HDC_10 04 2001City of Little Rock
4 OCTOBER 2001
of the
Commissioners Present:
John Greer Howard H. Gordon Carolyn Newbern
Jean Ann Phillips Wyatt Weems
Staff Present: V. Anne Guthrie Debra Weldon
The meeting of the Little Rock Historic District Commission (LRHDC) was called to order; all
commissioners were present and there was a quorum. Minutes from previous meetings (7 June, 5
July, 2 August and 6 September) were approved individually and as presented.
The first Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) was:
Applicant: John Hofheimer
Address: 407 East 9th Street
Request: Stabilize and rehabilitate structure; repair and replace
windows; construct deck on rear of building
The applicant presented the application request and detailed the proposed changes through
digitized photographs, attachments and product descriptions. The exterior effects of stabilizing
the structure is a metal plate, which serves as a fastener to prevent separation of the brick walls.
Photos were distributed of his proposed change to the wall surface, which is a decorative design
of a iron star that serves as the fastener (it is similar to those on the Capitol Hotel). Additional
changes to the structure's exterior are: repaint bricks; install new flat roof (asphalt); and
rehabilitate front elevation doors and windows. For the latter, it is proposed to remove the
existing plywood, retain existing openings of windows and doors and to utilize original doors in
their original location. On the structure's second level, it is requested to replace rotten windows
with appropriate window sashes ( one-over-one, double hung) with insulated glass. On the rear
facade, it is proposed to retain window rhythm and construct two new ones on the southwest
comer of the structure, construct a new deck, with a new stairway that meets code.
The applican t should: submit sample of window with specification details; follow guidelines for
awnings, but submit information to staff prior to installation; also, construct a trellis on deck's
western side for additional shade.
Little Rock Historic District Commission
4 October 2001 Minutes, Page 2
Newbern made a motion to approve the application for 407 E. 9th Street as presented and
with staff recommendations, on condition that information, as discussed, is submitted for
the files. The vote was unanimous to approve the application. (Note: Gordon left the meeting)
The last Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) was:
Applicant: Becky Pekar
Address: 1010 Rock Street
Request: Construct fences and replace windows
The applicant presented the application request, which is to construct two new wooden picket
fences along the front and adjoining side yards. The proposed design was illustrated with a
measured drawing, which was in the LRHDC packets. One proposed fence is along the sidewalk,
extending from the eastern boundary of 1010 and going north, connecting to the iron fence at
1000 Rock; there is one gate at the sidewalk of 1010 but no gate for the side yard. Another
wooden picket fence is in the north (side) yard, about 45' west of the sidewalk, extending north
and south and connecting to the two houses; a gate is proposed for the middle and another next to
the house. It is planned to construct an arbor in the middle of the side yard. The front fence
height will be 3' and the back fence will be ca. 4.6'
Greer commented that it was not common to have unfinished wood for a fence of this time
period (ca. 1912); if it is painted, a natural color or a color of the house trim would be
appropriate, even stained would be appropriate. A motion was made by Weems to approve the
construction of the wooden fences as proposed and with recommended changes; it was
unanimously approved. Also, the request to replace two windows on the rear addition with
operable sashes and to install a screened door was discussed. Phillips made a motion to
approve the proposed revisions; it was approved unanimously.
Under new business, staff distributed information about the annual meeting in Hot Springs of the
Historic Preservation Alliance of Arkansas. The CLG grant for the review of the design
guidelines for MacArthur Park Historic District was awarded to the city ($4,000 from the state
preservation office and $1,000 from the city). The RFQ will be published within a month. There
was discussion about the need for a definition of "temporary" in terms of construction issues,
such as handicapped ramp, fence, etc. Also, there needs to be an update from the attorney's office
about the noncompliance of 1000 Rock with the design guidelines and city ordinance. As there
are no applications for the next meeting, it was decided to have a CLG training workshop. As
there was no other business, the LRHDC adjourned at 6:00 p.m.