Drive north of Rodney Parham be removed from the Master Street Plan. The latest request is dated July 15, 1987 (see attached). The request has been made by the owners of the property north of the current terminus of Brookside Drive. They intend to develop their land in a multifamily project and do not feel it would be of benefit to their development to have an arterial at that location. They say because of Grassy Flat Creek, a road construction project would be very expensive. Mr. Wilcox has also expressed concern about an arterial going through the Presbyterian Village, a residential nursing facility. Staff has preliminarily looked at the requested Master Street Plan Amendment and has identified several options for Brookside Drive. 1. Elimination of Brookside from the Master Street Plan as requested. 2. Leaving Brookside Drive on the Master Street Plan at its present location. 3. Downgrade Brookside Drive from an arterial to a collector. 4. Eliminate Brookside Drive from Rodney Parham north to Evergreen. The Evergreen to Reservoir Road connection would still be on the plan. December 29, 1987 PLANNING HEARING Item No. A - Continued STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff would like to ask for a deferral of this Master Street Plan Amendment to the October 6, 1987, planning hearing. Staff needs the additional time to further study the implications of an amendment of this type to the plan. We need to analyze this requested amendment as it relates to the traffic circulation for the entire area and impacts on neighboring properties. In particular, we need to study Brookside Drive north from Markham to Reservoir Road. We further need to look at the traffic problems and solutions for Brookside Drive from Markham to Rodney Parham which is currently experiencing considerable traffic congestion. Some upgrading of Reservoir Road is programmed for the fall bond issue. The approval or denial of the bond issue will certainly affect the Reservoir Road/Brookside Drive circulation of the area. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: (August 25, 1987) There being no quorum the item was automatically deferred. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: (November 17, 1987) Jim Lawson and Don McChesney discussed the issues and a recommendation was made that Brookside remain as an arterial although a reduced standard be required stipulating three lanes. A discussion followed about the reduced standard, need for the road, and possibility of construction. Mr. McChesney said a study of the Reservoir/Brookside corridor would be completed in a couple of weeks. The Commission deferred the item to the December 29 meeting by a vote of 9 ayes, 0 noes, and 2 absent. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Public Works Department will present a recommendation at the hearing based upon their traffic study. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: (December 29, 1987) Mark Lyons discussed the traffic study of the Brookside /Reservoir corridor. Staff recommendation was to keep Brookside as an arterial, although, at reduced a standard of 37 ft. (three lane). A discussion of the corridor and turning movements at the intersections of Rodney Parham with Brookside Drive and Reservoir Road December 29, 1987 PLANNING HEARING Item No. A - Continued followed. The vote to remove Brookside north of Rodney Parham from the Master Street Plan was approved on a vote of 10 ayes, 0 noes and 1 absent. December 29, 1987 PLANNING HEARING Item No. B - Revised Master Street Plan NAME: City of Little Rock LOCATION: Planning Area of Little Rock REQUEST: Adopt a New Master Street Plan STAFF REPORT: After review, the City Engineering and Planning staff proposed that the City of Little Rock revise the Master Street Plan to: (1) resolve conflicts with the existing plans, (2) have an easily understood map, and (3) make sure the plan reflects a network which serves the needs of Little Rock and conforms to statewide legislative standards. The plan shows the locations of existing and proposed roadways by functional classification (expressway/freeway, principal arterial, minor arterial, collector, and local streets). The accompanying text describes the standards for each classification and lists the roadways. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Deferral - Staff has recently learned that the Highway Department will have additional data on traffic demands ready in the next few weeks which could indicate modifications are necessary. In addition, the local engineering community has expressed a desire to review the plan with staff. To allow time for this review, additional time is needed. The staff requests that the item be deferred to the December 29, 1987, Planning Commission hearing. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: (November 17, 1987) This item was moved to the end of the agenda. Due to the lack of time, no discussion occurred. All Commissioners with changes were asked to meet with staff after the meeting. The item was deferred to the December 29 meeting. