HDC_12 07 1979MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: M I N U T E S HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION DECEMBER 7, 1979 4:00 P.M. MR. JOHN JARRARD, CHAIRMAN MR. ROBERT CONNER MS. BETH FOTI MR. SAM STRAUSS, JR. MR. GEORGE WORTHEN MR. MIKE DOOLEY OTHER PARTICIPANTS: MR. BUDDY VILLINES This emergency meeting was called by the Chairman of the Historic District Commission in order to discuss the alternatives for proceeding with the proposed Historic District Ordinance. The two (2) approaches identified at the last Public Meeting included either changing the State Enabling Legislation to make it less restrictive or redrafting the proposed Ordinance to conform with the State Act while at the same time formulate guidelines to lessen the possible impact of having to review an unmanageable number of applications. Mr. Buddy Villines, the City's Director of Governmental and Legis- lative Affairs, explained that the upcoming special session of the Legislature would deal principally with a prepared list of issues. He indicated there was a possibility that some extraneous items could be reviewed, although they would need to be absolutely noncontroversial and should be presented with full support of at least the local entity. He advised that we proceed with a legis- lative package for a future submittal involving other local govern- ments as well as special interest groups sensitive to our cause. The Historic District Commission voted to move forward by recon- structing the Ordinance draft to conform with the State Act, and directed the Staff to prepare a copy for review at its next regu- larly scheduled meeting. The Commission also voted to contact the Arkansas Preservation Program to solicit their assistance in receiving a State Attorney General's opinion on the legality of the existing Ordinance draft. The next meeting of the Historic District Commission will be held on Tuesday, January 8, 1980, in the Second Floor Conference Room of City Hall.