HDC_09 06 2001City of Little Rock
of the
Commissioners Present: John Greer Howard H. Gordon
Carolyn Newbern Wyatt Weems
(At the 2 September BOD meeting, Carolyn Newbern was appointed as QQA
representative to the LRHDC, replacing Mark Zoeller whose term had expired)
Commissioners Absent: Jean Ann Phillips
Staff Present: V. Anne Guthrie Debra Weldon
The meeting of the Little Rock Historic District Commission (LRHDC) was called to order;
there was a quorum but no minutes were submitted for approval. It was noted that Mark Zoeller's
term had expired, and the QQA representative, as approved by the Board of Directors, is Carolyn
Newbern (this was her first meeting). Staff stated that as a CLG requirement, there will be a
commission orientation scheduled in the next few months that will last a few hours; it may be
scheduled at a regular meeting if there are no applications or another time; staff will notify the
LRHDC of a possible time.
The sole Certificate of Appropriateness (COA), which was deferred, was:
Applicant: Lisa Cornwell
Address: 900 Rock Street
Request: Installation of new windows & new garage door;
construction of privacy fence in rear yard
The applicant summarized the material that was requested and distributed prior to the meeting;
also she handed out new window information. There was discussion about window replacement,
and she detailed the specifications. The window casings are to be repaired and NOT replaced. A
window sample provided added information about its composition (aluminum clad, single sashed
with screen on the lower half). She reviewed the window placement schedule for each elevation.
Greer raised the issue of the screen treatment of the proposed Pella (brand name) windows,
which specifically do not have the same visual effects as the older screens --it's a half screen on
Little Rock Historic District Commission
6 September 2001 Minutes, Page 2
the bottom sash as opposed to the full length screen of older windows. The single sashed screen
changes the profile of the windows. Greer suggested the possibility of deleting the half screen
and retaining the full length screened appearance. After discussion, it was decided to delete the
screens rather than have a half screened appearance. Gordon made a motion to approve the
window replacement as discussed and with staff recommendations and conditions; it was
approved unanimously.
The additional items of the applicant's request is the replacement of the steel garage doors; a
brochure was reviewed. The details for the privacy fence in rear yard (site plan and additional
information) were reviewed and discussed. The fence will duplicate the neighbor's fence in
design; the fence parallels 9th Street for 50' with a gate on the east, where it connects with the
house, and along the alley on the west with a gate by the garage. It was stated that all concerns
from the previous meeting were met. Weems made a motion that the request to replace the
garage doors and to install a new rear yard privacy fence be approved as presented, with
staff recommendations and conditions. There was a second; the vote was unanimous.
Under new and old business, Cary Tyson, CLG coordinator asked about the funding for the
review of the historic district's design guidelines and anticipated deadlines, etc. Staff stated that a
RFQ will be issued for the design guidelines review, as well as a RFQ for the rehabilitation of
the Mosaic Templars structure. As there was no other business, the LRHDC meeting adjourned.