HDC_09 04 2003MINUTES
Carolyn Newbern
Marshall Peters
Wyatt Weems
Terrence Bolden
Wesley Walls
Andre' Bernard
Tony Bozynski
Debra Weldon
The meeting was called to order and a quorum was present being three (3) in number. No
Minutes were acted on.
ITEM NO. 1: 1020 Rock Street
Item No. 1 was deferred from the August meeting because the applicant or a
representative was not present. The September hearing was conducted by way of a
conference call with Jay Core, the applicant, because he was in Dallas and he was unable
to attend the meeting.
For the record, Jay Core was informed that three members of the Commission, a quorum,
were present and all three would have to vote in the affirmative for a motion to pass. Mr.
Core understood and requested that the item be heard.
Jay Core spoke and responded to why the work started without the required Certificate of
Appropriateness. Mr. Core said the work needed to start to protect the building and it
was appropriate. Mr. Core indicated that the property would be used for residential
purposes, a loft, and remain one story. Mr. Core then made some comments about the
garage door on the 11th Street side and the need to address the door by replacing it in the
near future.
At this point, there was a long discussion and a number of questions from the
Commission. Commissioner Newbern indicated that she was concerned that work was
started without a Certificate of Appropriateness and a building permit. Comments were
made about the scope of the work and other aspects of the project.
Jay Core responded to a number of the comments.
A motion was made to approve a Certificate of Appropriateness for 1020 Rock Street
with the following conditions:
•the description of work be followed;
•project must meet all city codes and zoning regulations; and
•should the project scope change in any fashion in terms of material, massing,
scale, profile and size, staff will be notified and appropriate actions taken.
The motion was approved by a vote of 3 ayes, 0 nays and 2 absent.
ITEM NO. 2: Korean War Memorial in MacArthur Park (discussion item)
Bob Callans and Naomi Rogers were present o brief the Commission on the proposed
project in MacArthur Park. (Item No. 2 was not a public hearing item and no vote was
Bob Callans provided some history and background on the proposal for the memorial.
Mr. Callans then described potential sites in MacArthur Park and discussed the water
feature located on the E. 9th Street side. Mr. Callans presented a concept plan and
described some of the preliminary ideas for the memorial. Mr. Callans also showed an
aerial photo of the park.
Naomi Rogers addressed the Commission and described some of her ideas for the
memorial. Ms. Rogers also provided some background on the project. Ms. Rogers made
a number of comments about MacArthur Park and the memorial would be a park
enhancement. Ms. Rogers discussed an event planned for November of this year and the
efforts to make the memorial a reality.
The Commissioners present provided positive feedback and indicated the memorial
would be an asset for the park.
Bob Callans and Naomi Rogers made additional comments before concluding their
Staff reminded the Commission that no action was necessary on a discussion item, but a
Certificate of Appropriateness will be required and a public hearing will he held.
Boyd Maher updated the Commission on the Eureka Springs conference.
Staff reported on 506 Ferry Street and the owner's proposal to place a brick wall adjacent
to the sidewalk. Staff was directed to contact the owner and inform him that a Certificate
of Appropriateness will be required for the project.
Comments were made about the guidelines and staff was requested to mail the timeline to
the Commission before the next meeting.
Commissioners requested the following:
•inventory of properties;
•to create a file on each address within the district; and
•a list of contributing structures.
Staff responded and said that inventory and list were available.
The Commission then discussed the draft letter to the Mayor. Additional changes were
made and the final draft will be distributed prior to the next meeting.
There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at
approximately 7:00 p.m.
Approved: -----------------