21615 gy, - `.`F 2018052703 3Gff fi-r,M . , 111111 IIIIIIIII IIII IIII III IIII III l"✓d 1 0. P E ENE :0 - 018 03:27:10 PM RECORDED:08-22-2018 03:33:07 PM 1 " E+ � ` ` ORDINANCE 1�U �)� �)� i.FYK y' H In Official f ecords of Larry Crane Circuit/County Clerk Ls _♦ PULASKI CO,AR FEE$25.00 3 AN ORDINANCE TO ACCEPT THE KANIS ROAD DELTIC POTLA 4 ANNEXATION (A-332), TO ADD CERTAIN LANDS TO THE CITY 0 5 • LITTLE ROCK,ARKANSAS; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. AUG 2 2 2018 6 LARRY CRANE 7 WHEREAS, a petition for voluntary annexation (the "Petition") was filed wit1 CUJ1T QOUNTY CLERK 8 Pulaski County,Arkansas,by a majority of the owners hereinafter designated lands praying that said lands 9 be annexed to and made part of the City of Little Rock,Arkansas; and, 10 WHEREAS, the County Court of Pulaski County, Arkansas found that the Petition was signed by a 11 majority of the real property owners of the area (by area and number) to be annexed and the annexation 12 request met all requirements of Arkansas Code 14-40-601 through 14-40-603; and, 13 WHEREAS, the Pulaski County Judge has signed an Annexation Order for the site requesting 14 annexation(filed May 4,2018); and, 15 WHEREAS,an accurate map of said lands has been filed with and made a part of said Petition; and, 16 WHEREAS,proper notice has been given for the time and in the manner prescribed by law; and, 17 WHEREAS,all things pertaining thereto have been done in the manner prescribed by law and that said 18 lands should be annexed to and made part of the City of Little Rock. 19 NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY 20 OF LITTLE ROCK,ARKANSAS: 21 Section 1. The following described territory contiguous and adjoining the City of Little Rock, 22 Arkansas is accepted as annexed to and made a part of the City of Little Rock, Pulaski County, Arkansas, 23 to wit: 24 KANIS ROAD DELTIC POTLATCH ANNEXATION(A-332) 25 A portion of Section 34 in T-2-N, R-14-W, Pulaski County, Arkansas being more 26 particularly described: As beginning at the northwest corner of the E 1/2 SW 1/4 of 27 said Section 34; thence easterly along the north Line of the said E 1/2 SW 1/4 of 28 Section 34,and along the present City Limits line,to the northeast corner of the Said 29 E 1/2 SW 1/4 of Section 34; thence southerly along the east line of the said E 1/2 SW 30 1/4 of Section 34, and the present City Limits line, to the northwest corner of the S 31 1/2 NW 1/4 SE 1/4 of said Section 34; thence easterly along the north Line 32 of the said S 1/2 NW 1/4 SE 1/4, and along the present City Limits line,to 33 the northeast corner of the said S 1/2 NW 1/4 SE 1/4 of Section 34; thence southerly 34 along the east line of the said S 1/2 NW 1/4 SE 1/4, and along the present City Limits [Page 1 of 3] 1 line,to the northwest corner of the SE 1/4 SE 1/4 of said Section 34; thence easterly 2 along the north line of the said SE 1/4 SE 1/4 of Section 34,and along the present City 3 Limits line,to a point 200 feet west of the northeast corner of the said SE 1/4 SE 1/4 4 of Section 34; thence southerly along a line 200 feet west of and parallel to the east 5 line of the said SE 1/4 SE 1/4 of Section 34 to a point on the south line of said Section 6 34; thence westerly along said south line of Section 34 to a point on the northerly 7 right-of-way line of Kanis Road; thence westerly along said northerly right-of-way 8 line of Kanis Road to point where the said northerly right-of-way line of Kanis Road 9 intersects the west line of the E 1/2 SW 1/4 of said Section 34; thence northerly along 10 the west line of the said E 1/2 SW 1/4 of Section 34 to the point of beginning. 