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Presentation and review of the plan map and text with final action to be made at the February 9 meeting of the Commission. December 29, 1987 PLANNING HEARING Item No. B - Continued PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: (December 29, 1987) Staff went over changes to the text. The Commission asked that copies of the plan be sent to local developers. The item was deferred to the February 9 meeting on a vote of 10 ayes, 0 noes and 1 absent. December 29, 1987 PLANNING HEARING Item No. C - Central City Land Use Plan NAME: City of Little Rock LOCATION: South of I -630, West of I -30, North and East of Union Pacific Rail Tracks REQUEST: To approve a future land use plan for the area. STAFF REPORT: As part of Little Rock's continuing effort to develop land use plans for all sections of the City, a plan for the Central City District is placed before you. This is a large area ranging from Central High on the west to the Old VA Hospital on the east, and from Children's Hospital on the north to the State Fairground on the south. The plan stresses residential land use as representatives of the neighborhoods have requested. Nonresidential uses are located near or adjacent to existing institutional uses (hospital, colleges) and high traffic routes. Commercial nodes are located near major intersections to provide the commercial needs of the residents. There is a mixed residential and nonresidential use located at Broadway and Main Streets (Capital Zoning) in the northern section of the district (close to downtown). In addition to land use, the plan recommends (1) programs to rehabilitate housing and construct more in fill housing, (2) that neighborhood streets and localized storm drainage be brought up to standard and, (3) that a use be found for the abandoned public structures throughout the district. Staff met with representatives of the district in August. Notices have been posted throughout the area for this meeting as well as a public notice published in the Arkansas Democrat. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the plan. December 29, 1987 PLANNING HEARING Item No. C - Continued PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: (11-17-87) The Commission informed staff that they had not received copies of the plan and they needed time to review the plan. Walter Malone of the Planning staff answered questions of the Commission. The Commission deferred the item by voice vote. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: (12-29-87) The Commission discussed the proposed land use of the VA Hospital and the multifamily area between 15th and 17th Streets east of Main Street. A motion was made to amend these two areas. The VA Hospital would be changed from commercial to office /commercial with a PUD required. The multifamily area changed to low density multifamily/single family and remove the following sentence, "The use of the City's funds for the construction of new low cost housing should be encouraged in the district." The amendment motion passed with 10 ayes, 0 noes and 1 absent. A motion to approve the plan as amended was made and passed on the vote of 10 ayes, 0 noes and 1 absent. December 29, 1987 PLANNING HEARING Item No. D - New Planning Boundary NAME: City of Little Rock LOCATION: Generally 3 miles outside the City limits REQUEST: Approved new planning boundary. STAFF REPORT: The planning boundary was not adjusted following the last few annexations. Thus, the City limits is almost out to the planning boundary in several places. The proposal presented is to return the planning boundary to a point three miles from the City limits. This will allow the City to exercise subdivision jurisdiction in the area between the City limits and the planning boundary to maintain the quality of development around the City. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the new planning boundary. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: (8-17-87) The staff recommended deferral so that further discussions could be completed with Bryant and Shannon Hills. The Commission deferred the item by voice vote. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends a deferral until the January 26, 1988, Subdivision hearing, in order to allow time to resolve the current discussions dealing with the City water extension. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: (12-29-87) Deferred - Deferred on a vote of 10 ayes, 0 noes and 1 absent. December 29, 1987 PLANNING Item No. 1 NAME: Enmar Warehouse Addition LOCATION: Vimy Ridge Road DEVELOPER: Enmar Finishes Division P.O. Box 9610 Little Rock, AR 72219 APPLICANT /ENG.: Cromwell,Truemper,Levy,Parker & Woodsmall #1 Spring Street Little Rock, AR 72201 372-2900 AREA: 40 Acres NO. OF LOTS: 1 FT. NEW STREET: 0 ZONING: I -3 PROPOSED USES: Warehouse for paint manufacturing company PROPOSAL 1. This is a request to add a warehouse building of 9,600 sq. ft. to a multiple building site. 2. The applicant has submitted the following data: Use Office Space Production Space Storage Space Total Parking Required Total Existing Parking Amount 7,912 sq. ft. 52,170 sq. ft. 12,400 sq. ft. Required Parking Spaces 20 87 125 119 87 ENGINEERING COMMENTS 1. Parks plan ok, plenty of room for green finger right-of-way to creek and AP &L easement. 2. Minimum floor elevation 304.1 ok to floodproof to 304.1 provided floodproofing meets FEMA requirements. 3. Boundary street improvements within three years from permit issue date. 4. Plan does not meet minimum requirements for required parking and no landscape plan has been submitted. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Reserved December 29, 1987 PLANNING Enmar Warehouse Addition (Continued) PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: The planning staff presented its recommendation of approval subject to the paving and striping of all parking areas, compliance with engineering comments 2 and 3, and meeting the landscaping requirements. The applicant commented briefly on the application and indicated concurrence with the staff recommendation. On motion duly seconded, by a vote of 10 ayes, 0 noes, and 1 absent, the Commission approved the application as recommended by staff. December 29, 1987 PLANNING HEARING There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 4:00 P.M. Date Secretary Chairman