pc_02 09 1988LITTLE ROCK PLANNING HEARING FEBRUARY 9, 1988 1:00 P.M. I. Roll Call and Finding of a Quorum A quorum was present being eleven in number. II. Approval of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting The minutes were read and approved as mailed. III. Members Present: David Jones Bill Rector Martha Miller Rose Collins Grace T. Jones Stephen Leeks Richard Massie Jerilyn Nicholson Fred Perkins Walter Riddick, III John Schlereth Members Absent: None City Attorney: Stephen Giles February 9, 1988 PLANNING HEARING Item No. A - Revised Master Street Plan NAME: City of Little Rock LOCATION: Planning Area of Little Rock REQUEST: Adopt a New Master Street Plan STAFF REPORT: After review, the City Engineering and Planning staff proposed that the City of Little Rock revise the Master Street Plan to: (1) resolve conflicts with the existing plans, (2) have an easily understood map, and (3) make sure the plan reflects a network which serves the needs of Little Rock and conforms to statewide legislative standards. The plan shows the locations of existing and proposed roadways by functional classification (expressway /freeway, principal arterial, minor arterial, collector, and local streets). The accompanying text describes the standards for each classification and lists the roadways. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Deferral - Staff has recently learned that the Highway Department will have additional data on traffic demands ready in the next few weeks which could indicate modifications are necessary. In addition, the local engineering community has expressed a desire to review the plan with staff. To allow time for this review, additional time is needed. The staff requests that the item be deferred to the December 29, 1987, Planning Commission hearing. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: (November 17, 1987) This item was moved to the end of the agenda. Due to the lack of time, no discussion occurred. All Commissioners with changes were asked to meet with staff after the meeting. The item was deferred to the December 29 meeting. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Presentation and review of the plan map and text with final action to be made at the February 9 meeting of the Commission. February 9, 1988 PLANNING HEARING Item No. A - Continued PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: (December 29, 1987) Staff went over changes to the text. The Commission asked that copies of the plan be sent to local developers. The item was deferred to the February 9 meeting on a vote of 10 ayes, 0 noes and 1 absent. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: (February 9, 1988) Staff reviewed the changes to the text and discussed Phase II of the street plan. A discussion of opening Capitol Avenue and Main Streets followed. A motion to defer a final vote on the Master Street Plan to the March 22 meeting was made and seconded. The motion was approved on a vote of 12 ayes, 0 noes. A second motion was made for staff to attend the February 25 Metrocenter meeting and present the information as well as give a recommendation concerning the opening of Capitol and Main Streets in the present Main Sreet Mall. The motion passed on a voice vote. February 9, 1988 PLANNING HEARING Item No. 1 - Port District Land Use Plan NAME: Port District Land Use Plan City of Little Rock LOCATION: East of Bond Street, South and West of the Arkansas River, North of I-440 and Frazier Pike STAFF REPORT: The Port District Land Use Plan is one in a series of plans designed to cover all sections of the City. The Port District encompasses roughly eight square miles in the extreme northeastern portion of the City of Little Rock. It is bounded, approximately, by the Arkansas River on the north and east, by the Little Rock Regional Airport on the west and the Little Rock Port on the south. The majority of the district is currently occupied by industrial uses, including the Airport, Port Authority, and Slackwater Harbor. The plan shows roughly 65 percent of the district in industrial uses. A significant centrally located core of single family homes exist in the Port District and are projected by the land use plan to remain. However, some encroachment of industrial uses is expected in the area adjacent to the Airport. The plan seeks to provide adequate areas for both neighborhood commercial uses and commercial uses supporting the Airport and other industrial areas. Commercial uses are indicated: (1) south of Roosevelt Road adjacent to the Airport property, (2) at the intersection of Roosevelt Road and Fourche Dam Pike, and (3) at the intersection of Fourche Dam Pike and Fluid Drive immediately north of the East Belt Freeway. In addition, the area involved in the Fourche project is shown as open space and the eastern portion of Gate's Island is shown as possible park site. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the plan. February 9, 1988 PLANNING HEARING Item No. 1 - Continued PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: (February 9, 1988) Ann Razer of the Planning staff presented the Land Use Plan for the Port District. A property owner, Mr. Gaylan King, talked about his "industrial" property which was shown in a residential area. He discussed that he wanted to expand his mini - warehouse and box plant operation. It was mentioned by the staff that Mr. King had previously applied for industrial rezoning. The staff once again confirmed their position of opposition to an industrial use in the middle of a residential area. If rezoned, the zoning would be clearly a spot zoning. Gary Greeson mentioned that perhaps Mr. King would fall under a proposed zoning Ordinance amendment being discussed which would allow expansion of a nonconforming use through a Conditional Use Permit. A motion to approve the plan was made and seconded. The motion passed without dissent on a voice vote. February 9, 1988 PLANNING HEARING Item No. 2 - Sweet Home Land Use Plan NAME: City of Little Rock LOCATION: South of Interstate 440 to the Planning Boundary, east of the Pine Bluff Freeway and west of Fourche Bayou REQUEST: To approve a Land Use Plan for the area. STAFF REPORT: The Sweet Home District is primarily outside the City limits from College Station and Granite Mountain south to Sweet Home. The plan is presented to the Commission as part of Little Rock's continuing effort to provide land use plans for the entire planning area. The plan calls for maintaining the residential development with support commercial in the northern section (College Station and Granite Mountain). In the Sweet Home area, additional residential use is shown and a large commercial area is proposed for the new Arkansas 365/Arkansas 388 intersection. Between these communities, an industrial district is shown. The industrial areas have rail and highway access with some existing industrial uses. The low areas in the east remain agricultural due to flooding problems. The final major use, mining, is shown in existing locations with open -space buffers from areas of residential use. Notices have been posted throughout the area and a public notice published in the Arkansas Gazette. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the land use plan. February 9, 1988 PLANNING HEARING Item No. 2 - Continued PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: (February 9, 1988) Walter Malone of the Planning staff presented the plan for the Sweet Home District. Mr. Dickinson discussed the change east of Willbern Road and Shamberger Lane intersection to industrial use. Mr. Woodrow Keown asked that the District name be changed to include the name "College Station." A motion was made to make the land use change mentioned by Mr. Dickinson and a name change to the College Station/Sweet Home District Plan. The motion passed by a voice vote. Then a motion was made to approve the plan as amended. On a voice, the motion passed without dissent. February 9, 1988 PLANNING HEARING There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 3:00 P.M. 3-23-88 Date Secretary Chairman