11 AND 12 The SW 1/4 NW 1/4 of Section 34 IN T-2-N,R-14-W,Pulaski County,Arkansas.And 13 all that portion of Section 3, T-1-N, R-14-W, Pulaski County, Arkansas, lying 14 north of the northerly right-of-way line of Kanis Road less & except the east 15 370.23 feet thereof. All Containing 180 Acres, more or less, and all adjoining, 16 abutting and traversing road and rights-of-way. 17 Section 2. The City of Little Rock shall provide Police and Fire protection; assume maintenance 18 responsibility for the portion of Kanis Road fronting said property;make available Code and other services 19 of the City; and upon approval by the respective utility allow the property owners within the annexation to 20 extend service lines to the Little Rock Water Reclamation System and Central Arkansas Water System from 21 the effective date of the annexation. 22 Section 3. Severability. In the event any title, section, paragraph, item, sentence, clause, phrase, or 23 word of this ordinance is declared or adjudged to be invalid or unconstitutional, such declaration or 24 adjudication shall not affect the remaining portions of the ordinance which shall remain in full force and 25 effect as if the portion so declared or adjudged invalid or unconstitutional was not originally a part of the 26 ordinance. 27 Section 4. Repealer. All laws, ordinances or resolutions,or parts of the same,that are in inconsistent 28 with the provisions of this ordinance, are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency. 29 PASSED: August 21,2018 30 T i APPROVED: 31 / / 32 ♦ms`s• -,. L/� _ i 33 Su � '► ley,City Clerk Mark Stodola, �yor 34 [Page 2 of 3] 1 APPRO D AS TO LEGAL FORM: 2 3 R al • -r. 4 Thomas M. Carpenter,City Att ey 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // 9 // 10 // 11 // 12 // 13 // 14 // 15 // 16 // 17 // 18 // 19 // 20 // 21 // 22 // 23 // 24 // 25 // 26 // 27 // 28 // 29 // 30 // 31 // 32 // 33 // 34 // [Page 3 of 3] ch` J�o\7-4 , —1w . NAL-VALLEY-DR �.—. 0 Qa op CUP �� C f p•2 1C .� pFR •—, o 1 � ��! cuP / ����u Q© � �/ 4 4!/ c Q FISH ® II441¢ �s I City Limits, © � '&�SV1\3,‹pe o IMEADQW s a �..�..� .�..—..�.. / � � )Ug4la�lOC'© e,�V1EWiDR qta-----( A.... -Li / r\ ' N Z--- (''CkN'n L9czav ,,,, v.,,, 4 Fit, gyN�q€� •� ` POD J .c.11/7/1')- 7- sd by r j / /f /lP LtF� ).:P r I elq Y / J I i in�O PD-R. 0p.. J.° EG. p,p'm vD 9F4'<G C7 \ 1 ssp3� av ' po !yd/ ©2 \, �� U /-- f Q° T©X00 op ao‹ta 0 ) ' - jv / \ /R2 �� // City Limits PD-R/ �PD`i / X/ 51i__( �\ \ }1 r l CUPR2 7--i, &RD- 7":"\___ —1----f— AF 42 ////////// 7.-: 1 THIS SITE o 0 R2 6SF4 61?,(2-----_,_ \s..,,., j --/ /41 10 C11:710; \ �C-I VRF-N czi 4 133 .IL o I ,zD MI J \ \ cn r v\ PD-0 4 4 °o• / / w° Area Zoning City of Little Rock Planning & Development 0t `, Y L-) la - Case: A-332 \, JLocation: North Side of Kanis Road. West of I�' � � . a Iron Horse Road Inli 414kAN _ �� �s Ward:N/A N -44kikx,. htq i,_, 'Itira �aw .� �a� 1. PD: 2wei 1 aer tel`. y;�, A CT: 42.02 nV. "... V 0 500 1,000 ' a ' r1,- . TRS: T2N R14W 34 ismoommi Vicinity Map 7 f Rev: 5/22/2018 Feet DENNY ROAD 1 1 28 ,j 27___ ,_� _ 27 26 33 34 34 35 Z IL.: J I i i 1 >.... q 1 49 SWI/4 N1Y1/4 I �O 'I PROPERTY TO BE ANNEXED 10 ME 14. OF UTILEROCK,ARKANSAS ' A PORTION OF SECTION 34 IN DESCRIBED S R-14-W.001ATU THE ARKAWEST CO BEING YORE PARTICULARLY D SECTO AS THEA NG AT ERL NONG'ECORNER - - - - OF ME E1/2 SW1/4 2 SAID 011 SE 34,T34ME *4.01 EASTERLY ALONG THE NORTH009 - _ - _ UNE Of THE SATO EI/2 SAA/+OF SER OF 34,AID N1)/2 THE A OF 5E TION MRS ENE.TO THE NORTHEAST HOAS OF 00 SVD E1/2 01/2 1 SECTION 3Y,409 3E SOUAND THE PRESENT IES N THE EOMI LRE 0,THE SAID E1/231 CO E F SECTION 234,I AND ME PRFSF S CRIT CYAN 31 0 THE NORTHWESTCORNERTHE O THE 51/2 NAI/+SEI/4 OF SVD SECTION 34,THENCE E4HIIXlY ALONG ME NORTH LINE OF THE SVD 51/2 NWI/+Y1/4,AND HONG ME PRESENT COY WAITS HOE,TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SVD S1/2 NWI/4 SEI/4 OF ,f' SECTION 34;THENCE SOUTHERLY MONO THE EAST NNE OF THE SAID S1/2 14 S1/2 �y NEI/4 swl/4 PRESENT I SET/4,ANO ALONG THE PRESENT OTT UNITS LINE,TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER fsl Of ME 5E1/4 5E1/4 OF SVD SECTION 341 THENCE EASTERLY HONG THE NORTH UNE Of THE 5A0 501/4 5E1/4 Of SECTION 34,AND HONG THE PRESENT CIFI UNITS LINE,TO A POINT 200 FEET WEST OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SAID '1)0 NW1/4 0E1/4 Y 5E1/4 SE1/4 OF SECTION 34;THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG A UNE 200 FEET WEST '9.6 I y OF ANO PARALLEL TO ME EAST UNE OF THE SVD SE1/4 SEI/4 OF SECTION 34 70 A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SVD SECTION 34;THENCE WESTERLY HONG - SMD SOUTH LINE OF SECTION 34 70 A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY ROT-O-WAY UNE OF OM4C ROAD,THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SMD N0R110014 MOOT-OF-WAY LIMITS LINE UNE Of NANO ROAD TO A POND WHERE ME SND NORTHERLY REM-OF-WAY UNE -- OF RAMS ROAD NTERSECIS THE WEST URE OF THE 01/2 5101/4 Of SVO SECTION - ^ 34;THENCE NORTHERLY ALM 71E WEST LAE OF THE SAID EI/2 SW1/4 Of SECTION 34 TO THE POINT O REONNNO AND AR THHE /4 081/4 Of SECTION 34 IN 1-2-N.R-14-10.PULASKI COUNTY. OpOVZ'4� 0111/4 4E1/4 HANSLAND ALL THAT PORION OF SCCTON 7,1-1-N,0-I4-W,PUV50 DOWDY. 1SE1/4 SW1/4 1-' 0E1/4 SEI,4 ARKANSAS.LYING wan OF THE NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE OF NAM ROAD1 LESS&EXCEPT THE EAST 370.23 FEET THEREOF. tl. ILL[WARM 110 ACRES.MORE OR LESS. I fs 1 s 33 34 'e 34 CI (111) 1 1 x INSEiii Scale 1" = 300 ft 0100/4 NE1/4 I NE1/4 NEO a C. Pur OF 44..41 1 O PROPOSED ANNEXATION 444...s WI 12,zole L - - - _L_ A1, ONENAL VALLEY AREA m Jon.28,2016 _� 2 LOCATED IN SECTION 04 �— 7-8-N.8-14-A "' r- I r.t AND rjWffif&DATERS&ASSOLLATF4INC 14-44.-VSECTION S.7-1-N.14-44.-Vm, • V A a 04 v19 044040c A •�MEnHO 24 WILcoca IOU 00 ss 12224 t" Pulaski County,AFkonsos nay. 17-4791 Pt soo-o lie... .µ mF.I-17 ,.501-821-1088 - -, Cr4 • L